Daily Baguette – Sanur/Ubud/Denpasar 06:30-20:30 法式糕餅/麵包 !!


<< Daily Baguette – Sanur/Ubud/Hayam Wuruk Denpasar 06:30-20:30 >>

New French artisanal bakery in Denpasar…

A Real French Bread!

如果喜歡新鮮出爐的麵包、糕點和甜點,法國手工麵包店Daily Baguette最近在Hayam Wuruk Denpasar開設了第三家分店。新麵包店目前已於2023年4月28日試營業。

Daily Baguette提供種類繁多的麵包,例如法棍麵包baguette、比斯科特麵包biscotte、百吉餅bagel、奶油蛋捲麵包brioche和酵母麵包sourdough;各種羊角麵包Croissants,包括杏仁almond、蘋果卷apple turnover、焦糖布丁crème brûlée、巧克力蛋糕pain au chocolat、葡萄乾捲raisin roll和瑞士奶油蛋捲Swiss brioche;糕點,如香蕉麵包banana bread、餅乾cookies、蛋糕cakes、泡芙choux和餡餅tarts。

品嚐巴黎咖啡館的味道,Daily Baguette的菜單供應各種美味小吃。 嘗試全天早餐菜單中的各種選擇,包括早餐三明治(奶油蛋捲brioche roll、煎蛋捲omelette、羊乳酪feta cheese、番茄醬tomato confit和當地羅勒local basil)、酪梨碎雙蛋(酸麵團sourdough、酪梨碎smashed avocado、切達干酪cheddar、2個火山蛋volcano eggs和玉米corn)、鮭魚羊角麵包Salmon Croissant (羊角麵包croissant、自製三文魚肉汁homemade salmon gravlax、炒雞蛋scrambled egg、芝麻菜arugula、西洋菜watercress、酸奶yoghurt和奶油香草cream herb sauce醬)、三文魚班尼迪克蛋Salmon Egg Benedict(水煮荷包蛋poached eggs、菠菜spinach、三文魚肉汁salmon gravlax和荷蘭醬配烤英式鬆餅toasted English muffin)和Oefus a la Coque(半熟雞蛋soft boiled eggs 帶有淡淡的醬油、磨碎的dipsticks和玉米奶油corn cream)等等。

午餐菜單提供各種百吉餅Bagels; 羊角麵包Croissants,例如 French Classique(火腿ham、馬蘇里拉奶酪mozzarella和白汁醬béchamel sauce)和金槍魚羊角麵包Tuna Croissant(金槍tuna魚、雞蛋egg、番茄tomato、馬蘇里拉奶酪mozzarella和蛋黃醬mayo);Croque Monsieur例如巴黎風格(雞肉chicken、奶油蘑菇creamy mushroom、切達干酪cheddar和白汁醬béchamel sauce);三明治例如Mixte(火腿ham、奶酪emmental、番茄tomato、生菜lettuce和蛋黃醬mayo);帕尼尼Panini包括金槍魚Tuna(金槍魚tuna、番茄tomato、黑橄欖black olive和羊乳酪 feta cheese);以及各種沙拉、熱狗Hotdogs、長漢堡Long Burgers和炸雞Chicken Tenders。

對於愛吃甜食的人,可以品嚐美味的甜點,例如精選的甜薄餅Sweet Crepe、脆餅Croffles和華夫餅Waffles。為了補充甜點,Daily Baguette還提供一流的咖啡、茶和果汁菜單。

法式羊角麵包croissants和長棍麵包baguettes?Daily Baguette是滿足早餐需求的一站式商店。停下來享用一些早晨的最愛,例如鮭魚羊角麵包salmon croissant和奶油蛋捲loaded brioche。或者嘗試一種更獨特的創意,例如Sumatera Savory Crepe – 一種帶有牛肉仁當beef rendang和蘑菇mushrooms的薄餅thin crepe,適合法國與印度尼西亞的早餐。坐在戶外區域,一邊喝著卡布奇諾咖啡或冰鎮抹茶,一邊看著早上騎自行車的人經過……

The Perfect Croissant : A Journey Through the Art of French Pastry


這種新月形crescent-shaped被認為是法國文化遺產的重要組成部分。但猜猜怎麼了? 這一切其實都始於奧地利維也納!

