Ruby Spa & Wellness@Ametis Villa Canggu OK


<< Ruby Spa & Wellness@Ametis Villa Canggu >>



Ruby Spa提供一間單人理療室和兩間雙人理療室,專門提供定制的禪宗療法和健康實踐計劃。 使用現代專業知識提供古老的菜單,滋養身體、思想和精神。

Ruby Spa以世界上最珍貴的寶石之一命名,優雅活潑,致力於使用純淨新鮮的產品提供最好的護理。 治療師接受過直覺觸覺藝術的培訓,以應對耗盡的能量水平和過上忙碌生活方式的不利影響。

Book Online at GoWabi - Ruby Spa @ Ametis Villa


Reiki Healing, art of touch

Ruby Spa的治療師由靈氣大師發起,使用觸覺藝術來促進康復和安寧。 靈氣涉及通過動手治療技術轉移宇宙能量。 rei 一詞的意思是“上帝的智慧或更高的力量”,ki 是“生命力能量”。 因此,靈氣是指“精神引導的生命力能量”。 在此治療過程中,會從深度放鬆中受益。


Add : Jalan Pantai Batu Bolong, Canggu – Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

營業時間 : 10:00-21:00

Tel : 0361-8445567


SPA Menu:

Our Treatments…


Ametis Healing 120 min

This treatment is created to bring tranquility and enhance physic powers, by combining relaxing massage, Reiki treatment to heal ailments to balance negative and positive aspect in the body. Amethyst rock is placed on third eye chakra during Reiki session to enhance the impact of Reiki, as well as helping in the development of many aspects of individual personality and makes the person powerful from within by igniting his self healing mechanism.

Relaxing massage 150 min

This massage has been created to ignite the senses and begins with a gentle foot bath to pamper one of the most neglected parts of the body. A traditional body massage follows by using a combination of long finger strokes and palm pressure to relive the effects of a modern lifestyle and evoke a deep relaxation. Concluding with a refreshing fruit bath and healthy serve of orange tea will enliven your senses.

Rejuvenation Sensation 180 min

Rejuvenation sensation is the ultimate spa experience that leaves the skin with a vibrant glow. It begins with a traditional massage therapy and continues with a body scrub using a natural blend of orange and aloe vera to gently exfoliate and eliminate impurities. A nourishing orange mask is then applied to the entire body prior to a luxurious soak in an orange infused bath. A refreshing serve of fruit salad and herbal drink brings this exotic ritual to an end.

Refreshing Green Tea 180 min

This signature treatment nurtures the body through the use of green tea, which as an ingredient is revered for its extraordinary healing properties by various South East Asian cultures. The ritual commences with a traditional massage, body scrub and mask where green tea that is rich in anti-oxidants penetrates the skin leaving it soft and supple. Finally a leisurely soak in a tea infused warm bath invites overall relaxation.

Traditional Bliss 180 min

Drawing inspiration from the traditional Balinese remedy of boreh that is used by rural farmers to warm the body and relive muscular pain, this ritual gives insight into the island’s unique healing heritage. The treatment involves a relaxing body massage and invigorating boreh scrub made from indigenous herbs and spices. Then continues to a body mask for cooling down. A long soak in a coconut bath to calm the body and restore depleted energy levels is a balancing conclusion to the treatment..



Acupressure Massage + Reiki Healing 120min

Dry Massage + Reiki Healing 90min

A massage experience recommended increasingimmunity. Treatment starts with relaxation session, followed by pressing the same meridian point on the body and concluded with touch healing to improve the flow of energy and blood circulation.



Balinese Massage 60 min / 90 min  / 120 min

This deeply relaxing massage based on the traditional Balinese philosophy is at the heart of Balinese healing, which will return your body and mind to center.

Deep Tissue Massage 90min

This massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles, recommended after heavy physical activity (such as athletes) and when you feel the need for a strong massage. Therapist will deliver with forearm, thumb sliding, knuckling.

