Wedding@飯店Samabe Bali Suites & Villas – Nusa Dua


<< Wedding at Samabe Bali Suites & Villas – Nusa Dua >>


Samabe Bali Suites & Villas坐落在峇里島僻靜的地方,Nusa Dua,以奢華的風格體現了海灘度假勝地的寧靜。峇里島豪華度假村佔地8公頃,擁有81間套房和別墅、2間餐廳和2間酒吧。


獨特的用餐體驗是Samabe Bali Suites & Villas餐廳的一大亮點。在主餐廳,Rempah-Rempah餐廳供應亞洲和地中海風味濃郁的菜餚。而Crystal Blue則突出了品嚐現代歐洲美食和眼前海景的感覺。Ring of Fire泳池酒吧和 Te. Ja Co.供應新鮮的無酒精雞尾酒和雞尾酒。



Gourmet, Beverages, Signature Activities.

峇里島度假村引入了豪華全包/無限特權的概念,廣泛的包容性讓每個人都可以盡情享受;無限量的食物和飲料;24小時管家服務;整個度假區免費Wi-Fi; Samabe標誌性活動的選擇;和Samabe原創禮物。

Luxury Bali Resort…



Samabe位於Nusa Dua南部風景如畫的懸崖之上,擁有一覽無餘的印度洋壯麗景色。著名的Nusa Dua以國際五星級度假村的飛地而聞名。多年來,作為許多國際會議和活動的舉辦地而享有盛譽,Nusa Dua被公認為世界豪華旅遊目的地而自豪。

Samabe僅擁有81間套房和別墅,佔地8公頃,提供寬敞的住宿環境,並以寧靜的度假勝地而著稱。以其寧靜和私密而著稱,成為令人難忘的峇里島度假勝地。靠近Barong-Barong Temple,是一個真正充滿異國情調的目的地,周圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶雨林,門口就是私人的白色沙灘;一個安靜輕鬆的假期或浪漫蜜月的理想場所。


Samabe Bali Suites & Villas由Bensely Studio Thailand設計,在形式上與峇里島風格的茅草屋頂結構和其他建築細節不相上下。包括Suite apartments套房公寓以及帶私人游泳池的別墅。

度假村充分利用其位於懸崖頂部的位置,沿著山丘延伸至多個露台,享有自然環境的壯麗景色:主要是海洋! 室內設計——明亮、寬敞且非常私密——通過大窗戶和陽台打開,可以看到風景如畫的風景和周圍的全景。

Meet the General Manager: Mr. Ralf Luthe

Ralf Luthe先生在他十幾歲的時候就在德國慕尼黑四季飯店開始了他的飯店職業生涯。20歲時,他加入了倫敦、巴黎、阿布扎比、新加坡和泰國的豪華度假村業務,開始了他在德國以外的旅程。

他於1987年抵達峇里島,在Putri Bali飯店擔任廚師。1990年他在Grand Bali Beach工作,1991年他被調到Manado萬鴉老的姐妹飯店擔任餐飲經理。1992年回到Grand Bali Beach擔任餐飲經理和住宿經理。

1993年1月,Luthe先生接受了新的挑戰,擔任Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali的總經理。18年來,他展示了他對這個擁有眾多成就的度假村的巨大工作和奉獻精神。另一個挑戰2011年底來自Grand Mirage的姐妹渡假村Samabe Bali Suites & Villas。

這位精力充沛的紳士有機會帶領開業團隊並經營新的峇里島五星級豪華度假村。峇里島的熱情好客是賓客在Samabe Bali Suites & Villas體驗到的一大亮點。 “I want to give our guests a top 5-star luxury experience 我想給我們的客人提供頂級的五星級奢華體驗,”Luthe先生說。但並不止於此。在Samabe,賓客將受邀“Uncover the ancient secrets of Balinese Culture揭開峇里島文化的古老秘密”,提供各種峇里島文化休閒活動,讓賓客更接近峇里島文化、藝術、傳統和神聖儀式。在Ralf Luthe先生的領導和精湛工藝下,Samabe Bali Suites & Villas期待一個充滿希望的未來。