“羊角麵包croissant”這個詞來自“新月crescent”,就像“新月crescent moon”一樣。這描述了將黃油麵團反覆折疊和滾動成薄片,將其切割成獨特的形狀,然後烘烤直至變成誘人的金黃色而製成的糕點。

首先,它應該是蓬鬆puffy的!一個漂亮、完美的羊角麵包是蓬鬆的,因為它是“feuilleté”。 這意味著麵團已經被反覆折疊以形成完美的黃油層,中間有空氣。完美的羊角麵包不會僵硬和死氣沉沉,應該輕盈有彈性,就像我們在Daily Baguette中看到的那樣。

黃油Butter是任何羊角麵包的核心部分,沒有人比Daily Baguette的大師Maxime更了解它。他盡可能地按照經典的法國食譜製作羊角麵包。Daily Baguette的羊角麵包配方確保了足夠光滑的外皮、蜂窩狀的層、美味的黃油等等。 早上喝一杯咖啡或茶時,它的味道最好。

Daily Baguette 的羊角麵包是烘焙藝術的傑作。從精心製作的麵團到精確的整形和烘烤,每一步都經過精心處理,以創造出最好的羊角麵包。著手製作完美的羊角麵包,將傳統技術與現代創新相結合。

Daily Baguette的羊角麵包採用最優質的優質原料。僅使用由經過認證的有機農業製成的未漂白麵粉unbleached flour、優質牛奶premium milk和黃油butter。這些成分結合在一起製成的羊角麵包質地細膩、片狀,外皮酥脆,呈金黃色,帶有濃郁的黃油味。

製作完美羊角麵包的秘訣之一是Daily Baguette獨特的層壓工藝。使用了一種特殊的技術,可以產生更多的薄片狀黃油味,使羊角麵包具有無與倫比的質地。這是通過將麵團和黃油小心地滾動和折疊在一起來實現的,並在整個過程中精確注意保持正確的溫度和一致性。

Daily Baguette的羊角麵包的另一個獨特之處是使用新鮮酵母fresh yeast,而不是商業酵母commercial yeast。這使羊角麵包有一種微妙的味道,使它們與眾不同,並增加了整體風味的深度。 天然新鮮酵母還有助於形成柔軟、透氣的麵包屑,這是Daily Baguette羊角麵包的標誌。

在Daily Baguette,相信打樣過程與層壓過程一樣重要。Daily Baguette的羊角麵包是手工成型的,並有充足的發酵時間,讓酵母得以激活並為糕點的最終風味和質地做出貢獻。然後將羊角麵包放入熱烘箱中烤至金黃酥脆,帶來真正令人難忘的味覺體驗。

如果除了層層疊疊的金色黃油羊角麵包之外,還想吃點新東西,應該看看其他選擇,比如招牌焦糖布丁羊角麵包crème brûlée croissant。它包裹在薄薄的外殼中,柔軟而溫暖的中心填充著濃郁的奶油凍custard crème和焦糖torched premium sugar。杏仁羊角麵包almond croissant也是必須嘗試的! 充滿杏仁醬almond paste並撒上杏仁片sliced almonds,每一口都在甜味和堅果味之間創造出美味的平衡。

從使用天然成分和獨特的層壓工藝到對質量和手工製作技術的承諾,Daily Baguette的羊角麵包是法式糕點製作藝術的真實體現。無論是作為早餐享用還是作為甜蜜的放縱,完美的羊角麵包一定能滿足最挑剔的味蕾。

What is Pastry, Types of Pastry, and the Differences with Bakery

糕點Pastry是經常與麵包bread和蛋糕cake一起使用的術語之一。根據每個人的觀點和經驗,糕點在社會上有多種含義。 非常不常見,有些人將糕點Pastry描述為包括所有種類的蛋糕。 有些人將其解釋為分層麵團tiered dough。



一般來說,糕點是一種由層壓麵團laminated dough或薄層麵團thin layered dough製成的蛋糕,也稱為泡芙puff,以及由非層壓麵團non-laminated dough或其麵團通常更類似於麵包麵團製成的蛋糕。

糕點Pastry來自法語單詞“Pastisseri”,意思是糕點pastries。 因此,糕點也可以稱為研究東方oriental和大陸continental糕點來龍去脈的科學領域。

