<< The Layar – Designer Villas and Spa Seminyak >>
如果想在峇里島的Villa度假村度過一個別緻的假期,The Layar擁有時尚的設計美學和地理中心位置,獨特的斜屋頂和個人游泳池使每棟別墅都可以在Instagram上發布。精通設計的旅行者會喜歡這種建築,家庭會喜歡不必與其他客人共享設施,而年輕人會對Seminyak就在門口的興奮贊不絕口。共有23棟從一房到四房各式別墅,每棟別墅均設有開放式休息室、夾層視聽室、帶廚房和早餐吧的用餐區、獨立按摩浴缸的大型游泳池以及隨時準備滿足各種需求的友好員工,The Layar 的假期非常壯觀。
The Layar是一座以設計為主導的壯觀Villa度假村,位於熱鬧的Seminyak中心,離峇里島最好的餐廳、精品店和日落海灘酒吧都僅咫尺之遙。尖端的現代建築和超時尚的內飾是23棟Villa的特色,提供令人驚嘆的生活空間,建築師標誌性的傾斜屋頂更加突出。每棟獨立別墅都坐落在一個帶大型游泳池的私人園景花園內,以及從一房到四房以隱私為導向的寬敞臥室套房。
The Layar酷炫的設計、熱門的地點和員工提供的五星級服務,專為那些追求原創體驗的強烈審美原則而設計。

啟發性建築和輕鬆熱帶生活的完美融合,The Layar獨樹一幟。這個位於Seminyak中心的度假村由23棟Villa組成,每棟Villa都坐落在自己非常私人的花園內,從成熟開花的樹木中央柱廊向外散開。升高的環境意味著Villa的前邊界牆幾乎消失了,營造出一種開放感和空間感,這在峇里島最受歡迎的度假區中是罕見的。
設計愛好者肯定會喜歡The Layar,Layar在印度尼西亞語中意為“帆”,其命名是為了向別墅獨特的屋頂致敬,這些屋頂像傳統帆船的索具一樣向地面急劇變細。這些標誌性屋頂是The Layar建築師的標誌,創造了令人興奮的錯層開放式生活空間,帶有彎曲和傾斜的牆壁以及對比鮮明的天然飾面,包括來自印度尼西亞群島的熱帶硬木、大理石和石材。

明亮、寬敞和開放式設計,便於娛樂,起居區流暢地走到游泳池和按摩浴缸甲板,並進入花園。許多Villa都設有夾層視聽室,並且都設有大量舒適的休息區。臥室套房寬敞,專為保護隱私而設計 – 每個房間,甚至浴室,都享有花園美景。
The Layar提供一房、二房、三房和四房Villa供選擇,每間Villa都擁有自己獨特的設計,且都有不受限制的空間感和開放感。一房Villa是如此浪漫,但即使是最大的四房Villa也有私密的、遠離一切的角落。
為了取悅那些珍惜隱私的人,工作人員只在你需要的時候出現;The Layar沿著精品度假村的路線運營, 配有中央廚房和客房服務,工作人員可隨時準備整理或提供豐盛的早餐或池畔燒烤,住客將完全擁有Villa。如果想盡情放鬆,峇里島最好的餐廳、酒吧和精品店就在咫尺之遙,包括The Layar自己的時尚Settimo Cielo,供應精緻的義大利美食。

