Yoga – Yoga@Udara Bali Canggu 07:30-19:00 OK


<< Yoga@Udara Bali – Canggu 07:30-19:00 >>


Wellness and Retreat Center in Canggu Area

Udara Bali是一個綜合治療瑜伽度假村,提供健康和排毒生活方式,以減輕現代生活的壓力。Udara位於Canggu的Seseh海灘,距離衝浪熱點Echo Beach僅15分鐘步行路程,擁有五間美麗的瑜伽沙拉Shala(四間可觀海景,一間可俯瞰當地寺廟)。


About Yoga Class in Canggu at Udara Bali

Udara瑜伽社區匯集了一支經驗豐富的教師團隊,獲得本地和國際瑜伽聯盟的註冊和認可。 四個獨特的瑜伽Shala沙拉位於Canggu的Seseh迷人的海濱位置,每一個都可以欣賞到令人嘆為觀止的海景,成為遠離繁忙的Canggu生活、同時享受海風和壯麗峇里島日落景色的完美場所。無論練習的目的是探索強化、延長還是精神和身體對齊,瑜伽老師的經驗都將指導您的需求。加入瑜伽課程,探索一系列融入Vinyasa流瑜伽、Hatha哈達瑜伽、Yin陰修復和Aerial空中瑜伽等日常課程的瑜伽風格。

歡迎! 飯店住客可免費參加所有瑜伽課程!


Need Reservation for Private Yoga Class :

  • Smaller group (from 1 up to 6 students).
  • Larger group (from 1 up to 14 students).
  • (+) 100.000net for every additional 1 student over 14 students. The maximum is 20 students.

所有私人瑜伽課程平均為 75 分鐘 – 90 分鐘。
需要 50% 的不可退還押金來確保預訂,並且應在上課前一天支付。


Yoga Shalas

在 Udara Bali,我們擁有亞洲最獨特、最美麗的瑜伽Shala沙拉。 瑜伽是關於在自己內心尋找平靜和一個地方。修行的地方在這個過程中非常有利於支持進行瑜珈。 5 個美麗的shalas,每個都有自己獨特的功能、設計和能量。 5個瑜伽沙拉shalas的名字向峇里島印度教的重要神靈致敬,並向該島的當地文化致敬。 對於日常安排的各種練習,所有的瑜伽沙拉Shala都配備了高品質的瑜伽墊、枕墊、瑜伽墊、腰帶和空中絲綢。


Shiva Shala – 210 sqm

最大的Shala可以舒適地容納多達 75 位瑜伽士。 有美麗的海景,在冥想中很難閉上眼睛!
在Shiva Shala中練習各種瑜伽,從Hatha和Vinyasa到Kundalini的秘密到Gentle Flow。
柔軟的柚木地板非常適合跳舞和Kundalini Movement冥想等活動。

Baruna Shala – 150 sqm

對於非空中瑜伽課程,Shala可容納約 45 人。

Brahma Shala – 85 sqm

這個Shala大小中等,適合大約12-15名瑜伽士。 從這裡可以欣賞到傳統峇里島寺廟頂部的迷人景色。 一個俏皮的設計,結合了木頭和石頭的特點,為美麗的練習提供了一個美麗的地方。

Visnu Shala – 60 sqm

我們的Vishnu毘濕奴沙拉是在最頂層,是最私密的,最多可容納 8 位瑜伽士。
在這裡,主要練習冥想課程和我們美麗的燭光Yin陰瑜伽,這是結束一天的令人難以置信的平靜方式。 除此之外,這是一個美麗的地方,可以在舒適的床墊上享受舒適的按摩,或在小型圖書館閱讀書籍並欣賞壯麗的海景,以放鬆身心。


Yoga Descriptions


In Aerial Yoga the postures are practiced with the support of a hammock which allows you to experience a floating feeling of freedom and weightlessness. The weight of the body is either partially or fully supported by the fabric which takes pressure off the spine and joints. Aerial Yoga helps to increase your flexibility, develop strength and increase your breathing capacity. 在空中瑜伽中,在吊床的支撐下練習姿勢,讓您體驗一種漂浮的自由和失重感。 身體的重量部分或完全由織物支撐,從而減輕脊柱和關節的壓力。 空中瑜伽有助於增加您的柔韌性,增強力量並增加您的呼吸能力。