Some experts put forward the following understanding. 有專家提出以下認識。

  1. Pastry is a part of the kitchen that produces special types of bread, cake and dessert. 糕點是廚房的一部分,可製作特殊類型的麵包、蛋糕和甜點。
  2. Pastry is part of the food product contained in the scope of food and beverage which has the task of making desserts, snacks, or accompanying drinks, such as cakes and bread. 糕點是食品和飲料範圍所包含的食品的一部分,其任務是製作甜點、點心或佐餐飲品,例如蛋糕和麵包。


好吧,麵包bread和糕點pastry的區別在於脂肪含量。 糕點麵團中的脂肪含量較高(滾入脂肪roll-in fat),因此呈現片狀或折疊和易碎的質地。



1. Flaky

與其他類型的糕點麵團pastry dough相比,Flaky是一種麵團最簡單的糕點。 片狀通常用於甜味和鹹味savory餡餅pies、乳蛋餅quiches、捲turnovers餅和香腸卷sausage roff。

這種麵團dough 是易碎的麵團,是豌豆大小的黃油塊和精緻手工的結果。如果你過度混合這個麵團,它會產生堅硬易碎的蛋糕,這是你做餡餅最不想要的東西。

Page 4 | Flaky Pastry Images - Free Download on Freepik

2. Shortcrust

普通的酥皮shortcrust 有一種餡餅,與上面的水果片相同。 這種糕點的質地在外面是乾的,但裡面有濕麵團。

Free photo tarts with strawberries, currant and whipped cream decorated with mint leaves

3. Puffs


Free photo front view penovani khachapuri on wood board knife and fork on dark red table

 4. Coarse Puffs


這種粗泡芙可以是冷黃油cold butter、方塊cubes或混合麵粉frozen butter、鹽和冷水的冷凍黃油。水將麵粉轉化為堅硬的麵團,其中含有黃油塊,因此是粗糙的泡芙。 這種糕點麵團通常用於製作香腸捲sausage rolls和糕點pastries。

The flaky edges of baked rough puff pastry.

5. Choux

Choux或pâte choux或一種通常被稱為泡芙eclairs的蛋糕是一種由麵粉、水、黃油和雞蛋製成的糕點。 質地又厚又粘。

這種糕點與其他糕點的區別在於製作過程,直接在平底鍋上烹製,無需先折疊或研磨。麵團在爐子上一起攪打,直到形成粘稠的團塊。 這個過程收集在烤箱中釋放的蒸汽,並製作出酥皮糕點。


6. Phyllo


這種糕點用途廣泛,可以折疊、分層、捲起,甚至可以捲成任何你想要的樣子。 通過烘烤過程,做出來的糕點的質地是有層次感的,且還是很鬆脆的感覺。


Free photo tasty khachapuri pastries in wooden basket.

7. Croissant


製作羊角麵包的主要成分是黃油butter或油中的脂肪oil和小麥粉wheat flour,然後加入酵母yeast。發酵過程通常需要大約30分鐘才能使麵團完美膨脹。

Croissant羊角麵包很容易辨認,因為它們的形狀非常像新月,並且具有易碎和折疊的質地。 因此,非常適合在空閒時間喝茶或喝咖啡。

8. Danish


Free photo flaky cookies and a bakhlava on a platter with a bauble on marble surface

9. Suet Crust

這種傳統的英式蛋糕用於蒸steamed或煮boiled布丁Pudding、不粘布丁roly-poly pudding和餃子dumplings。 你需要知道,這裡提到的羊脂Suet是白肉脂肪white meat fat,就像雞蛋或“鹽”一樣。 這就是為什麼您通常可以在鹹味食品中找到這種糕點。

這種糕點麵團在烤箱中烘烤時會膨脹,因為麵團裡加了一點泡打粉baking powder。除此之外,麵團還加入了羊油suet,所以這個麵團吃起來很香。

Flat lay pie and homemade jam


The pastry is a term used to describe the grouping of cakes or dough skins to make pastries such as pies. 糕點是一個術語,用於描述蛋糕或麵團皮的分組以製作糕點,例如餡餅。

While the bakery is part of the pastry that usually handles the manufacture of bread, danish, sponge cake, and other types of cakes that are made through a baking process. The bakery itself comes from the word “bake” which means baking. 而麵包店是糕點的一部分,通常處理通過烘焙過程製作的麵包、丹麥、海綿蛋糕和其他類型的蛋糕的製造。 麵包店本身來自“烘烤”一詞,意思是烘烤。

