這就是我去住AYANA Komodo後,非常推薦的快艇Lako Cama, AYANA包進去推出2N Package喔

Roller coaster in Bali’s first indoor theme park Trans Studio opens on 12/Dec/2019

Night at The Zoo with traditional performance from 17:00-21:00

Day Pass For Fun at The Finns

World Elephant Day at Bali Zoo ?

Animal release! Gibbon into The Wild at Bali Zoo

Go Fit Go Hiit at Westin Nusa Dua

這是一間國際潛水公司based on在AYANA Komodo飯店裡面負責住客Diving的單位, 其實因為離開Bali遠了,我個人都是寧願多花點錢,找可靠,可負責的單位安排活動,以保一切順利平安

最新Blue Sea Jet Bali往返Gili Trawangan-Lombok間的快艇 29/Apr/2019啟航; 有促銷喔~~