Hatha Yoga blends physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation into a well-rounded practice. You will stretch and strengthen your body and learn to focus your mind. The slower pace of the class gives space for exploring the proper alignment of each pose and for harmonizing the connection between body, breath and mind. 哈他瑜伽將身體姿勢、呼吸技巧和冥想融合到一個全面的練習中。 你將伸展和加強你的身體,並學會集中註意力。 課程節奏較慢,為探索每個姿勢的正確對齊以及協調身體、呼吸和思想之間的聯繫提供了空間。


This flow type of class is connecting poses in a progressive way with a fluid sequence, with a stronger focus on sun salutations, standing and balancing postures. The breath is acting as an anchor as you move from one pose to the next. Vinyasa Yoga helps to increase breath and body awareness while you develop strength and flexibility in a playful, dynamic way. 這種流動類型的課程以漸進的方式將姿勢與流暢的序列聯繫起來,更側重於拜日式、站立和平衡姿勢。 當你從一個姿勢移動到另一個姿勢時,呼吸就像一個錨。 流瑜伽有助於提高呼吸和身體意識,同時以有趣、動態的方式發展力量和柔韌性。


This class type is a bridge between the slower paced Hatha Yoga and the more dynamic Vinyasa or Ashtanga Yoga classes. This class includes gentle movements connected to the breath, various stretches as well as opportunities for stillness and reflection. 這種課程類型是節奏較慢的哈達瑜伽和更有活力的流瑜伽或阿斯湯加瑜伽課程之間的橋樑。 本課程包括與呼吸相關的輕柔動作、各種伸展運動以及靜止和反思的機會。


This class is inspired by the traditional sequence of postures developed by Pattabhi Jois from Mysore, linking the postures together in a flow. It is a stronger and dynamic form of Yoga which includes breathing techniques, alignment focus and bandhas (energy locks) into the practice. 這門課的靈感來自邁索爾的 Pattabhi Jois 開發的傳統姿勢序列,將姿勢連接在一起。 它是一種更強大和動態的瑜伽形式,包括呼吸技巧、對準焦點和束帶(能量鎖)到練習中。


Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of awareness. This powerful tool is designed to give you an experience of reconnecting to your soul and to the universal creative power. In Kundalini we harness the mind and body, consciously combining breath, sacred gestures (mudras), eye focus, energy locks (bandhas) and postures to balance the glandular and nervous system, expand lung capacity and clear mental patterns. 昆達里尼瑜伽被稱為意識瑜伽。 這個強大的工具旨在讓您體驗與靈魂和宇宙創造力重新連接的體驗。 在昆達里尼中,我們利用身心,有意識地結合呼吸、神聖手勢(手印)、眼睛聚焦、能量鎖(bandhas)和姿勢來平衡腺體和神經系統,擴大肺活量並清除精神模式。


You are going to learn to activate the three different energies within your body (fire – water – wind energy) by various breathing techniques and postures that help to maintain or regain physical health, rebalance your energies and increase your life energy (prana). 您將學習通過各種呼吸技巧和姿勢來激活體內三種不同的能量(火 – 水 – 風能),以幫助維持或恢復身體健康,重新平衡您的能量並增加您的生命能量(prana)。


Yoga is the interconnection between your body, mind and soul through breathing and poses. In this class, the focus on proper breathing will bring more awareness, internal calmness and increase your energy (prana) into higher levels of consciousness. Correct and aligned poses in the sequences bring more health benefits, self-control, balance and confidence. 瑜伽是通過呼吸和姿勢將您的身體、思想和靈魂聯繫起來。 在本課程中,專注於正確的呼吸將帶來更多的意識、內在的平靜,並將您的能量(prana)增加到更高的意識水平。 序列中正確和對齊的姿勢會帶來更多的健康益處、自我控制、平衡和自信。