When viewed from the materials used, actually more or less the same between the two. We can find ingredients such as flour, sugar, salt, and water as basic ingredients for making pastry and bakery. 從用料上看,兩者其實大同小異。 我們可以找到麵粉、糖、鹽和水等成分作為製作糕點和麵包店的基本成分。

However, there are also ingredients that are unique that you can find in each dough, for example, the yeast that we usually find in bakery ingredients functions as a dough developer. While the pastry generally has a lot of fat content in it. 然而,也有一些獨特的成分可以在每個麵團中找到,例如,我們通常在麵包店成分中找到的酵母起著麵團開髮劑的作用。 而糕點一般都含有大量的脂肪。

So, from this brief understanding, you can clearly see the differences and similarities between pastry and bakery. The pastry is a cake originating from Europe with the basic ingredients of flour, water, sugar, and shortening, and has a slightly soft, crunchy texture and is also layered. In pastry, fat plays a role in shaping the appearance of the layers in the cake. 所以,從這個簡單的了解中,你可以清楚地看出糕點和麵包店之間的異同。 糕點是一種起源於歐洲的糕點,以麵粉、水、糖和起酥油為基本原料,質地微軟,鬆脆,層次分明。 在糕點中,脂肪在塑造蛋糕各層外觀方面起著重要作用。

Meanwhile, a bakery is a cake from the Middle East with the basic ingredients of flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Bakery has a soft and fibrous texture which is supported by fat to strengthen the flour bond and as a flavor enhancer. 同時,麵包店是一種來自中東的蛋糕,其基本成分是麵粉、酵母、糖和鹽。 麵包店具有柔軟的纖維質地,由脂肪支撐以加強麵粉的結合併作為增味劑。

1. Scope of Pastry

Types of pastry are actually still divided into two, namely continental cakes and oriental cakes. The difference is divided based on the use of fat in the cake. Continental cakes, usually use solid fats, such as butter, margarine, and shortening. Meanwhile, oriental cakes usually use liquid fats such as oil and coconut milk. 糕點的種類其實還是分為兩種,即歐式糕點和東方糕點。 區別是根據蛋糕中脂肪的使用來劃分的。 歐式蛋糕,通常使用固體脂肪,如黃油、人造黃油和起酥油。 同時,東方蛋糕通常使用液體脂肪,例如油和椰奶。

From this explanation, it can be said that those included in the continental cake category include western and modern cakes, such as tarts, pastries, puddings, and ice cream. Meanwhile, we can find oriental cakes in various Indonesian cakes and Asian countries such as Thailand, Korea, China and Japan.

從這個解釋來看,可以說屬於歐式蛋糕類別的包括西式和現代蛋糕,如蛋撻、糕點、布丁和冰淇淋。 同時,我們可以在各種印尼蛋糕和泰國、韓國、中國和日本等亞洲國家找到東方蛋糕。

2. Scope of Bakeries

For bakery, it is made using various basic ingredients such as eggs, sugar, salt, fat, and milk. Quick breads and leavened products are also included in the bakery section. In Indonesia, yeast products are a kind of apem cake, bika ambon, surabi, and so on. Whereas quick bread which means bread with a short manufacturing process with a faster fermentation process and is also easy to find in various types of modern bread that are usually sold in malls. 對於麵包店來說,它是使用各種基本成分製成的,例如雞蛋、糖、鹽、脂肪和牛奶。 麵包店部分還包括速食麵包和發酵產品。 在印度尼西亞,酵母製品有一種 apem 蛋糕、bika ambon、surabi 等。 而快速麵包是指製作過程較短,發酵過程較快的麵包,在通常在商場出售的各種現代麵包中也很容易找到。

3. Use of flour

The last difference between bakery and pastry is clearly visible in the type of flour used. Pastry flour has the lowest gluten percentage of 8-9%. While the flour used in bakery contains the highest gluten, which is 11-12%. 麵包店和糕點之間的最後一個區別在所用麵粉的類型上清晰可見。 糕點麵粉的麵筋含量最低,為 8-9%。 而麵包店使用的麵粉含有最高的麵筋,為11-12%。

Now you all know that pastry is a cake from Europe which is different from bakery. After knowing the difference, don’t get confused again in the mention. So, for those of you who are interested in pastry, you can see various related products that you can get at Daily Baguette.