有興趣者,請洽casa chen 0932-043913, mail to casachen@neverneverlandinbali.com
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如果正在尋求高科技建築、炫酷設計美學和熱門地點的難以捉摸的融合,The Layar 一定會讓您心跳加速。.
Seminyak最耀眼的新星The Layar擁有獨特的斜屋頂,像傳統漁船的三角索具一樣急劇變細到地面,因此得名於航海靈感(Layar 在印度尼西亞語中是帆的意思)。這些陡峭傾斜的幾何屋頂平面與彎曲和傾斜的牆壁相結合,創造出令人興奮的光線充足的錯層開放空間,無縫地穿過游泳池進入花園。這是真正的開放式熱帶生活,處於最佳狀態!
The Layar是一家精品Villa旅館,管理著23棟Villa,每棟Villa都坐落在自己的花園中,在高架環境中營造出一種開放感和空間感,這在峇里島最受歡迎的度假區是罕見的。雖然每棟Villa都設有設備齊全的廚房,但The Layar也提供一流的客房服務菜單,客人還可以預訂一位廚師在池畔享用豐盛的海鮮燒烤,或者選擇在位於The Layar的美妙義大利餐廳Settimo Cielo用餐。
The Layar憑藉其動感的設計、五星級的服務和卓越的位置,將吸引精通設計的家庭和一群朋友,他們欣賞自己Villa的隱私和奢華,同時享受峇里島最好的餐廳的便利,距離酒吧、商店和衝浪勝地僅幾步之遙。
One Bedroom Villa
The Layar的每1棟一房Villa都對浪漫的起居區進行了仔細考慮,營造出一種美妙的空間感、開放感和流動感,情侶們會喜歡。定制設計的柚木沙發、泳池甲板上的躺椅和泳池的分層淺水區專為在陽光下慵懶而打造,輕鬆放鬆。寬敞明亮的臥室設有一張特大號床、時尚的休息區和通往泳池甲板的推拉門。套間花園浴室內有一個帶樹葉的淋浴間和一個頹廢的雕像般的石頭浴缸。

The Layar的4棟一房Villa設有私人游泳池和熱帶花園。內部是開放式起居區、廚房和帶套間庭院浴室的寬敞臥室。
Villa Layout –
在The Layar的四棟1房Villa中,沿著游泳池的曲線,通往高架花園的台階通往開放式起居和用餐區,該區域分佈在顯著傾斜的鐵木瓦屋頂的翼樓下方。起居區的一側是三角形廚房,而另一側則是在第二個屋頂翼下傾斜的寬敞臥室及其套間花園浴室。

Indoor Living
- Open-plan living room with teakwood sofa and coffee table
- Raised dining area and adjacent galley kitchen
- Satellite TV with DVD/CD player
Outdoor Living
- Swimming pool with shallow area for lounging
- Lawn fringed by private tropical gardens
- Double sun-loungers on timber pool deck
Quick Facts –
Capacity: 2 people (1 bedroom with king-size bed).
Living areas: Large, open-plan living and dining room; poolside deck.
Pool: Private swimming pool (45 sqm) with shallow area for lounging.
Location: Central Seminyak, southwest Bali, Indonesia.
Staff: A team of staff, including an estate manager, chefs, cooks, butlers, 24-hour receptionist, daily housekeeping staff, maintenance engineers and security ensures the smooth running of The Layar Villa estate.
Dining: Options include a priced room service menu of international and Indonesian meals; private barbecues and other specially ordered meals can be cooked at the villa. Or dine in style at Settimo Cielo, our chic Italian restaurant perched at the front of the villa estate.
Communication: Complimentary unlimited WiFi internet access and local telephone calls (international calls extra).
Entertainment: Satellite TV and DVD/CD player in the living area or media room and in all bedrooms; bluetooth speakers.
Additional Facilities: Barbecue on request; in-room safe.
For Families: The Layar is well-equipped for families including baby cot, high chair and pool fences (extra).
Transport: On request, The Layar’s reception team will call one of Bali’s safe and reasonably priced metered taxis, or arrange for car and driver hire (24 hours notice required, additional cost).
Spa & Gym: A wide range of treatments can be carried out in the privacy of your villa by professionally trained spa therapists.
Property Area: 100sqm to 430sqm (villa); 250-270sqm (land).

Living Areas –
浪漫的起居區經過深思熟慮,營造出美妙的空間感、開放感和流動感,讓情侶們欣賞。 有如此豐富的設置可供選擇,無論白天還是黑夜,輕鬆放鬆。 在面向娛樂中心的定制柚木沙發、斜靠在泳池甲板上的日光躺椅、起居區外的分層淺水區,甚至庭院花園中的石質浴缸之間漂移。

