<< Voyage Mischief – Luxury Boat Cruise Indonesia >>
Details — 30m / 3 cabins / 6 + 2 guests / 8 crew
Mischief是由著名的Sulawesi船東Pak Haji Wahab定制的豪華遊輪,以傳統的線條為基礎,以phinisi風格為基礎,以迎接香料貿易的時代。融合熱帶材料和休閒海灘小屋風格,Mischief既寬敞又優雅, 雙人和雙床艙的組合使她成為希望以最大的舒適度在印尼群島航行的家庭或朋友的理想之選,如夢幻般的廚房(與兩位廚師共同烹飪的理想之選),採用環保材料的承諾以及舒適的船員區使Mischief在印尼成為家庭聚會或情侶驚豔的絕佳選擇。
Onboard Experience –
Mischief設有三個寬敞的帶空調的套房,所有套房均位於甲板上方,並設有大窗戶,充分利用了印尼的壯麗景觀。 主艙位於上層甲板,帶有面向船尾的私人露台,而主甲板上則有一個雙人艙和一個雙人艙。所有艙室均擁有充足的自然光線,舖有天然柚木地板,並具有中性的乳白色色調,並在紡織品中帶有淡淡的紅色。每個連接浴室均配有強力淋浴以及雙人的洗手盆。 寬敞,通風的休息室和酒吧區完整了內部空間,營造出休閒時尚的氛圍,並配有白木鑲板,麻地毯和柔軟的家具。在環繞式甲板的外面,有足夠的空間在戶外放鬆,在上層和主層甲板上放置朝前的長椅,享有獨特的視野和充足的私密性。通過在船上安裝生物處理廠來盡力確保將Mischief的環境影響降至最低。 船尾甲板上設有一個大型用餐區,印尼廚師將當地美食和西餐結合在一起。 Mischief的菜單由英國出生的廚師Stephen Moore策劃,他已經在世界上一些最好的高級餐廳,飯店和度假村工作20多年,其中包括在巴塞羅那的米其林星級餐廳El Raco De Can Fabes和峇里島的Ku De Ta。 再與印尼副廚師搭配,Mischief帶來絕妙的美食體驗,將當代美食與亞洲風味相融合。What We Love –
Mischief的內飾經過了深思熟慮-甚至思考床要放在哪個理想高度才可欣賞到壯觀的景色,遊輪的感覺非常像一家飄浮的精品旅店。 遊輪總監赫里(Herry)在參觀超級遊輪方面有著豐富的經驗,而他的印尼傳統也使他處於談判最佳錨地的理想位置,並將客人帶到他最喜歡的秘密地點。Facilities
4G wifi (when available)
2 canoes
2 paddleboards
Sailing Trimaran
Snorkelling & diving equipment
Spec Table
Cabins | 3 |
Guest number | 6 |
Crew number | 7 |
Length | 30.00 m (98 ft) |
Beam | 7.80 m (26 ft) |
Draft | 3.30 m (11 ft) |
Tonnage | 701 |
Hull material | Steel |
Engines | Yanmar |
Cruising speed | 7 knots |
Max speed | 9 knots |
Naval architect | Baglietto |
Interior designer | Francesco Paszkowski |
- Crew, including cruise director, chef and dive guide
- Meals & snacks
- Water, soft drinks, juices, tea & coffee
- Diving (for certified divers) and diving equipment
- Use of water sports equipment
- All excursions
- Harbour and national park fees
- Local airport transfers
- Fuel
- Alcohol
- Diving certification courses
- Personal travel & diving insurance (mandatory)
- Crew gratuity at your discretion
按右鍵可download Mischief資料 Mischief_Brochure_2020
包船旅遊將是當今世界健康不安之下最安全的旅遊方式,每天船費依船型自US3000-US25000之間,將因為季節(天氣)因素 & 出發點 & 天數,特別為您安排船程,並提供最新精準促銷報價(小費習慣–全程船費的10%在下船前給船長,全部船員均分)。
Komodo : night rate from US8,500 + 10% Tax
Raja Ampat : night rate from US8,500 + 10% Tax
欲了解其他遊輪價位,可點閱下面連結 –
– Komodo / Raja Ampat 7-Night Itinerary promotion
a 10% discount on all bookings confirmed for 2021 for Indonesian citizens and residents. Both of these yachts are currently based in Komodo and aiming at relocating to Raja Ampat around October. As you know, Indonesia is a year-round cruising destination, and seasonally the yachts are based around two main areas at opposing ends of the country, Komodo and Raja Ampat. Other cruising regions include the Alor archipelago, the Spice Islands and the Forgotten Islands, as well as many more, which can be discussed on request. Each itinerary is tailored according to your guests’ interests, charter duration and requirements by the cruise director once they’re onboard, but we can also plan a bespoke route in advance. Published rates: USD8,500 +10% tax per night in Komodo / Raja Ampat. 2021 offer: USD7,650 +10% tax per night in Komodo / Raja Ampat. Yacht Rate Inclusions – Crew, including captain, dive guide and boat manager All meals and snacks Soft drinks, water, tea and coffee Diving for certified divers Use of water sports equipment Transfers to and from local airports Fuel Yacht Rate Exclusions – Alcohol Diving courses Personal travel & diving insurance (mandatory) Gratuity 有興趣者 可洽Casa Chen 0932-043913, mail to Casachen@neverneverlandinbali.comKomodo 7-Night Ultimate Yacht Itinerary Promotion til 31/Dec/2021
Raja Ampat 7-Night Ultimate Yacht Itinerary promotion til 31/Dec/2021