This class includes both a dynamic sequence of Vinyasa Yoga as well as a calm practice of Yin Yoga. Vinyasa is characterized by smooth, seamless movements from one pose to another in coordination with the breath, which gives plenty of space for creativity and dynamic. All kinds of dynamic yoga styles with focus on movement and physical strength are classified into “Yang” Yoga practices. On the other hand, when we practice in a calm way of holding postures for several minutes in stillness with a meditative approach, we call it Yin Yoga. This class honors both aspects of Yang (active, strength, movement) and Yin (passive, relaxation, stillness) in order to balance our internal energies and gain the abundant benefits from Yoga practice for holistic health and well-being. 本課程包括一系列動態流瑜伽和陰瑜伽的平靜練習。 Vinyasa 的特點是從一個姿勢到另一個姿勢的流暢、無縫的運動與呼吸相協調,這為創造力和活力提供了充足的空間。 各種以運動和體力為重點的動態瑜伽體式都歸類為“陽”瑜伽練習。 另一方面,當我們以冥想的方式以一種平靜的方式練習保持靜止幾分鐘的姿勢時,我們稱之為陰瑜伽。 本課程尊重陽(主動、力量、運動)和陰(被動、放鬆、靜止)的兩個方面,以平衡我們的內在能量,並從瑜伽練習中獲得大量好處,以實現整體健康和福祉。


This class is a combination of breathing exercises (pranayama) and physical postures (asanas). The Healing Flow class is designed to build internal heat, increase life force (prana) and uplift spiritual energy with breathing techniques such as kapalabahti, controlled breath retentions and laughter yoga exercises. The pranayama is then integrated into the sequence of asanas. The practice becomes a healing practice, as it helps removing energy blockages and addresses body, breath and mind at the same time. 本課程結合了呼吸練習(pranayama)和身體姿勢(asanas)。 Healing Flow 課程旨在通過呼吸技巧(如 kapalabahti、控制呼吸滯留和歡笑瑜伽練習)來建立內部熱量、增加生命力 (prana) 和提升精神能量。 然後將調息整合到體式序列中。 該練習變成了一種治療練習,因為它有助於消除能量阻塞並同時解決身體、呼吸和心靈的問題。


In Yin Yoga the postures are held for several minutes in stillness with the support of props and bolsters, thus addressing the deeper layers of the connective tissues and the energetic pathways of the body. The long held deep stretches improve flexibility and stimulate the energy and functions of the organs. This meditative way of practicing allows you to go on a journey within and practice mindfulness. Yin Yoga is great complementary practice for an active lifestyle and other dynamic yoga practices. 在陰瑜伽中,姿勢在道具和墊子的支持下保持幾分鐘的靜止,從而解決結締組織的更深層和身體的能量通路。 長時間進行的深度拉伸可提高柔韌性並刺激器官的能量和功能。 這種冥想的練習方式可以讓您進行內在之旅並練習正念。 陰瑜伽是積極生活方式和其他動態瑜伽練習的絕佳補充練習。


In this group class you experience floating someone and being floated in the warm water pool. The sensation of floating on the water surface can help you to let go completely, release stress and nurture yourself on a deep level. You will be safely guided how to support the floating with gentle stretches, massage and being present. Both the receiving and giving is a meditative experience that will instantly bring you back into the present moment. 在這個小組課程中,您將體驗漂浮在溫水池中和漂浮在某人身上。 漂浮在水面上的感覺可以幫助你徹底放手,釋放壓力,更深層次地滋養自己。 您將被安全地指導如何通過輕柔的伸展、按摩和在場來支撐漂浮。 接受和給予都是一種冥想體驗,會立即將您帶回當下。


The Water Yoga class is taught in the 35° (95 °F) warm water pool. The weightlessness and flow that you experience practicing Yoga in water will allow you to find a new sense of softness and fluidity in your body. Poses that require a great amount of strength and balance on land will become easy and graceful when you practice them in the water. The stretches in warm water will also help you to open your tissues in a gentle way. 水上瑜伽課程在 35° (95 °F) 的溫水池中授課。 您在水中練習瑜伽所體驗到的失重感和流動感會讓您在身體中找到一種新的柔軟感和流動感。 當您在水中練習時,在陸地上需要大量力量和平衡的姿勢將變得輕鬆而優雅。 在溫水中伸展也將幫助您以溫和的方式打開您的組織。


Exercising in the pool allows us to use the natural resistance and buoyancy of water against your body with a fun workout sequence for the whole body. The exercises, some of them practiced with foam noodles, provide gentle cardiovascular training and tone the major muscle groups of your body. It is a great fitness workout and refreshing dip in the pool at the same time. 在泳池中鍛煉使我們能夠利用水的自然阻力和浮力對抗您的身體,為整個身體提供有趣的鍛煉序列。 這些練習,其中一些與泡沫麵條一起練習,可提供溫和的心血管訓練並鍛煉身體的主要肌肉群。 這是一個很好的健身鍛煉,同時在游泳池暢遊。


