Jari Menari – Seminyak OK


<< Jari Menari – Seminyak >>


獲獎無數的Jari Menari真的是很多觀光客來Bali詢問的按摩中心,尤其以4手按摩聞名全世界,亦常提供按摩教學活動,將技藝不藏私的傳播出去;位在舊Seminyak主街上,非常方便在全身放鬆完後,隨意的散散步,再找一家餐廳好好吃一頓飯;千萬請注意,全為男按摩師; 時常是客滿的狀態,建議提早預約;

有興趣可聯繫 Casa Chen, 0932-043913   casachen@neverneverlandinbali.com


About Jari Menari

  • Jari Menari Seminyak 為情侶提供漂亮的客房,預訂時只需詢問即可享受帶兩張按摩桌的寬敞客房。
  • Jari Menari Seminyak的所有房間都是半露天的,面向流動的水牆,在按摩過程中將為您帶來小夜曲。 自然光照亮了令人驚嘆的手工雕刻石雕像和精心照料的盆景收藏。


自1990年代後期以來,峇里島的SPA中心已經像蓮花一樣發芽、生長和盛開。 幾乎每家飯店、度假村和美容院都提供按摩服務。


然而,儘管健康領域的設施和服務激增,但早在2001年開設Jari Menari時,男性從事該行業的機會仍然極其有限。

Jari Menari在按摩培訓和教育方面的豐富經驗表明,男性從業者俱有以集中、一致的壓力進行按摩的直覺能力,這正是我們的客人所喜歡的。


從一開始就,Jari Menari遵循其願景,培訓年輕男性掌握按摩的職業技能,以及解剖學、英語口語技能和賓客服務。

團隊成員會告訴您,在Jari Menari工作不僅僅是一份工作;他們堅持認為,他們都是更大、更重要的Jari Menari家族的一部分。

許多現任員工被朋友、堂兄弟和鄰居推薦給Jari Menari,他們相信他們並以任何方式幫助他們,以確保他們能夠在新的角色中取得成功。

在Jari Menari工作的團隊成員來自峇里島、爪哇、龍目島和西帝汶,是印地語、穆斯林、天主教徒和佛教徒的混合體,所有這些都建立了團結。

Jari Menari的獨家特色按摩將五個關鍵要素融入到傳遞中。專注於節奏rhythm、流動flow、聯繫connection、過渡transitions和客人的呼吸breath,以確保觸感的質量真正令人難忘。

Jari Menari Signature Massage於2001年8月開發,當時Seminyak按摩和培訓中心開業。融合了多種按摩方式的最佳技術,高衝擊力的會議讓客人感覺像一個整體,長而流暢的按摩從頭到腳再向後移動,在接收者的身體中創造出一種連接感。


培訓從學生通過“模仿”學習按摩開始,學習Jari Menari的技術和哲學,就像老師向他們展示的那樣。隨著時間的推移,將開始相信自己的直覺,並讓他們的想像力和直覺開始影響更高級的按摩課程的實施。培訓是一個持續的、永無止境的過程,團隊堅信。鼓勵高級員工指導新加入的員工,所有團隊成員都為他們每年積累的數量驚人的回頭客和個人要求感到自豪。


Add : Jalan Basangkasa No.47 Seminyak, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Tel : 0361-736740 / 0812-37692395
營業時間 : 09:00-17:00




Spa Menu


The Perfect Massage – 90 min

By capturing a nurturing delivery of rhythm and flow, we follow your breath, suggesting you let go of nagging everyday thoughts and fears. 90-minutes later is the right time for a reminder of subtle joy, and the beauty of life to resurface from within..

Premium Villa Service – 90 min

Consistently offering Bali’s Best Massage, for 19 years, Jari Menari has listened to guests and created Jari Menari Premium, taking stellar professional massage services to you, in your home, hotel or villa.

Absolutely Amazing Four Hand Massage – 60 / 90 min

With Four hands working together in harmony, your energy flows easily, gently pulsing from head to toe, and back to your head again, healing as it moves. The result is that you will feel deeply in tune with your own inner resources.

Serenading Singing Bowl – 90 min

Music is a balm for the soul, vibration a route to soothe internal tension. Resonate with the serenade of the Singing Bowl to feel peaceful, deep in your body, once again.

Connoisseurs’ Massage with Movement – 90 min

For our pandemic-weary guests, Jari Menari’s highly trained therapist dance their fingers slowly and deeply over tight and tired muscles, using yoga movements to help reorganize difficult thoughts, and lulling you to tranquility that has been hard to capture and hold.

Focusing on Your Back – 45 min

A massage designed to realign the hardworking muscles and ligaments of the back, while also relieving tension and knots in the shoulders.

Deeply Relaxing Deep Tissue Massage – 90 min

Engaging with your breath, moving slowly, allows the therapist to respond deeply to tight connective tissue. If daily life is interspersed with turmoil, this connection will help you let go and feel full and strong once again.

Pregnancy Massage – 60 min

Take time to focus on the gift within which needs your full attention, in an uplifted state, to receive rich nourishment, and a wealth of developmental information accessed exclusively through the maternal connection.

Signature Massage – 75 min

Physical and mental health are inseparable. As our therapist work with you to heal your body, you will find your heart healing as well. And, as your spirit rises above the stresses we have all felt during 2021, so does your immune system.

Poultice of Herbs & Traditional Massage – 60 min

Oil-free, healing with an infused ball of warmed herbs.

YON-KA Result-Oriented Hydrating Facial – 60 min

For men and women to soothe sun-kissed skin.

Lulur & Masque for Hands & Feet – 45 min

Hydrating masque and a muscle-relieving oil-free massage for the hands, arms and shoulders, plus an invigorating lulur paste exfoliation for the feet.

Foot Massage – 45 min

Pressure-point reflexology massage focusing on nerve locations in the feet.

A Special Gift for Your Child – 45 min

2020 showed children a different way of life which altered their daily routine with time at home. On the massage table, children will receive nurturing touch and kindness, bringing their selfless egos into a safe harmony..