現在你們都知道糕點是來自歐洲的蛋糕,不同於麵包店。 知道了區別之後,就不要再提起來混淆了。 因此,對於那些對糕點感興趣的人,您可以在 Daily Baguette 看到各種相關產品。

This is the easiest rye bread recipe you will ever make.

Not only is it super simple, but it’s also hands-off and will give you an end product that stays fresh and moist for many days. The flavour is amazing! It can be customized in any way you like or just left plain with no toppings at all. 它不僅超級簡單,而且無需干預,將為您提供可在多日內保持清新濕潤的最終產品。 味道太棒了! 它可以按照您喜歡的任何方式進行定制,也可以完全不加任何澆頭。

This recipe is a true winner because it’s so versatile. You can make it with any seeds or toppings you want, sweeten it with honey or maple syrup, bake it low and slow like a pumpernickel or bake it like a regular loaf. You can even make a sourdough starter or preferment for this recipe if you want an even better flavor profile! 這個食譜是真正的贏家,因為它用途廣泛。 你可以用任何你想要的種子或澆頭做它,用蜂蜜或楓糖漿使它變甜,像裸麥粗麥粉一樣低和慢地烤,或者像普通麵包一樣烤。 如果你想要更好的風味,你甚至可以為這個食譜做一個酵母發酵劑或偏好!

No matter what you do, it will always be delicious! This bread is not just delicious, it’s a work of art. A loaf so beautiful and scrumptious that you’ll want to keep it on your countertop for weeks—even months—to admire its beauty and majesty. 不管你做什麼,它總是好吃的! 這款麵包不僅美味,還是一件藝術品。 一條如此美麗可口的麵包,您會想將它放在檯面上數週甚至數月,以欣賞它的美麗和威嚴。

But don’t let its beauty fool you: this bread is also super easy to make! All you need is water (not warm—you’ll see why) and yeast, along with some flour, olive oil, salt, honey, apple cider vinegar, and a little bit of sugar. That’s it! 但不要被它的美麗所蒙蔽:這款麵包製作起來也超級簡單! 你只需要水(不是溫的——你會明白為什麼)和酵母,以及一些麵粉、橄欖油、鹽、蜂蜜、蘋果醋和一點糖。 就是這樣!

And if you’re worried about the ingredients’ cost? Don’t sweat it. This bread uses less than two bucks’ worth of ingredients for an entire loaf! 如果您擔心配料的成本? 不要出汗。 這款麵包製作一整條麵包所用的原料不到兩美元!


For the dough –

450g (1lb) white rye flour

5g (0.17oz) caraway seeds

70g (2.45oz) raisins

120g (4.25oz) sunflower seeds

8g (0.28oz) salt

0.3g (0.01oz) instant dry yeast 0.36g (0.012oz) active dry yeast or 0.9g (0.03oz) fresh yeast

30g (1oz) malt syrup or any syrup you like. You can also leave it out.

400g (14.1oz) water

If you’re using active dry yeast, let it sit in the water for 10 minutes before adding the other ingredients or else it could take a lot longer to raise the dough.


1. In a large bowl, combine water, yeast, salt, seeds, raisins and syrup. Stir well to dissolve the salt completely.

2. Add the flour and mix until there is no dry flour left. *Desired dough temperature 24C (75F).

3. Place the dough in a non-stick paper lined bread tin.

4. Cover and ferment for 10 – 12 hours.

5. Bake at 180C (356F) fan off for 1 hour.

6. Leave to cool down completely before cutting into it or else it will be gummy!

Keep in mind that the conditions in each kitchen are different, so fermentation times may vary for you. It is up to the baker to control the bread and react accordingly.

Apple Turnover: Everything You Need To Know

The Apple Turnover, The Pastry That Saved an Entire Village… 蘋果營業額,拯救整個村莊的糕點……

The Turnover and its several variations have existed for ages. Each country appears to have its own version of the dessert. Empanadas from Spain, dim sum from China, and samosas from India. The fillings change depending on locale and seasonal availability, but the fundamental folded pastry dough encasing sweet or savory fillings does not. The turnover was first documented in writing in 1753, although the tradition of making these movable pies dates back far longer. And for good reason: they’re simple to prepare, affordable, and, most importantly, portable. The turnover and its ilk were useful, particularly for ancient nomadic cultures. 營業額及其多種變體已經存在了很長時間。 每個國家似乎都有自己的甜點版本。 來自西班牙的肉餡捲餅、來自中國的點心和來自印度的咖哩角。 餡料會根據地點和季節性供應而變化,但包裹甜味或鹹味餡料的基本折疊糕點麵團不會。 營業額最早是在 1753 年以書面形式記錄下來的,儘管製作這些可移動餡餅的傳統可以追溯到更早的時候。 並且有充分的理由:它們準備簡單,價格適中,最重要的是便於攜帶。 營業額及其同類產品很有用,尤其是對古代游牧文化而言。

