<< Mana Kitchen – Ubud 08:00-21:00 >>
~ the sacred power, 神聖的力量。
~ the life energy, 生命能量。
~ the elemental force of nature. 自然之力。
~ It resides in people, objects, and natural elements. 它存在於人、物和自然元素中。
~ It lights up the soul of things. 它照亮了事物的靈魂。
Mana Kitchen由屢獲殊榮的NGO(非政府組織)Earth Company 運營。
利潤被再投資以支持和培養亞太地區的變革者(Change Makers),為下一代的生存和繁榮創造未來。此外,Mana Earthly Paradise僱傭了40%來自鄰近村莊的員工,以確保聯繫並為當地經濟做出貢獻。
Mana Kitchen是一家有機、probiotic益生菌、滋養生命的餐廳,將日本超級食品與印度尼西亞美食完美融合。
Mana Kitchen is a farm-to-table restaurant where Indonesian spices meet the ancient knowledge of Japanese superfood.
– Pesticide and chemical fertilizer 農藥和化肥
– MSG and other artificial additives 味精和其他人工添加劑
– GMO and F1 seeds GMO 和 F1 種子
– Imported ingredients 進口成分
– Microwave 微波爐
– Unsustainble red meat 不可持續的紅肉
當地種植的食物。 這個想法是縮短農場和餐盤間的距離。更新鮮、更美味、更有營養。 這對當地經濟和全球環境都有好處。
Menu created by : Yasuhiro Higa

Work with local food producers and restaurants to maximise the potential of unique, locally grown produce and revitalise struggling businesses and economies.
This is his first overseas project. Bali reminds him a lot of his childhood growing up in rural Okinawa. He is currently working with cancer doctors to develop food that nourishes life.
We believe you are what you eat & food is medicine in itself.

吃啥變啥。 食物本身就是藥。目標是提供能夠最大限度發揮人類潛力並維持幾代人生命的食物。 這很重要,因為現在消費的大部分食物基本上都是沒有生命和營養的。 如果你種植白米粒,它們就不會發芽。 印度尼西亞消費的大部分大米是綠色革命大米,產量大但營養成分被稀釋。
Mana Kitchen是一家有機、益生菌、滋養生命的餐廳。目標是通過日本益生菌調味料和充滿活力的食材的完美結合,以美味的印尼風味喚醒身體、思想和靈魂。

在 Mana,我們的菜單由主廚Yasuhiro Higa設計,他是長壽烹飪和食藥方面的專家。使用miso味噌、shio-koji鹽曲(益生菌鹽)和amazake(發酵米)等發酵調味料,增強食物中固有的營養。食物垃圾在我們的永續農業花園中進行堆肥和使用,從而完成生命循環。
Mana Market: A conscious store showcasing Indonesian eco-friendly products Mana Market:展示印尼環保產品的有意識的商店
Mana Market是一家“地球”商店,這意味著對地球母親和所有生活在地球上的人都有好處。Mana Market的目標是成為真正的循環企業,“購買越多,世界就會變得越好。
- Organic 有機的
- Ecological 生態
- Socially minded 有社會意識
- Local 當地的
- Reduced plastic 減塑
Add : JL. Raya Sayan, Banjar Mas, Gang Emas, Ubud – Bali.
Tel : 0361-9087788 / 0811-3809788
營業時間 : 08:30-21:00
Our Menus –

Try this delicious and highly nutritious Pumpkin Soup from Mana Kitchen.
Made from pumpkin from our garden cooked with onion, vege broth, coconut
milk and amazake (Japanese ancient superdrink)

Kick-start your morning or to settle into relaxation mode with our herbal teas!

Ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon, cardamom, anise, lesser galangal
Benefits: alleviates sore throat, cough, cold, headache, and fever

Turmeric, ginger, lesser galangal, fermented rice
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, improves diabetes, and reduces cholesterol

Rosella, cinnamon, kafir lime leaf, lemongrass
Benefits: antioxidants, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, lowers blood pressure and sugar levels, helps menstrual cramps, boosts liver health, and promotes weight loss & beautiful skin

Butterfly pea, lemongrass, lime
Benefits: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-diabetic, improves eyesight, skin, and hair growth, boosts brain function and relieves pain and swelling.