Bedroom –
度蜜月和情侶會喜歡這間寬敞明亮的特大號臥室的設計,設有時尚的休息區、通往庭院的窗戶和通往泳池甲板的推拉門。 花園浴室的空間也毫不吝嗇,優雅寬闊的Palimanan stone帕里曼南石和樹葉流蘇淋浴間、帶雙座的細長櫃檯,以及在相鄰的白色鵝卵石庭院一個頹廢的雕像石浴缸。
- King-size bed
- Satellite TV with DVD/CD player
- Stylish seating area
- Window onto courtyard and sliding doors to pool deck
- Decadent bathroom with twin vanity and foliage-fringed shower
- Stone bathtub in huge pebbled-filled courtyard garden

Two Bedroom Villas
The Layar兩房Villa的中心是一個兩層的起居區,上面是一個夾層視聽室,在那裡,一排排舒適的沙發俯瞰著游泳池。

The Layar的7棟兩房Villa設有寬敞的起居空間,包括廚房和夾層視聽室,均位於帶私人游泳池和按摩浴缸的寧靜花園內。
Villa Layout –
在 The Layar的七棟寬敞的兩房Villa中,每棟都有傾斜的重疊屋頂,住宿分佈在多個樓層。 開放的起居和用餐空間從游泳池的邊緣一直延伸到部分凹進的大廚房,並通過開放式樓梯到達夾層視聽室。 主臥套房以安靜的隱居為導向,位於這個寬敞起居區的兩側,獨立浴室面向小型私人花園。

Indoor Living
- Open-plan living rooms with teakwood sofa and coffee table
- Elevated indoor dining areas seat four
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Galley-style kitchens
Outdoor Living
- Swimming pools with shallow area for lounging
- Jacuzzi
- Lawns fringed by elevated tropical gardens
- Double sun-loungers on timber pool decks
- Some villas with shaded garden pergola seating
Quick Facts –
Capacity: 4 people (2 bedrooms with king-size beds).
Living areas: Open-plan living room; mezzanine media room; indoor dining for 4 people; poolside deck. Some 2-bedroom villas also have outdoor seating in a shady garden pergola.
Pool: Private swimming pool (between 44-56 sqm) with shallow area for kids and jacuzzi.
Location: Central Seminyak, south-west Bali, Indonesia.
Staff: A team of staff, including an estate manager, chefs, cooks, butlers, housekeepers, maintenance engineers and security ensures the smooth running of The Layar Villa estate.
Dining: Options include a priced room service menu of international and Indonesian meals; private barbecues and other specially ordered meals can be cooked at the villa. Or dine in style at Settimo Cielo, our chic Italian restaurant perched at the front of the villa estate.
Communication: Complimentary unlimited WiFi internet access and local telephone calls (international calls extra).
Entertainment: Satellite TV and DVD/CD player in the living area or media room and in all bedrooms; bluetooth speakers.
Additional Facilities: Barbecue on request; in-room safes in every bedroom.
For Families: The Layar is well-equipped for families including baby cot, high chair and pool fences (extra).
Transport: On request, The Layar’s reception team will call one of Bali’s safe and reasonably priced metered taxis, or arrange for car and driver hire (24 hours notice required, additional cost).
Spa & Gym: A wide range of treatments can be carried out in the privacy of your villa by professionally trained spa therapists.
Property Area: 100sqm to 430sqm (villa); 500-600sqm (land).

Living Areas –
The Layar 兩房Villa的核心是兩層採光充足的起居區,由傾斜的屋頂和彎曲的牆壁分別定義。漂亮的沙發、椅子和餐桌聚集在酸洗過的大理石地板上,從泳池邊不受限制地流向青翠的庭院,俯瞰著開放式和設備齊全的廚房和吧台。 夾層視聽室似乎漂浮在起居區上方,其弧形的內置座椅面向游泳池。
花園為放鬆和社交提供了更多空間。 日光躺椅在甲板上伸展開來,而游泳池中的按摩浴缸和分層的淺台階則提供了涼爽的誘人場所。

Bedroom –
在彎曲的印度石牆後面是寬敞的特大號主臥室,推拉門通向小甲板或花園的私人角落。 迷人的浴室配有大浴缸、淋浴間和雙盆,並設有私人花園。客房也是特大號床,同樣迷人而幽靜,可欣賞花園景色,並設有同樣華麗的套間浴室。
- King-size beds
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Stylish seating areas
- Sliding doors opening to pool decks
- Decadent bathrooms with twin vanities and foliage-fringed showers
- Stone bathtubs in pebbled-filled courtyard gardens

