<< Yoga - Desa Seni Canggu 07:00-19:00 >>

Desa Seni一個鄉村度假村,提供有機食品,各種瑜伽課程,在經過翻新和修復的原始古董木製房屋中提供獨特的住宿,並提供所有現代舒適設施!

<< Yoga – Desa Seni Canggu 07:00-19:00 >>


Desa Seni不僅是一個美麗的熱帶景點,而且到處都是汗水,而且還被描述為一個藝術村,展示了整個印度尼西亞的文化,宗教和儀式 – 包括獲得國際瑜伽聯盟認可的傳統瑜伽課。 Desa Seni每天提供課程,個人瑜伽靜修會,健康套餐,整體水療中心,有機餐廳和藝術禮品店(以及可完全浸入健康的華麗住宿),是瑜伽愛好人士的真正避風港。 敬業而熱情的老師帶領著各種班級,從開放級的Hatha和恢復性的Yin,到具有挑戰性的Vinyasa Bhakti Flow和Ashtanga,以及誘人的Kundalini,Tantra,Fly High和冥想。 所有這些都在一個露天的峇里島涼亭中進行,涼亭周圍環繞著充滿異國情調的熱帶花園。

Desa Seni一個鄉村度假村,提供有機食品,各種瑜伽課程,在經過翻新和修復的原始古董木製房屋中提供獨特的住宿,並提供所有現代舒適設施!


The Jewels of the Crown:

新鮮的自產有機非常美味的素食,非常美味,還有Trimurti Yoga Studio。


Desa Seni向所有人開放。 無論您是度假勝地的住客還是一日遊的遊客,Desa Seni生態村都歡迎每個人在游泳池放鬆一下,享受按摩,享用午餐或晚餐或練習瑜伽。


Desa Seni的每日瑜伽計劃迎合各個層次,並提供各種瑜伽風格,並向社區開放,並由合格,敬業和熱情的教師團隊領導。 提供所有道具和美味的免費檸檬草茶。

Hatha Yoga

The word Hatha is a combination of the Sanskrit words for “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha). Traditional Hatha Yoga is a holistic yogic path, including moral disciplines, physical postures (asanas), purification procedures (shatkriyas), poses (mudras), yogic breathing (pranayama), and meditation. Hatha Yoga is a broad category of all the physical yoga, which includes all of the following systems and styles. Dynamic Hatha Yoga means a vigorously active physical yoga.

Hatha一詞是梵語中“太陽”(ha)和“月亮”(tha)的組合。 傳統的哈他瑜伽是一條完整的瑜伽路徑,包括道德紀律,身體姿勢(asanas),淨化程序(shatkriyas),姿勢(手印),瑜伽呼吸(呼吸)和冥想。 哈他瑜伽是所有物理瑜伽的廣泛類別,其中包括以下所有系統和样式。 動態Hatha瑜伽是一種積極主動的身體瑜伽。

Sunset Flow

Finish your day beautifully with a full spectrum, Ashtanga-inspired yoga class, and ride the wave of the breath to an aligned body and clearer mind


Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Also known as “Power Yoga” or “Flow Yoga”, Vinyasa Flow is a westernized and more free-form Hatha style combining the breath / movement synchronization of Ashtanga Vinyasa with additional techniques and approaches, based on the creative direction of the instructor. Classes will typically involve a flowing movement through a series of poses, building heat, suppleness, and stamina, and paced either moderately or vigorously depending on the level.

Vinyasa Flow(也稱為“力量瑜伽”或“ Flow瑜伽”)是一種西方化且更自由的Hatha風格,結合了Ashtanga Vinyasa的呼吸/動作同步以及其他技術和方法,基於講師的創造性指導。 上課通常涉及一系列姿勢,建築熱量,柔軟性和耐力的流動運動,並根據水平適度或劇烈地進行步調。

Yin Restorative

Yin Restorative focuses on stretching and strengthening the connective tissue of the joints through passive stretches, performed gently and safely. This provides greater flexibility and a sense of ease and lightness in the body.

Yin Restorative專注於通過被動拉伸來拉伸和增強關節的結締組織,並且溫和而安全地進行。 這提供了更大的靈活性以及身體的舒適感和輕盈感。


Ashtanga Creative Flow

Using a base of the Ashtanga sequences to work harmoniously in the whole body, this class combines different asanas allowing for a creative, dynamic, challenging, yet playful flow.



Mindful Vinyasa

Vinyasa means to bind together,  creating a flow by combining a sequence of asanas to the rhythm of our breath. Mindful Vinyasa incorporates the mental and emotional body with the physical in this creative state of flow. Take your practice one step further as you increase  a deeper awareness of yourself. A  vinyasa practice with a specific mental and emotional intention.  Combine your three bodies (physical, mental and emotional) and watch yourself unfold!