Because turnover has become such an integral component of so many countries’ diets, it’s difficult to determine who came up with what when. It, like other edibles, may be traced back to the French. If not the first turnover, it was certainly the first of the apple kind, or Chausson aux Pommes. According to legend, an epidemic broke out at St. Calais, in the Sarthe area of France, around 1630. In an effort to alleviate their suffering, the lady of the town, or the Chatelaine, presented the ailing people with flour and apples. The resultant pastry became known as apple turnovers. We can only infer that, because the town is still alive and well today, the apple turnovers were responsible for the town’s recovery and the improved health of all its residents. 因為營業額已經成為許多國家飲食中不可或缺的組成部分,所以很難確定是誰在什麼時候提出的。 它和其他食物一樣,可以追溯到法國。 如果不是第一次營業額,那肯定是蘋果類或 Chausson aux Pommes 的第一次營業額。 據傳說,大約在 1630 年,法國薩爾特地區的聖加來爆發了一場流行病。為了減輕他們的痛苦,鎮上的女士或 Chatelaine 向患病的人們贈送麵粉和蘋果。 由此產生的糕點被稱為蘋果失誤。 我們只能推斷,由於該鎮今天仍然生機勃勃,蘋果的營業額是該鎮恢復和所有居民健康狀況改善的原因。

The Chausson aux Pommes Fete commemorates and celebrates the event each year. Every year at the beginning of September, the people of Saint Calais celebrate a medieval festival. It is said that the local bakers “roll” their ovens out into the street, creating and distributing apple turnovers at an astonishing rate. The practicalities of the ovens getting from the kitchen to the street have never been explained, but it appears that some leftover apple turnover magic lingers, allowing the unthinkable to happen year after year. Chausson aux Pommes Fete 每年都會紀念和慶祝這一活動。 每年 9 月初,聖加來 (Saint Calais) 的人們都會慶祝一個中世紀的節日。 據說當地的麵包師將他們的烤箱“滾”到街上,以驚人的速度創造和分發蘋果營業額。 從廚房到街上的烤箱的實用性從未被解釋過,但似乎一些剩餘的蘋果營業額魔法揮之不去,讓不可思議的事情年復一年地發生。

What Is Apple Turnover Or Appleflap?

A turnover is a little pie created by filling, folding, and sealing a piece of dough. Turnover is often a small portable meal, similar to a sandwich, that can be savory or sweet. Although turnovers are commonly shaped as triangles, they can also be folded into half-moons, rectangles, or squares. 營業額是通過填充、折疊和密封一塊麵團製成的小餡餅。 Turnover 通常是一頓小餐,類似於三明治,可咸可甜。 雖然營業額通常是三角形的,但也可以折疊成半月形、長方形或正方形。

Apple turnover is a type of pastry with a filling made of apple bits and a topping made of dough. Apple turnovers are commonly eaten for breakfast, dessert, or even as a snack. Apple turnovers are the most popular sort of turnover, loved by people all over the world.

Apple Turnover 是一種糕點,餡料由蘋果粒製成,頂部由麵團製成。 蘋果卷通常作為早餐、甜點甚至零食食用。 蘋果翻面是最受歡迎的翻面形式,深受全世界人民的喜愛。

Do You Know There Is A Day Set Apart To Commemorate Apple Turnover?