Three Bedroom Villas –
The Layar 的三房Villa居室別墅中,一個巨大的開放式起居室和餐廳從廚房旁邊的凸起平台向外呈扇形延伸,並擴大到前面的花園。臥室套房(均配有特大號床)位於起居區外,每間都享有完全的隱私和戶外空間,設有露台、露台或浴室花園。其中四房villa設有夾層視聽室;在其他地方,自由流動的生活空間如此之大,不容錯過。按摩浴缸和游泳池的淺水區緊鄰起居區,方便腳趾浸泡。

Villa Layout –
11棟三房Villa都具有顯著的樓層變化,以創造興趣並定義空間。 巨大的開放式客廳和餐廳從廚房旁邊的凸起平台向外延伸,擴大到前面的花園和泳池區。 三間臥室套房位於這個寬敞起居區的獨立兩側,每間套房均享有完全的隱私和戶外空間,設有露台、露台或浴室花園。 別墅和花園之間是一個帶陽光甲板的大型游泳池,在大多數別墅中,還有一個按摩浴缸。

Indoor Living
- Open-plan living rooms with teakwood sofa and coffee table
- Elevated indoor dining areas
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Galley-style kitchens
Outdoor Living
- Swimming pools with shallow area for lounging
- Jacuzzi (in all but one of the 3-bedroom villas)
- Lawns fringed by elevated tropical gardens
- Double sun-loungers on timber pool decks
Quick Facts –
Capacity: 6 people (3 bedrooms with king-size beds).
Living areas: Open-plan living room; mezzanine media room in many villas; indoor dining for 4-8 people; poolside deck.
Pool: Private swimming pool (between 50-75 sqm) with shallow area for kids; jacuzzi in all but one of the 3-bedroom villas.
Location: Central Seminyak, south-west Bali, Indonesia.
Staff: A team of staff, including an estate manager, chefs, cooks, butlers, housekeepers, maintenance engineers and security ensures the smooth running of The Layar Villa estate.
Dining: Options include a priced room service menu of international and Indonesian meals; private barbecues and other specially ordered meals can be cooked at the villa. Or dine in style at Settimo Cielo, our chic Italian restaurant perched at the front of the villa estate.
Communication: Complimentary unlimited WiFi internet access and local telephone calls (international calls extra).
Entertainment: Satellite TV and DVD/CD player in the living area or media room and in all bedrooms; bluetooth speakers.
Additional Facilities: Barbecue on request; in-room safes in every bedroom.
For Families: The Layar is well-equipped for families including baby cot, high chair and pool fences (extra).
Transport: On request, The Layar’s reception team will call one of Bali’s safe and reasonably priced metered taxis, or arrange for car and driver hire (24 hours notice required, additional cost).
Spa & Gym: A wide range of treatments can be carried out in the privacy of your villa by professionally trained spa therapists.
Property Area: 250-293sqm (villa); 600-670sqm (land).
Marketed By: The Elite Havens Group.

Living Areas –
一個光線充足的起居和用餐區,由引人注目的重疊屋頂和傾斜和彎曲的牆壁組成,構成了別墅的中心。漂亮的家具放置在酸洗的大理石地板上,從游泳池的邊緣不受限制地流動到拋光的印茄木的凸起區域,通向設備齊全的廚房。 其中四棟別墅設有夾層視聽室; 其他的自由流動的生活空間很大,不容錯過。
按摩浴缸(大多數三房Villa都提供)和游泳池的淺水區位於起居區的邊緣,方便腳趾浸泡。 泳池甲板和花園營造出另一個社交空間,可提供日光躺椅和日落美景。

Bedroom –
The Layar的設計智能如此引人注目,為所有三間特大號臥室創造了前所未有的隱私感,這些臥室位於醒目的石頭牆後面的主要起居區,或通過以一定角度或不同樓層設置的屏蔽良好的入口. 寬敞的主臥室設有帶大浴缸、淋浴、雙洗手盆和私人花園的迷人浴室。 客房同樣迷人而幽靜,擁有同樣華麗的室內/室外浴室,許多浴室還設有自己的私人花園區。
- All with king-size beds
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Stylish seating areas
- Sliding doors opening to pool decks
- Decadent bathrooms with twin vanities and foliage-fringed showers
- Stone bathtubs in pebbled-filled courtyard gardens