Add: Jl. Pura Barong – Barong Sawangan, Nusa Dua Selatan, Benoa, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali 80363

Tel:  0361-8468633

右鍵可download飯店Fact Sheet fact-sheet-samabe 



Samabe Bali Suites & Villas提供各種風景如畫的環境,適合各種場合,從兩人的私密儀式到可容納500位賓客的真正奢華慶典。

為一生隆重的婚禮提供各種令人驚嘆的場地,從位於懸崖上的Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂開始,俯瞰一覽無餘的印度洋,或在島上最原始的白色沙灘上與眾不同的洞穴交換誓言。海洋可用於您的神奇儀式。在眾多的婚禮場地中,Ocean Pool Villa海景泳池別墅的獨特性是您會愛上的一處,湛藍的天空、碧綠的海水和愛情鳥的親密氛圍。更不用說,令人振奮的Ring of Fire火環坐落在懸崖頂上,舉行了一個神聖的儀式,周圍環繞著壯麗的景色和層疊的Crystal Blue波浪的聲音。

在風景如畫的定制場地將莊嚴的婚禮變成一場奢華的慶祝活動,海灘和洞穴區可容納多達100位賓客,可通過電梯或樓梯輕鬆從懸崖上下來。在Rempah-Rempah餐廳,擁有寧靜的熱帶氛圍,客人可以在鬱鬱蔥蔥的花園、室內露台或空調餐廳內舉辦難忘的慶祝活動。Royal Samabe Residence的花園一直是慶祝活動的理想場所,可直接通往Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂,距離珍珠教堂不遠,Taman Barong-Barong描繪了一千個神奇的慶祝時刻,最多可容納500位賓客的草坪。

最後但並非最不重要的一點是,對於那些在慶祝活動期間尋求非凡隱私的人來說,Samabe Bali Suites & Villas提供了一個RESORT’ BUY OUT全包,客人可以享受完全的隱私並進入度假村內的任何地方。

與浪漫協調員Romance Coordinator交談,這樣就可以幫助舉辦一個值得紀念的慶祝活動。


當代宏偉的玻璃婚禮教堂擁有令人嘆為觀止的180度海景。沿著燈火通明的新娘走道走到祭壇,交換誓言。最多可容納80位客人。Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂可在您喜歡的時間舉行婚禮。 沿著燈火通明的新娘走道走到祭壇,在現代而雄偉的玻璃婚禮教堂中獲得祝福,並以印度洋美景為背景。Sars顏色有粉紅色、藍色、綠色、橙色和紫色可供選擇。Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂坐落在風景如畫的懸崖上,俯瞰印度洋,是舉行2小時婚禮的完美場所,還可以在1-Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa單臥室海景泳池別墅中享受1晚的豪華住宿。
  • FROM IDR 52,000,000
  • FROM IDR 72,000,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • Exclusive use of Pearl Chapel for 2 hours and invite those near and dear to up to 20 guests
  • Pearl Chapel Plus Wedding Exclusive use of Pearl Chapel for 3 hours and invite 30 guests
  • English-speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your personal Romance Coordinator
  • Samabe signature fresh flower chapel decoration, including 8 standing fresh flowers, an altar table with flower arrangements, a flower shower, a flower aisle, and wedding signage
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom & Samabe signature dry ice
  • Double layer Wedding Cake & 1 Bottle of Sparkling wine
  • Samabe wedding toast mocktails and cold towels for up to 20 guests upon arrival and up to 30 guests for Pear Chapel Plus Wedding
  • Music accompaniment by a keyboardist and a singer in the wedding ceremony
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including wedding programs for up to 20 guests and commemorative certificates for the couple
  • Fragrant aroma burner & Samabe signature fan for the wedding couple
  • 1-night luxury stay in One Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa with Limited Privilege
  • Pearl Chapel Plus Wedding includes a 1-night luxury stay in Two Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa or 2-nights stay in One Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa, inclusive of Limited Privilege
  • Standard sound system, including 2 standard in-house speakers, 2 microphones, and CD Player/Bluetooth/iPhone connection
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 10.00 to 18.00 hours
  • Commitment ceremony only
  • The wedding will not be performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and the day after
  • All rates are inclusive 21 % tax and service charge