The Kundalini Meditation is a dynamic form of meditation accompanied with music created by the famous Indian spiritual master Osho. The four stages of this 60 minutes practice are shaking, dancing, stillness and relaxation. When we include physical movement into the meditation, it can help to release tension in the body and clear the mind.昆達里尼冥想是一種動態的冥想形式,伴隨著由著名的印度精神大師奧修創作的音樂。 這 60 分鐘練習的四個階段是搖晃、跳舞、靜止和放鬆。 當我們在冥想中加入身體運動時,它可以幫助釋放身體的緊張感並清理頭腦。


The early morning hours invite us to sit down in meditation and to welcome the new day with a clear mind. We practice being fully in the present moment, as we listen to the ocean waves in the background and feel the first sunrays on our skin. 清晨時間邀請我們坐下來冥想,並以清醒的頭腦迎接新的一天。 當我們聆聽背景中的海浪並感受我們皮膚上的第一縷陽光時,我們練習完全活在當下。


Ecstatic dancing is a collective practice has been cultivated throughout human history. Dancing to music is very grounding and uplifting, especially when you do it together with other people. Ecstatic dance events are differentiated by being a talk free space. The music that is offered by our live DJ ranges from electronic dance music to World Music with a wide variety of musical genres. You won’t be guided how to dance, but rather you are invited to feel how your body wants to move in its own unique way. 欣喜若狂的舞蹈是一種貫穿人類歷史的集體實踐。 隨著音樂跳舞是非常接地氣和令人振奮的,尤其是當你和其他人一起跳舞的時候。 欣喜若狂的舞蹈活動是一個自由談話的空間。 我們的現場 DJ 提供的音樂範圍從電子舞曲到具有各種音樂流派的世界音樂。 您不會被指導如何跳舞,而是會邀請您感受您的身體想要以自己獨特的方式運動。


Pilates is a form of exercise that emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and body awareness to support functional, graceful movement. The main target areas are the deep internal muscles of the abdomen and back, helping to create stability in the torso, improving our posture and allowing the body to move freely and efficiently. 普拉提是一種鍛煉形式,通過核心力量、靈活性和身體意識來強調身體的平衡發展,以支持功能性、優雅的運動。 主要目標區域是腹部和背部的深層內部肌肉,有助於穩定軀幹,改善我們的姿勢,讓身體自由有效地移動。


Acro Yoga combines yoga postures with acrobatic partner play. One partner is lying on the floor as the base and the other practices poses and transitions on top. The work with a partner helps to improve strength and balance as well as building trust. The AcroJam is an open class where you can come with your partner for practicing or make new friends while trying out some of the Acro Yoga basics. 雜技瑜伽將瑜伽姿勢與雜技夥伴遊戲相結合。 一個夥伴躺在地板上作為基地,其他練習在上面擺姿勢和過渡。 與合作夥伴一起工作有助於增強力量和平衡以及建立信任。 AcroJam 是一門公開課,您可以在嘗試一些 Acro Yoga 基礎知識的同時與您的伴侶一起練習或結交新朋友。


Acro Yoga is about human connection, trust, teamwork and having fun. It’s when two or more people come together achieve something together. Yoga poses will be performed together as partner exercises, usually with one person being the “base” and the other person the “flyer”. This is a guided class where you learn the basics of Acro Yoga with experienced teachers. You do not need to come with a partner to join this class. Acro Yoga will make you believe that humans can fly. Acro Yoga 是關於人與人之間的聯繫、信任、團隊合作和樂趣。 當兩個或更多人走到一起,共同取得成就時。 瑜伽姿勢將作為夥伴練習一起進行,通常一個人作為“基地”,另一個人作為“傳單”。 這是一個指導課程,您可以在其中與經驗豐富的老師一起學習 Acro Yoga 的基礎知識。 您無需與合作夥伴一起參加此課程。 特技瑜伽會讓你相信人類可以飛翔。


Simply lie down on the floor and close your eyes to receive the sounds in this healing journey. The sounds of Tibetan singing bowls and various other instruments such as chimes and bells help you to deeply relax and slow down your brain waves. Sound healing is based on the principle that everything is vibration and that sound can help us to realign with our innate harmonic state of being. The sounds will help release blockages on physical, emotional and energetic level, increase a sense of wellbeing and expand your consciousness. We might also place singing bowls on your body and use aroma oils during the sound healing session, so it becomes a multi-sensory experience for you. 只需躺在地板上,閉上眼睛,就能在這個療愈之旅中接收聲音。 藏族頌缽的聲音和各種其他樂器,如編鐘和鈴鐺,可以幫助您深度放鬆並減緩腦電波。 聲音療癒的原理是一切都是振動,聲音可以幫助我們重新調整我們與生俱來的和諧狀態。 這些聲音將有助於釋放身體、情緒和精力層面的障礙,增加幸福感並擴大你的意識。 我們也可能會在您的身體上放置頌缽並在聲音療愈過程中使用芳香油,讓您體驗多感官體驗。