Four Bedroom Villas –
Villa 5是The Layar Villa中最大的;宏偉的四房住宅,設計用於娛樂,設有寬敞的起居和用餐區、夾層媒體室以及帆形游泳池旁帶燒烤台的用餐平台。主樓內設有三間客房——每間臥室均享有花園景觀和優雅的浴室。主臥室套房位於游泳池外,完全私密。客人可以享受自己管家的照顧,以配合度假村龐大的專業團隊,還擁有自己的SPA室和花園按摩浴缸。

The Layar的四房Villa設有開放式休息室、夾層視聽室、帶廚房的用餐區和早餐吧。 大型游泳池設有獨立的按摩浴缸。
Villa Layout –
在 The Layar的四房Villa中,百合池上的石板通向一個開放式客廳,客廳圍繞著花園的牆壁呈弧形和角度流動。 向上走幾步是夾層視聽室,玻璃牆俯瞰起居區; 下面是一間客房。 起居空間的一端是一個凸起的用餐區,後面是一個早餐吧和設備齊全的廚房。 另一端是一個向花園開放的休息區。 一條走廊通向客用衣帽間和第二間客臥,而第三間客房則隱藏在另一面特色牆後面,其門通向花園。
草坪對面是一個大型游泳池,一端有獨立的按摩浴缸,另一端是帶按摩室和淋浴的SPA中心。 在 Bengkirai木泳池甲板的另一邊,是主臥室套房,在另一面彎曲的牆後面非常私密。

Indoor Living
- Open-plan living room with teakwood sofa and coffee table
- Elevated indoor dining area seats eight
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Fitted kitchen with breakfast bar
Outdoor Living
- Large swimming pool with shallow area for lounging
- Jacuzzi
- Lawns fringed by spacious private tropical garden
- Double sun-loungers on timber pool deck
Quick Facts –
Capacity: 8 people (3 bedrooms with king-size beds and 1 with twin beds).
Living areas: Open-plan living and dining room (table seats 8); fitted kitchen with breakfast bar; mezzanine media room; alfresco dining for 6; poolside deck; massage room.
Pool: Large private swimming pool (86 sqm) with shallow area for kids and separate jacuzzi.
Location: Central Seminyak, south-west Bali, Indonesia.
Staff: A team of staff, including an estate manager, chefs, cooks, butlers, 24-hour receptionist, daily housekeeping staff, maintenance engineers and security ensures the smooth running of The Layar Villa estate.
Dining: Options include a priced room service menu of international and Indonesian meals; private barbecues and other specially ordered meals can be cooked at the villa. Or dine in style at Settimo Cielo, our chic Italian restaurant perched at the front of the villa estate.
Communication: Complimentary unlimited WiFi internet access and local telephone calls (international calls extra).
Entertainment: Satellite TV and DVD/CD player in the living area or media room and in all bedrooms; bluetooth speakers.
Additional Facilities: Barbecue on request; in-room safes in every bedroom.
For Families: The Layar is well-equipped for families including baby cot, high chair and pool fences (extra).
Transport: On request, The Layar’s reception team will call one of Bali’s safe and reasonably priced metered taxis, or arrange for car and driver hire (24 hours notice required, additional cost).
Spa & Gym: A wide range of treatments can be carried out in the privacy of your villa by professionally trained spa therapists.
Property Area: 430sqm (villa); 1,081sqm (land).
Marketed By: The Elite Havens Group.