*More chairs can be added*
  • FROM IDR 25,000,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • Exclusive use of West Beach area for 2 hours and invite those near and dear up to 10 guests
  • English-speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your personal Romance Coordinator
  • Beautifully decorated Beach setup
  • Samabe signature fresh flowers, 2 baskets for flower shower, flower aisle
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom
  • Single-layer Wedding Cake & fresh coconut for each guest
  • Music CD player or with an iPhone connection
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including a commemorative certificate for the couple
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 16.00 to 20.00 hours or before 10.00 hour
  • Weddings will not be performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and the day after
  • All prices are inclusive of 11% government tax and 10% service charges

全包式婚禮套餐,婚禮儀式在完美無暇的Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂舉行,80位賓客可俯瞰印度洋並延伸至地平線。套餐包括盛大的婚禮招待晚宴和200位賓客的雞尾酒、住宿和豪華的鮮花裝飾。千載難逢的體驗只有Samabe Bali Suites & Villas才能帶給您。
  • FROM IDR 415,000,000
Wedding Inclusions:

My Pearl Chapel Wedding Ceremony –

  • 2 hours are exclusively used for the wedding ceremonies that can accommodate up to 80 guests
  • Celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your personal romance coordinator
  • Samabe signature fresh and artificial flowers for chapel decoration, including 8 standing fresh flowers, an altar table with flower arrangements, a flower shower, and a flower aisle
  • Bridal bouquet for bride and boutonniere for the groom and 6 bridesmaid
  • Samabe signature dry ice
  • Samabe mocktail for wedding toast and cold towel for up to 80 guests upon arrival
  • Music accompaniment by a keyboardist and a singer in the wedding ceremony
  • 80 tiffany chairs with sash and flower
  • Balloon and buggy service
  • Extension to the Outdoor Area, adding more chairs and TV are possible with extra charge
  • Standard sound system, including 2 standard in-house speakers, 2 microphones, and CD Player/Bluetooth/iPhone connection
  • 1-night stay in 4 unit One Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa
  • 2 nights stay in 2 Bedroom Royal Samabe Residence inclusive romance decoration and 1×60 minutes in-villa massage for each person
  • Return airport transfer
  • Welcome drink & cold towel upon check-in
  • Daily buffet breakfast
  • Daily non-alcoholic beverages
  • Minibar
  • Afternoon tea
  • Wireless internet access
  • Butler service
  • Specially decorated bedroom for Bride & Groom after the wedding
Grand Dinner Reception & Cocktail Party at Taman Barong-Barong:
  • 45 minutes welcome cocktail reception with coconut (couple’s initial included)
  • Assorted colorful mocktails
  • 4 kinds of cold canapé
  • Grand Entrance with a mix of fresh and artificial flower
  • Your choice of customized wedding buffet or 5-courses set menu for a minimum of 200 pax
  • 90 minutes of free-flow ice water, juice, and soft drinks by the glass during dinner
  • Tea and coffee
  • Every 100 guests will be set 1 buffet line and 1x food testing for 6 guests
  • Family pouring display with 10 bottles of sparkling apple or grape juice
  • Elegant table setup with gold or white tiffany chairs, show plates with personal writing, candles, fresh flowers, décor display, champagne-colored table cloth, and napkin ring
  • Free parking
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 10.00 to 18.00 hours
  • The wedding will not be performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and the day after
  • All rates are inclusive of a 21 % tax and service charge
  • 5% surcharge applies in the month of August