YIN & SOUND HEALING (Special Event Night)

Slowly unravel and surrender to the nourishment of Yin Yoga supported by live Sound Healing. In this class the Yin postures will allow you to explore the relationship between your body, breath and mind at a deeper level. As you hold each asana in stillness for several minutes, you will be supported in the pose by sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls and various other instruments. As you listen and connect to the beautiful vibration of the sounds, holding the postures for an extended time becomes easier, allowing you to deeply let go and to relax body and mind. The Yin sequence is tailored to target the connective tissues, balance your energy flow and guide you into a deep meditative journey.
* Reservation is requested and spaces are limited.

慢慢地解開並屈服於由現場聲音治療支持的陰瑜伽的滋養。 在本課程中,陰式將讓您在更深層次上探索身體、呼吸和心靈之間的關係。 當您保持每個體式靜止幾分鐘時,您將得到西藏頌缽和其他各種樂器的聲音的支撐。 當您聆聽並連接到美妙的聲音振動時,長時間保持姿勢會變得更容易,讓您深深地放下並放鬆身心。 陰序是針對結締組織量身定制的,平衡您的能量流並引導您進入深度冥想之旅。

  • 需要預訂,空間有限。

CACAO CEREMONY & KIRTAN (Special Event Night)

In this heart-opening gathering we connect the magic of sacred Cacao Ceremony and Kirtan. Cacao has been used since thousands of years in central and southern America for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes. In Bali we are blessed to find high quality raw cacao to create our own unique ceremonies. Kirtan as a form of devotional and joyful chanting helps us to come together as community and connect to something bigger than ourselves.
We will chant sacred mantras and spiritual songs supported by harmonium, guitar and percussion sounds, set powerful intentions as we drink the sacred cacao, meditate, pray and connect to each other with authentic sharing. Expect a joyful, uplifting experience.
* Reservation is required and spaces are limited. for more Details check Event & Workshops.

在這個令人心曠神怡的聚會中,我們將神聖的可可儀式和 Kirtan 的魔力聯繫起來。 數千年來,可可在美國中部和南部一直被用於精神、藥用和儀式目的。 在巴厘島,我們很幸運能找到高品質的生可可來創建我們自己獨特的儀式。 Kirtan 作為一種虔誠和快樂的誦經形式,幫助我們作為社區聚集在一起,並與比我們自己更偉大的事物建立聯繫。
我們將在和弦、吉他和打擊樂的支持下唱誦神聖的咒語和靈歌,在我們喝神聖的可可、冥想、祈禱並通過真實的分享相互聯繫時設定強大的意圖。 期待一個愉快的、令人振奮的體驗。

需要預訂,空間有限。 欲了解更多詳情,請查看活動和研討會

Relaxing Sound Float

We invite you to join our special event on the top floor of Udara, where you can lie in the cocoon of an Aerial hammock to experience deep relaxation and Sound Healing.
Relax your whole body and calm your mind, accompanied by healing sounds of various instruments from Gongs to Tibetan Singing Bowls and more. This journey helps you to come back to your harmonious state of being and restore balance of body, mind and spirit.

我們邀請您參加我們在 Udara 頂樓舉辦的特別活動,您可以躺在空中吊床的繭中體驗深度放鬆和聲音療愈。
伴隨著從鑼到西藏頌缽等各種樂器的治愈聲音,放鬆您的整個身體,讓您的心靈平靜下來。 這個旅程可以幫助您恢復到和諧的存在狀態,並恢復身體、思想和精神的平衡。


Add : Jl. Pura Kramat, Seseh 80351 Bali, Indonesia
Tel : 0877-65377313 / 0361-9067555 / 0361-9079927
營業時間 : 07:30-19:00


One of yoga’s most widely recognized poses, Downward-Facing Dog Pose, called Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, works to stretch the back side of the body and builds strength for arms and shoulders.