Ruby Energizing Massage (Acupressure Massage) 90 min

This epic full body massage uses acupressure and meridian points to get the circulation moving freely, and includes generous amounts of incredibly soothing lower back, head and neck massage which will allow you to feel completely grounded in your own being.

Foot Reflexology 60 min

Ruby’s foot reflexology is created for reducing tension, increasing relaxation and stimulating the body’s natural healing potential. Stretching on neck, shoulder, and ankle, then followed by gentle and firm pressure onto foot reflex points and opens energy blockages along these pathways, which brings natural balance back into the body.

Tension Massage 45 min

This massage using elbow and thumb slide technique aims to release the tension on your upper body such as back, shoulder, neck and head caused by the digital nomad lifestyle.



Natural Glow Facial 60 min

This facial using fruits, nuts and vegetables prepared fresh to enhance the transfer of its properties and energy will leave your skin natural, healthy and glowing. Gentle massage and facial mask to revive and nourish your skin is recommended for both men and women.

Spa Manicure or Pedicure 60 min

Soak, push-back cuticles, salt & candle nuts scrub, hand massage, shape and polish using O.P.I



Fruits Bath 30 min

Blend the bathing with other treatment to conclude the journey to relaxation, available in Ruby spa or in y our own villa. Kaffir lime leaf, Orange, Cucumberwith bubbles.



峇里島擁有許多令人難以置信的治療師和大師,他們深入研究您的思想、身體和意識。 這些從業者對他們的手藝充滿熱情,並花了數年時間進行自我培訓以培養他們的模式。 每一次體驗都是根據您的需求量身定制的。 需要提前 24 小時預訂。

Reiki Healing 60min

Restore balance to your mind and calmness through your body. A Powerful healing treatment delivered by a real Balinese Reiki healer that will leave you feeling rested and centered. Reiki is fully-clothed treatment whereby the healer focuses on drawing positive energy into your body, which is recommended for those suffering headaches, Insomnia, jetlag and stress.

Hasta Siddhi Therapeutic Healing Massage 60 min

It is a holistic developed Massage therapy by integrating the utilization of Pranic healing energy with some massages techniques like deep or soft tissue massage and meridians massage.

Sarira Kriya Yoga 60 min

Sarira Kriya Yoga is the essence of all yoga technique in order to achieve the final goal in Yoga, foremost exponent of yoga which consists of body discipline, mental control, and meditation. This private yoga glass conducted by yoga master is required 24 hour advance booking.

Spa Etiquette

Products Ruby   所有身體和美容產品中使用天然成分。每一種成分都經過精心挑選,具有舒緩的品質和幫助維持平衡的能力。幾個世紀以來,印度尼西亞群島一直使用當地採購的草藥和香料來治愈和保持內外美麗。 Ruby邀請顧客體驗基於峇里島獨特而珍貴的財產的豐富儀式。

Pre- Arrival Information  建議在預約時間前至少 15 分鐘到達Spa中心,以便可以放鬆身心並享受護理的全部好處。建議之前避免日光浴、暴飲暴食和飲酒,因為這可能會降低Spa體驗的樂趣。

Cancellation Policy   如果需要更改或取消您的按摩預訂,請在預約時間至少提前 8 小時提出,以便重新安排預約。請注意,重新安排需視供應情況而定。提前不到 8 小時取消相應的預約,將收取預訂總服務的 100% 費用。

Health Considerations  在考慮進行任何Spa護理之前,如果有任何健康狀況,例如高血壓、心臟病或任何其他嚴重的醫療並發症,有任何健康問題或疑慮,請告知治療師或接待員。

Valuables  貴重物品 珠寶和貴重物品可以放在Villa的保險箱中。建議不要在Spa中心佩戴首飾。管理層對帶到Spa中心的金錢或貴重物品的損失不承擔任何責任。

