Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant – Nusa Dua 10:00-24:00 德式 !!


<< Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant – Nusa Dua 11:00-24:00 德式 >>

🚐 Free Pick Up Around Nusa Dua Area!
🍕International Food, Germany Food, & Local Food

Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant自1996年開業,位於安靜美麗的Nusa Dua地區,靠近著名的五星級飯店。提供精心挑選的國際和當地美食、真正實惠的淨價特價菜以及免費沙拉吧。

第一家Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant為您提供絕對令人驚嘆的氛圍、室內花園環境以及友好、禮貌的員工。為您提供令人垂涎欲滴的峇里島和德國傳統特色菜。從峇里島乳豬到傳統的德國香腸,將體驗兩國的美味和刺激的冒險。

Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant提供精心挑選的國際和當地美食、真正實惠的淨價特價菜以及免費沙拉吧。擁有非常獨特和舒適的氛圍,還提供多種啤酒、葡萄酒、烈酒和雞尾酒供選擇,讓您精神煥發。如果決定來吃晚餐,在努沙杜瓦地區提供免費交通。

如果碰巧經過熱鬧的Mengiat 街,別忘了去Nyoman’s Beer Garden Bar & Restaurant 逛一逛。美味的食物、大量的啤酒、精美的雞尾酒、現場音樂,誰知道呢,你甚至可能會認識一兩個新朋友。 別忘了在回家的路上索取笑臉別針。 我們提供精心挑選的國際和當地美食、真正實惠的淨價特價以及免費沙拉吧。


Dear Guest,
We would like to welcome you to our Balinese cooking class.

Balinese Cooking Class Menu:


  •     Young jack fruit braised in coconut milk


  • Fried rice & fried noodle
  • Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce
  • Fish in Banana leaf
  • Mix Vegetable
  • Tomato Sambal


  • Black rice pudding
  • Coconut pancake


  • Let’s Join Us Daily Happy Hour For Selected Cocktail Buy 2 Get 1 Free (5 pm – 7 pm)
  • Daily Special Price For Draught Beer (5 pm – 7 pm)


Sendok Group embodies the philosophy of the marriage between authentic Asia and classic European cuisines. It drives experienced and dedicated team to deliver quality from continuous innovation. The secret of this great combination deliveries. Sendok Group assurance of the best dining experience to guests. A brilliant idea in 1996 has set as little as 74 square meter restaurant to a leading restaurant group. Nestled in a main tourist spot Nusa Dua, with strong leadership of Ni Luh Gede Suryani, SS, MBA and her husband Chef Andreas Menzel, this restaurant significantly developed and made a giant leap in history by opening its branches to Kuta, Legian, Canggu and Lombok. This long-established restaurant embraces guests with its unique design and warm atmosphere. You will discover Bali’s best ingredients in authentic recipes and definitely stunning presentation. Bring this journey to your doorstep and indulge yourself with impeccable cuisines from Sendok Restaurant.

Sendok Group 體現了正宗亞洲美食與經典歐洲美食相結合的概念。 它推動經驗豐富、敬業的團隊透過持續創新提供優質產品。 這種偉大的組合交付的秘訣。 信諾集團保證為客人提供最佳的用餐體驗。 1996年的一個絕妙創意,為一家領先的餐飲集團設立了面積只有74平方米的餐廳。 坐落在主要旅遊勝地努沙杜瓦,在Ni Luh Gede Suryani(SS、MBA)和她的丈夫主廚Andreas Menzel 的大力領導下,這家餐廳取得了顯著的發展,並在歷史上實現了巨大的飛躍,在庫塔、勒吉安、坎古和龍目島。 這家歷史悠久的餐廳以其獨特的設計和溫馨的氛圍迎接客人。 您將在正宗的食譜和絕對令人驚嘆的演示中發現巴厘島最好的食材。 將這段旅程帶到您家門口,盡情享受 Sendok 餐廳的無可挑剔的美食。


Add: Jl. Pantai Mengiat, Nusa Dua, Benoa, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali 80361

Tel: +62 361-775 746 / WhatsApp:  +62 821 4598 4820

Opening Hours: Every Day at 10:00 – 00:00

Email: nyomanbeergarden@sendok-bali.com