Vinyasa意味著捆綁在一起,通過將一系列體式與呼吸節奏結合起來來創造氣流。 Mindful Vinyasa在這種創造性的流動狀態下將精神和情感身體與身體融為一體。 隨著您對自己的更深了解,將練習進一步向前邁進。 具有特定心理和情感意圖的vinyasa練習。 結合您的三個身體(身體,心理和情感),觀察自己的狀態!


Master Class

In this class of  two hours, we will go deeper than possible in a regular class. Exploring aspects of posture, philosophy, the higher limbs of yoga. This class offers an opportunity to greatly enrich both one’s practice and life.

在這兩個小時的課程中,我們將比常規課程更深入。 探索姿勢,哲學和瑜伽上肢的各個方面。 這堂課提供了極大地豐富自己的實踐和生活的機會。


Yin Yang

In this class we explore the balance between effort and relaxation, movement and stillness. Part of the class will be in the yang style, with movement, more energy, and possibly some dynamic poses. The other part will be in the yin yoga style of holding poses in stillness for longer periods, usually between 3-7 minutes. In the yin portion you will be invited to relax completely and enjoy the opening in your body. By the end of the class, you’ll feel like you got some exercise and had a chance to rest deeply, so you’ll leave feeling balanced, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

在本課程中,我們將探索努力與放鬆,運動與靜止之間的平衡。 班上的一部分將採用Yang(陽)動作,動感,更多的精力以及一些動感的姿勢。 另一部分將採用Yin(陰)瑜伽的姿勢,保持姿勢較長時間,通常在3至7分鐘之間。 在Ying(陰)的課程,您將被要求完全放鬆並享受身體的開放。 在課程結束時,您會感到自己已經進行了一些運動,並且有機會深沉地休息,因此您會感到平衡,精神煥發和恢復活力。


Pranayama Practices

“When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Breathing is life. It is one of our most vital functions. One of the Five Principles of Yoga is Pranayama or Breathing Exercise that promotes proper breathing. From a Yogic point of view, proper breathing is to bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, and to control Prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama Yoga also goes hand in hand with the Asanas. The union of these two Yogic Principles is considered as the highest form of purification and self-discipline, covering both mind & body.

“當呼吸散漫時,頭腦不穩定,但是當呼吸平靜時,頭腦也平靜。” –哈達瑜伽Pradipika
呼吸就是生命。 這是我們最重要的功能之一。 瑜伽的五項原則之一是促進呼吸正常的呼吸運動或呼吸運動。 從瑜伽的角度來看,適當的呼吸是為血液和大腦帶來更多的氧氣,並控制Prana或重要的生命能量。 調息瑜伽也與Asanas息息相關。 這兩個瑜伽原理的結合被認為是淨化和自律的最高形式,涵蓋了身心。



Meditation is an intensely personal and spiritual experience. The desired purpose of each meditation technique is to channel normal waking consciousness into a more positive direction by totally transforming one’s state of mind. To meditate is to turn inwards, to concentrate on the inner self. Meditation transcends all divides like religion, country and culture. It is a gift given to mankind to access the infinite sprit not limited by any identity. Modern life style has high exposure to anger, hate, fear and other negative emotions. These human emotions have a high tendency to duplicate and spread. Meditation helps an individual overcome these emotions to facilitate a calm peaceful mind and a healthy and stress free body. Upon daily practice an individual will blossom into an unshakable personality. The bodily benefits of meditation are: lowering blood pressure, lowering the levels of blood lactate, improving the immune system, increasing body vitality, controlling insomnia and increases overall health of the body.



Balinese Dance for Children

The very essence of the Balinese culture is dance and drama, which is performed during temple festivals and in ceremonies. In these classes children learn this beautiful dance. The classes are taught in Bahasa Indonesia and free of charge for the community.

峇里島文化的精髓是舞蹈和戲劇,是在寺廟節日和儀式中表演的。 在這些課程中,孩子們學習這種美麗的舞蹈。 這些課程用印尼語中講授,對社區免費。


Sad Angga Yoga

These classes give the Balinese community the opportunity to share yoga with each other. Pak Made teaches these classes in Bahasa Indonesian. These classes are free of charge.

這些課程使峇里島社區有機會互相分享瑜伽。 Pak Made用印尼語(Bahasa)教授這些課程。 這些課程是免費的。



Add : Jl Subak Sari No.13, Pantai Berawa, Canggu,

營業時間 :

Tel : 0361-8446393