打結的風格。Royal Samabe婚禮是小教堂和戶外場地的結合。以180度印度洋壯麗景色為背景,玻璃般的Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂是任何夢想在天堂慶祝浪漫的人都無法抗拒的地方。交換誓言後,在Royal Samabe Residence的草坪區招待客人,的夢想婚禮成為一生一次的獨特慶典。晚上結束,回到Royal Samabe Residence、Villa或Suite,在奢華中度過新婚之夜。Royal Samabe Residence的草坪區最多可容納100位客人,而Green Lagoon則最多可容納300位客人。最多30位賓客可以在Pearl Chapel珍珠教堂參加在此舉行2小時的婚禮,俯瞰壯麗的印度洋,並在Samabe Residence的草坪區繼續您的慶祝活動。
  • FROM IDR 125,000,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • Exclusive use of Pearl Chapel for 2 hours and invite those near and dear to up to 30 guests
  • One night stay at the Royal Samabe Residence or two nights in One Bed Room Ocean Pool Villa, or 3 Nights in an Ocean Front Suite with “Limited Privileges ( standard benefits) valid up to 5 adults including specially decorated room upon arrival
  • English-speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal) & personal Romance Coordinator
  • Samabe signature fresh flower chapel decoration, including 8 standing fresh flowers, an altar table with flower arrangements, a flower shower, a flower aisle, and wedding signage
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom & Samabe signature dry ice
  • Double layer Wedding Cake
  • 3 Bottle of Sparkling wine with Champagne Glass Pyramid
  • Samabe wedding toast mocktails and cold towels for up to 30 guests upon arrival
  • Music accompaniment by a keyboardist and a singer in the wedding ceremony
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including wedding programs for up to 30 guests and commemorative certificates for the couple
  • Fragrant aroma burner & Samabe signature fan for wedding couple & 30 colored Balloons
  • Standard sound system, including 2 standard in-house speakers, 2 microphones, and CD Player/Bluetooth/iPhone connection
Private Dinner Reception at the Residence Court Yard or Green Lagoon:
  • Semi buffet dinner reception for 30 guests, inclusive of Samabe signature romance table and area decoration, overhead lampion and starlight, Tiffany Chairs or Banquet Chairs, free flow of soft drink, tea, coffee, and ice water, special Bride and Groom table, noisemaker for the grand entry.
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 10.00 hour till 18.00 hour
  • Weddings are not performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and day after. A surcharge of IDR 10.000.000 for Valentine’s Day
  • Every additional Guest joining the wedding and dinner IDR 980.000 per person
  • All rates are inclusive 21 % tax and service charge



總有一個完美的地方來慶祝您的愛情,而Samabe Beach Cave海灘洞穴是舉行私人而浪漫儀式的熱門選擇,提供全套服務。

  • FROM IDR 12,000,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • Your cave wedding by the beach is inclusive
  • Exclusive use of Beach Cave for 1 hour only for the lovebirds
  • English-speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your personal Romance Coordinator
  • Beautifully decorated wedding table
  • Samabe signature fresh flower, 1 basket for flower shower, flower aisle
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom
  • Single-layer Wedding Cake and 2 fresh coconuts
  • CD or Bluetooth Connection or IPhone connection for music player
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including a commemorative certificate for the couple
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 10.00 hours till 18.00 hours
  • Weddings are not performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and the day after
  • Additional Guest IDR 135.000 ++ per person
  • All prices are subject to 11% government tax and 10% service charges