Accident/ Injury  Ruby對任何會員或客人在場所內遭受的任何事故或傷害概不負責。



Therapeutic Healing

峇里島擁有令人難以置信的治療師和大師,可以治療思想、身體和意識。 這些從業者對手藝充滿熱情,並花了數年時間進行自我培訓的模式。每一次治療體驗都是根據特定需求量身定制的。

About Master:


International Spiritual Teacher…

Sri Guru Labdhawara Kusuma是一位國際精神老師,通過Divine Light International教授 Sarira Kriya瑜伽和Jnana Buda Siwa,這是他創立的國際精神、社會和人道主義基金會。 他提倡並帶領世界各地的人們實現真正的自我,以實現人與自然的和諧。



Sri Guru於1978年2月8日出生在Sala村,或者說是“1901 年的“soma pay Tambir in caka”(峇里島日曆),這正是村社區在Dalem/Shiva寺舉行崇拜濕婆神的儀式的那一天。這一天對印度教,尤其是峇里島人來說是一個神聖的日子,因為這個特殊的日子受到“濕婆神”的保護,他是峇里島印度教最受尊敬的上帝的名字,是全球瑜伽之王。

他的自然靈性天賦在他很小的時候就已經顯露出來,經歷了死去的經歷,並在村里梵天神殿的神父 Jro Mangku Pica的祈禱下奇蹟般地複活了,神父給他起了一個新名字LINGGEN,意思是體現神靈這被認為是第二生或靈生或 Dwija。

當他20歲時,他獲得了神聖知識Jnana Buda Shiva的啟蒙,並從峇里島的Ashram Lembah Bhayam的至尊上師Maha Guru Sri Jaya Nara那裡獲得了他的第一個Diksa。

具有堅定的奉獻精神的人完全意識到自己內在的Atman阿特曼的力量。通過Jnana Buda Siwa的實踐,神聖知識將在內部增長。然後,這種神聖的知識將影響心靈,在那裡,輝煌的靈感將被實現為與所有人的更大利益相一致的行動。

幾年前,他被授予神聖導師的聖名,回到1999年,他開始教授瑜伽和提供精神諮詢。他作為瑜伽老師和精神顧問的歲月見證了他對許多好萊塢明星和設計師的指導和關懷。 2003年,開始了他的國際職業生涯。離開峇里島前往汶萊,並在該國最大的飯店擔任康復治療師和瑜伽老師。這些職責使他照顧王室,王國的其他重要人物以及受國王邀請參加國際或國家活動的幾位世界領導人。

2007 年他繼續前往Caroline Islands加羅林群島的Republic of Palau帕勞共和國擔任SPA經理、治療師、瑜伽老師和精神顧問。2009年回到峇里島後,還曾受邀在峇里島著名組織“BSWA”(峇里島SPA與健康協會)和印度尼西亞印度教大學阿育吠陀健康學院的“瑜伽與健康”活動中和其他活動擔任演講嘉賓。

2014 年Maha Guru Sri Jaya Nara派他開始他的第一次國際神聖之旅,作為神聖導師,他的使命是通過教授“Jnana Buda Shiva”向世界傳播愛與和平,他教授Sarira Kriya瑜伽作為Jnana Buda Siwa 簡介。

他從訪問日本開始了他的神聖之旅。在上師的指導下,他首先在富士山上進行了深度冥想,以崇拜濕婆和天照大神(古代日本的最高神)以及日本的神聖祖先作為指導。然後,他繼續在日本執行任務,在神聖的佛教寺廟、公共大廳甚至廣島大學進行靜修,教授 Sarira Kriya瑜伽和Jnana Buda Siwa。從維加Verga到朝日Asahi,從山梨Yamanashi到東京Tokyo,包括神戶Kobe、廣島Hiroshima、宮島Miyajima、京都Kyoto、枚方Hirakata、大阪Osaka、吳Kure和山口 Yamaguchi,成千上萬的人在全國參加了他的精神講座和沙利克里亞Sarira Kriya 瑜伽課程。 Sri Guru 還經常擔任泰國“國際廣島瑜伽和平節”和“清邁國際瑜伽節瑜伽哲學教學”的瑜伽老師和特邀演講者,參加者主要是瑜伽老師和治療師。


Hasta Sidhi Massage 60 minute –

It is a holistic developed Massage therapy by integrating the utilisation of Pranic healing energy with some massages techniques like deep or soft tissue massage and meridians massage.