Living Areas –
大型錯層客廳在社交開放式娛樂空間和遠離喧囂的安靜角落之間實現了完美平衡。 在拋光的印茄木製成的凸起平台上,八人餐桌與設備齊全的廚房之間通過吧台隔開。 在較低的樓層,沙發圍繞著一張俯瞰花園和游泳池的咖啡桌佈置。 上方是一個夾層媒體室,其中彎曲的座椅佔據了一堵牆的整個長度。
花園裡有更寬敞的休息空間,草坪上有超大日光浴床和日光躺椅,泳池甲板上有一個圓形雙人沙發。 按摩浴缸中的水下座椅和游泳池兩側的淺翼提供了伸展和放鬆身心的完美場所。 對於日落雞尾酒和戶外用餐,燒烤烹飪台前有一張六人餐桌。

Bedroom –
- King-size beds in 3 rooms; twins in 1 room
- Satellite TVs with DVD/CD players
- Stylish seating areas
- Sliding doors opening to pool decks
- Decadent bathrooms with twin vanities and foliage-fringed showers
- Stone bathtubs in pebbled-filled courtyard gardens

Staff –
One of the greatest advantages of staying in a villa is the service provided by dedicated staff. The Layar has over 150 staff, professionally trained and determined to do their utmost to please with their warm and friendly Balinese hospitality.
General manager: The Layar’s manager is responsible for the overall operation of the villa estate including staffing, special requests, and guest satisfaction. His team includes an assistant manager.
Reception: 24-hour reception and concierge service.

Chef: The skilled chef creates delectable dishes for private dining or he and his team will happily prepare an amazing family-favourite in-villa barbecue for you. A chef can also be privately engaged to cook special meals for you at the villa.
Butlers: Butler services available throughout the day.
Housekeeping: Housekeepers will discreetly look after daily villa cleaning and tidying, and will prepare bedrooms in the evening.

Spa therapist: A dedicated spa therapist is available to provide a wide menu of spa treatments in your villa, from 9am to 9pm.

Garden & pool: The lush gardens and swimming pools are well maintained on a daily basis.
Security: Trained security guards working in shifts keep the villa estate safe and secure round-the-clock.
Dining –

The Layar的客人可以全天享用美味佳餚,早上7點至晚上1 點提供早餐菜單,上午11點至晚上10點提供豐富的Villa內菜單。比薩和漢堡等簡單的美食與更美味的菜餚如crudo of yellow fin tuna黃鰭金槍魚、兔肉和porchini pappardelle牛肝菌等搭配。 孩子們也得到了很好的照顧,有自己的菜單。
特別受歡迎的是The Layar的私人燒烤晚餐 – 在您的Villa花園準備、烹製並在日落時分供應。 客人還可以選擇聘請私人廚師為他們設計特別菜單,讓他們在Villa內“在家”享用。

Settimo Cielo –

享受傳統的義大利菜餚。從最新鮮的自製麵食到豐盛的羊腿等等,Settimo Cielo義大利情人的夢想。一天中的任何時候,都可以選擇種類繁多的精美葡萄酒、招牌雞尾酒、溫暖的義大利咖啡和新鮮出爐的糕點。
Settimo Cielo(Seventh Heaven)是一家著名的義大利餐廳,坐落在 The Layar的前端。
Settimo Cielo以美妙的鄉村風格和風味吸收了當代義大利美食的精華。Ricotta Stuffed Calamari,一整隻魷魚,裡面有ricotta義大利乳清乾酪,配以sweet purple potato cream紫薯奶油、sautéed shimeji mushroom炒香菇、asparagus蘆筍和淋上橄欖油的parmesan帕爾馬干酪,這是廚師夢寐以求的手藝的美味證明。

在Settimo Cielo享用午餐,提供誘人的味蕾選擇。開胃菜套裝包含各種美味佳餚,例如seared yellowfin tuna烤黃鰭金槍魚、goat cheese stuffed zucchini flower山羊奶酪塞西葫蘆花、和arancini of beef ragu with parmesan dusted aioli 帶有帕爾馬干酪蒜泥蛋黃醬的牛肉拉古arancini。對於那些喜歡較長時間午餐的人,我們的“Grazing放牧”菜單提供了菜單中無限的菜餚選擇,這些菜餚很容易搭配許多優質的葡萄酒,質量上乘,價格合理。
晚餐更複雜,有自製的ravioli with an egg yolk蛋黃餛飩;ricotta and spinach plus a pine nut, pumpkin and crisp sage sauce義大利乳清乾酪和菠菜,再加上松子、南瓜和酥脆鼠尾草醬,堪稱絕品。緊隨其後的是帶有手工挑選的crabmeat蟹肉、fennel茴香、dill蒔蘿、pecorino roasted cherry tomato and rucola pesto佩克立諾烤櫻桃番茄和芝麻醬的pappardelle意大利乾酪。想哭一點嗎?然後嘗試chocolate molten cake巧克力融化蛋糕,這是一種情感體驗,搭配咸花生和caramel sauce焦糖醬、honeycomb蜂窩、apricot puree杏泥、和香草冰淇淋。
混凝土砌塊牆被美麗的磨光意大利大理石軟化,白色色調的照明值得出現在 Valentino 的 T 台上,內部散發著城市的涼爽。標誌性的玻璃天花板可以在戶外用餐,風雨無阻。陽光和星光都被帆布帆過濾,營造出真正獨特的氛圍。