當婚禮意味著和您所愛的人之間的親密時刻時,請在Samabe Villa的私密空間中成為難忘的時刻。讓微風和海浪的聲音(和慶祝者!)成為見證人。Villa Wedding別墅婚禮僅適用於情侶(新娘和新郎)在您喜歡的時間。
為親密婚禮增添異想天開的觸感,並在歡樂和歡笑中完成。這別墅婚禮是舉辦珍貴婚禮的完美選擇,在俯瞰一覽無餘的印度洋的1-Bedroom Pool Villa中享受奢華住宿,令人難忘。
  • FROM IDR 39,150,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • 3 Nights stay in One Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa inclusive of Limited Privilege
  • Signature fresh flower decoration at your private villa, including 2 standing fresh flowers, flower table arrangement, flower aisle and wedding signage using tropical fresh flowers
  • English-speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your personal Romance Coordinator
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom
  • Single-layer Wedding Cake & 2 fresh coconuts
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including wedding programs and a commemorative certificate for the couple
  • Standard sound system, including 2 standard in-house speakers, 2 microphones, and CD Player/Bluetooth/iPhone connection
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 10.00 hour till 18.00 hour
  • Weddings are not performed on 30 December to 01 January and Nyepi Day including the day before and the day after
  • Additional Guest IDR 130.500 ++ per person
  • All prices are subject to 11% government tax and 10% service charges

選擇是2晚入住1-Bedroom或2-Bedroom Luxury Cliff Villa,擁有獨特的壯麗海景和迷人的花園懸崖設計,是小型私人活動的完美選擇,非常適合婚宴和晚宴或任何其他活動或私人活動。
從懸崖頂的豪華別墅中眺望印度洋波光粼粼的海水,沒有令人振奮的安排,婚禮還算什麼? 這座懸崖頂的豪華別墅描繪了一千種慶祝愛情和幸福的美麗,由婚禮策劃師提供令人難忘的服務。
  • FROM IDR 59,500,000
  • FROM IDR 51,500,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • This package is valid for a total of 6 guests, with every additional guest IDR 1,100,000 for ceremony and dinner
  • 1 Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa maximum 10 guests and 2 Bedroom Ocean Pool Villa maximum 30 guests
  • A perfect clifftop villa wedding
  • A decorated cliff garden to host both your Bali wedding ceremony and dinner reception
  • 3 courses set menu with a wedding arch over the dining table
  • English speaking celebrant or Christian priest (non-legal)
  • Your romance coordinator
  • Bridal bouquet for the bride and boutonniere for the groom
  • Single-layer wedding cake and whole coconut or cocktail
  • Music accompaniment by a keyboardist and a singer for the wedding ceremony
  • Standard sound system & 2 microphones and a CD/DVD player
  • Samabe wedding stationery, including wedding programs and a commemorative certificate for the couple
Terms & Conditions:
  • All above rates are inclusive 21% tax and service charge
  • No wedding arrangement will be allowed on 30 – 31 December, 1st January, and Nyepi Day

Samabe Bali Suites & Villas在海灘上提供幸福浪漫的環境或著名的Samabe“ I Do 我願意”套餐,讓婚禮成為難忘的婚禮,俯瞰更遠的海灘到遠處的大海。除了令人驚嘆的場地之外,Samabe Bali Suites & Villas還擁有一支經驗豐富的活動團隊,可以讓婚禮順暢無憂。
  • FROM IDR 23,600,000
Wedding Inclusions:
  • Exclusive use of the Wedding Ceremony area by the beach for the 2 of you and a maximum 4 guests to join the ceremony
  • English speaking celebrant
  • Your personal Romance Coordinator
  • Samabe signature fresh flowers, 1 basket for flower shower, flower aisle
  • Bridal bouquet for Bride and a boutonniere for Groom
  • 1 bottle of Jepun sparkling wine
  • Speaker with I-phone connection
  • Commemorative wedding certificate
  • 1 night stay at the Ocean Front Honeymoon Suite
  • The Power of Love Private Dinner for couple after wedding ceremony with romantic decoration
Terms & Conditions:
  • The wedding can be performed at any time from 15.00 to 19.00 hours
  • The wedding will not be performed on 30th December to 1st January and before and after Nyepi Day
  • Price is inclusive of 11% government tax and 10% service charge


有興趣者  可洽Casa Chen 0932-043913

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