Pranic in Sanskrit word means life-force, in Chinese it’s called Chi and in Japan called Ki (rei-ki) which actually utilize to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes, This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health.

Meridian Massage Meridians itself are an energy channels within the body that supply energy or chi to the organs and systems. During a meridian massage each meridian is traced in its normal flow of direction from its start point to the end point. By taking the direction of massage along the energy channels of the body, the concept behind this movement is to allow the release of stagnant energy, this in unison promotes an increasing the prana or chi through the meridians to re-energize the body.

It will improves the function of related organs and systems , Increase energy, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, as well as improving the whole body spirit connection.

Deep or soft tissue Massage is a manipulation of the soft tissue that helps to release muscle tension, allowing free movement, improving circulation, helping with pain relief and reducing stress as well as improving tendon and ligament function. When muscle movement becomes restricted, the muscles begin to harden and are then not able to function properly which can lead to a block in circulation and cause inflammation through a build up of toxins within that area.

Sarira Kriya Yoga 60 minute –

Sarira Kriya Yoga is the essence of all yoga technique in order to achieve the final goal in Yoga, foremost exponent of yoga which consists of body discipline, mental control, and meditation.

It is miraculous yoga technique to heal physical and mental disease by building, balancing, and regenerate every cell in the body. It develops the quality of your metaphysical body, i.e. causal body, mental body, astral body.

Of course if your light-bodies raise their vibration, your physical body will be affected accordingly, the divine light is going into your brain, soothing it, calming your nerves, calming your emotions, wiping away all anger.

It is very effective healing technique for physical health as it strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol levels. For mental health it improves greater creativity, greater clarity of mind, improves sleep, enhances brain function, and improves ability to manage challenging situations. For psychological benefits it relieves depression and anxiety. For spiritual benefits it enhances yoga and meditation practices to experience a deep inner peace of mind.


Reiki Master Teacher…

I Made Warmana出生於峇里島,是一個散發著正能量的溫和峇里島人,他的靈氣療程很強大,掃過客人的身體以清除他們的負能量,然後把手放在他們身上傳遞正能量。 他學習“Prana”和冥想已有 10 多年了。 他最初是通過一位大師發現冥想,幫助他度過了一些艱難時期,為了幫助他人,他找到了靈氣並從 1999 年開始練習。“所有的疾病都是負能量,”他說。 “宇宙的能量是正能量的,我想把正能量傳播給盡可能多的人”。

About Reiki:


靈氣Reiki既不是宗教也不是魔法。靈氣是通過靈氣治療師將宇宙的力量轉移到人體中來治愈每一個生物的精神力量。“Rei”的意思是“God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power 上帝的智慧或更高的力量”,“Ki”的意思是“Life force energy 生命力能量”,因此Reiki的意思是“Spiritually guided life force energy 精神引導的生命力能量”。每個人都可以在靈氣大師的點化後使用靈氣,或者可以從靈氣治療師那裡獲得靈氣。 Ruby 的SPA治療師獲得了靈氣大師的調和,可以利用該好處來治愈自己和他人。


治療師將觸摸您身體上的第7脈輪來淨化,並轉移從自然和提升你的生命力能量高,帶來活力,能夠快樂和健康。在靈氣治療期間,不要阻擋進入身體的能量。跟隨你的感覺,不要阻擋你的感覺。告訴你的身體“I accept the energy transferred by the therapist and hope the energy may be useful to me 我接受治療師傳遞的能量,希望能量對我有用”。