Families –

Villa假期的家庭友好優勢有很多,包括可以使用自己的私人設施以及隨時使用它們的自由。知道孩子們可以快樂、獨立和安全地跑來跑去,而不必擔心其他客人,這是一個真正的加分項 – 這意味著父母肯定也會有一個更輕鬆的假期。
Layar非常適合家庭入住。每棟Villa的草坪和泳池區都提供了充足的玩耍空間——甚至還有一個專門供槳手使用的淺水區(可租用安全圍欄)。事實上,無需擔心為您的住宿打包任何通常笨重的兒童設備:只需告訴The Layar需要什麼以及可以代表您租用的任何內部設備。如果媽媽和爸爸想要探索Villa以外的餐飲選擇,也可以安排保姆,只需支付少量額外費用。

雖然廚房配備了為挑食者或嬰兒準備簡單餐點所需的一切,但也有適合兒童味蕾的特別菜單,包括spaghetti bolognaise肉醬義大利麵、迷你漢堡、雞爪和冰淇淋等堅定的最愛。

Sports Center and Spa –

Villa客人也還可以致電The Layar的Spa Wellness Service進行專業課程,例如顱骶療法、Watsu水療法、能量療愈、個人健身訓練和私人瑜伽。

Here are some examples of what’s on the spa menu:
- The Layar signature massage –
Indulge in the ultimate massage experience. After a luxurious and relaxing mineral and essential oil foot soak, enjoy a traditional Balinese massage, and then be immersed in a relaxing bath of lemongrass essential oil and rose petals.
- Red wine massage –
When applied topically, red wine improves blood circulation and helps eliminate cellulite. The wine contains antioxidants and polyphenols that assist with keeping the skin smooth. Enjoy this unique treatment of red wine oil massaged into the skin, followed by an organic natural body scrub to leave the skin supple and rejuvenated.
- Chocolate sensation –
Indulge in the nutritious and moisturising properties of cocoa. The unique ‘Chocolate sensation’ includes an aromatherapy massage with chocolate oil, a chocolate body scrub to remove dead skin cells, a soothing chocolate body mask wrap and a relaxing flower bath with chocolate bath salts and essential oil. The finale is a cup of hot chocolate and biscuits!
- Signature facial –
This stimulating facial combines edible, natural organic ingredients and plant extracts with a gentle acupressure massage of energy points on the face, which helps release toxins and revitalise delicate facial skin.


在Soham SPA中心,盡情享受大自然所提供的最好的東西。讓傳統療法和現代技術的治愈智慧呵護您的身心。

The Locale –
The Layar是一個獨特的住宅區,遠離一條安靜的道路,距離Seminyak的美食料理和時尚中心Jalan Laksmana僅幾步之遙。峇里島最著名的餐廳、精品店、畫廊、美食店和家居用品店都在步行距離之內。不遠處就是以沖浪和日落酒吧而聞名的黑沙灘Petitenget Beach,以及可以找到一系列休閒咖啡館、時尚酒吧和無數餐飲選擇的Canggu。根據每天送到Oberoi/Petitenget地區的時間表提供免費的高爾夫車服務。
Distances –
- Seminyak 1 km
- Petitenget Beach 1 km
- Kuta 7 km
- Echo Beach 8 km
- Ngurah Rai Airport (DPS) 12 km
- Tanah Lot 16 km
- Ubud 32 km