The most popular apple-filled pastry puff is honored on National Apple Turnover Day. On July 5, people commemorate National Apple Turnover Day. On National Apple Turnover Day, people enjoy this simple and classic delicacy, which is made by spooning an apple filling into the center of a square of dough that is usually baked but may alternatively be fried. 最受歡迎的蘋果餡糕點泡芙在全國蘋果周轉日舉行。 7 月 5 日,人們紀念全國蘋果周轉日。 在全國蘋果周轉日,人們會享用這種簡單而經典的美食,它是用勺子將蘋果餡填入通常烘烤但也可以油炸的正方形麵團的中心製成的。

We don’t know who or what inspired National Apple Turnover Day. Portable pastries and fruit-filled pastries are nothing new. Apple turnovers have been popular since the 17th century. A fruit-filled variation was included in the first dish of turnovers. Sprinkle sugar or icing on top for extra sweetness. Cheese, chocolate, almonds, raisins, cherries, potatoes, blueberries, peaches, vegetables, and other fillings are available for turnovers. This apple-filled pastry is commonly consumed for breakfast or brunch.

我們不知道是誰或什麼激發了全國 Apple Turnover Day。 便攜式糕點和水果餡糕點並不是什麼新鮮事。 自 17 世紀以來,蘋果翻轉一直很流行。 失誤的第一道菜中包含了一種充滿水果的變種。 在上面撒上糖或糖霜以獲得額外的甜味。 奶酪、巧克力、杏仁、葡萄乾、櫻桃、土豆、藍莓、桃子、蔬菜和其他餡料可供周轉。 這種蘋果夾心糕點通常在早餐或早午餐時食用。

Other Flavours Of Turnover:

A turnover is a culinary treat. The warm, melty centre will eventually overtake the crisp and flaky surface, revealing the most brilliant of tastes. Turnovers come in a variety of well-known flavours, here are some: 營業額是一種美食。 溫暖、融化的中心最終將覆蓋酥脆、片狀的表面,展現出最美妙的味道。 失誤有多種眾所周知的口味,這裡有一些:

  1. Apple and Pecan Turnovers
  2. Quick Apple Rhubarb Turnover
  3. Raspberry Cream Cheese Turnovers
  4. Afghan Meat Turnovers
  5. Cheese and Grape Turnovers
  6. Chili Cheese Turnover
  7. Chinese Chive and Pressed Tofu Turnovers
  8. Date Turnover
  9. Cookies Strawberry Jam Turnovers
  10. Sweet Onion Turnovers

What Is Croissant?

What exactly are croissants? This pastry is well-known in many parts of the world. Croissants are commonly found in bakeries. The flavor of the croissant differs as well. When you look at croissants, you will most likely locate all of the popular flavors. 羊角麵包到底是什麼? 這種糕點在世界許多地方都很有名。 羊角麵包常見於麵包店。 羊角麵包的味道也不同。 當您查看羊角麵包時,您很可能會找到所有流行的口味。

Croissants come in a variety of tastes and are especially excellent when paired with chocolate filling and coating. Even with fillet meats like sausages, fish, and chicken.羊角麵包有多種口味,與巧克力夾心和巧克力塗層搭配時尤為出色。 即使是香腸、魚和雞肉等內圓角肉。

The novelty of these pastries resides not only in the flavors that can be combined with any components, but there is also something distinctive that you will find interesting. Curious? More information is provided below. 這些糕點的新穎之處不僅在於可以與任何成分組合的口味,而且還有一些與眾不同的地方,您會發現它很有趣。 好奇的? 下面提供了更多信息。

Discover Which Croissant Is Popular Among Many People:

Croissants are a type of pastry that originated in France. However, croissants originated in Austria as Kipferl. When you look at this cake, you will see that it has a unique shape that is tiered and sparkly. Since it’s spread with butter before baking, this pastry is exceptionally shiny. Despite its Austrian origins, this croissant has become a favorite of many people because to its wonderful taste and distinctive texture. 羊角麵包是起源於法國的一種糕點。 然而,羊角麵包起源於奧地利,名為 Kipferl。 當你看著這個蛋糕時,你會發現它有一個獨特的形狀,層次分明,閃閃發光。 由於在烘烤前塗上了黃油,所以這款糕點格外閃亮。 儘管它起源於奧地利,但這種羊角麵包因其美妙的味道和獨特的質地而成為許多人的最愛。

It gets its layered structure from the production process, which involves constantly layering the dough until it reaches the appropriate shape. This layered texture is similar to manufacturing a form of pastry, specifically flaky pastry. Flaky pastry is a type of pastry that has several variations. The procedure of creating it is equally time-consuming and must be properly considered. 它從生產過程中獲得分層結構,包括不斷將麵團分層,直到達到合適的形狀。 這種分層質地類似於製造一種糕點,特別是片狀糕點。 片狀糕點是一種有多種變化的糕點。 創建它的過程同樣耗時,必須適當考慮。

Errors in the production process will have a significant impact on the final result of the pastry once it has been baked in the oven. Despite the fact that the manufacturing process is difficult, the ingredients are simple. Croissants are made using only flour, butter, salt, and yeast. In terms of taste, croissants are actually very good to eat as is, without any other additives. 一旦糕點在烤箱中烘烤,生產過程中的錯誤將對糕點的最終結果產生重大影響。 儘管製造過程很困難,但成分很簡單。 羊角麵包僅使用麵粉、黃油、鹽和酵母製成。 從口感上來說,牛角包其實直接吃就很好吃,沒有任何其他的添加劑。

Typically, Europeans eat croissants without any filling. This pastry’s savory flavor is enough to make it popular. However, croissants are now available in a wide range of tastes, including chocolate, almond, and many others. 通常,歐洲人吃沒有任何餡料的羊角麵包。 這款糕點的鹹味足以讓它廣受歡迎。 然而,羊角麵包現在有多種口味可供選擇,包括巧克力、杏仁等。

Croissant Business with Daily Baguette’s Products:

As a result, you now know what a croissant is. You’ve mastered it by now, right? If you want to start a culinary business, croissants are a good option. Many people have opened pastry shops, particularly for croissants. However, you can sell this pastry with your own unique tastes and creations that have not been marketed by others. 因此,您現在知道羊角麵包是什麼了。 你現在已經掌握了,對吧? 如果您想開始烹飪業務,羊角麵包是一個不錯的選擇。 許多人開了糕點店,尤其是羊角麵包店。 但是,您可以根據自己獨特的口味和其他人沒有銷售過的創意來銷售這種糕點。

You may, for example, become a croissant seller that specializes in delivering croissants with a combination of chocolate, jam, or any filling of your choice. The Daily Baguette’s products can satisfy your croissant and jam demands. 例如,您可以成為羊角麵包銷售商,專門提供混合了巧克力、果醬或您選擇的任何餡料的羊角麵包。 Daily Baguette 的產品可以滿足您對羊角麵包和果醬的需求。

What kind of croissants and jam do you want? The Daily Baguette has it all. Some of the products sold by the Daily Baguette can be found at the following locations: 你想要什麼樣的羊角麵包和果醬? Daily Baguette 應有盡有。 Daily Baguette 出售的部分產品可在以下地點找到:

  • Croissant Products 可頌產品
  • Jam & Spread 果醬和傳播

All of the products listed above are only a handful of the many that can be used as raw materials for your business or as ingredients for your culinary recreation. We are really concerned about the flavor and quality of our products. Then simply purchase supplies from Daily Baguette and begin your business right now! 上面列出的所有產品只是眾多產品中的一小部分,可用作您業務的原材料或烹飪娛樂的原料。 我們非常關心我們產品的風味和質量。 然後只需從 Daily Baguette 購買供應品並立即開始您的業務!

To beloved Customers, kindly read Terms & Conditions at Daily Baguette:

  • Delivery 7 days a week between 7 and 10am. If there is a requirement for time notified, the drivers will do their best to be on time but more or less an hour unaccounted for.
  • Orders received before 6 pm will be delivered the day after or the day chosen on the calendar.
  • Sliced bread option is only available on products: White toast, Multigrain toast, Brioche toast, and Sourdough Toast.
  • Min. delivery order is Rp 100K for area:
    Ubud, GIanyar, Denpasar Selatan, Denpasar Timur.
  • Min. delivery order is Rp 150K for area: 
    Denpasar Barat, Denpasar Utara, Badung, Tabanan, Karangasem.











Daily Baguette Sanur –

  • Add: Jl. Danau Tamblingan No.188, Sanur, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80226
  • WhatsApp: +6281246850003
  • Opening Hours: Every Day at 06:30 – 20:30

Daily Baguette Ubud –

  • Jl. Raya Ubud No.27, Sayan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571
  • WhatsApp: +6281239985709
  • Opening Hours: Every Day at 06:30 – 20:30

Daily Baguette Hayam Wuruk Denpasar –

  • Add: Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.177, Sumerta Kelod, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80239
  • WhatsApp: ‎+6281237729099
  • Opening Hours: Every Day at 07:00 – 21:00

