LHW – 特別訂製 – Capella Ubud 搭配 Kudanil Explorer(A Jungle to Sea Expedition-海陸Raja Ampat之旅) 03-13/Dec/2024檔期 OK


<< A Jungle to Sea Expedition – Capella Ubud 搭配 Kudanil Explorer海陸Raja Ampat之旅 03-13/Dec/2024檔期 >>

Capella Ubud, Bali works together with Kudanil Explorer(8艙) to bring A Jungle to Sea Expedition(Komodo Island).


03-05/Dec/2024   3晚住宿Capella

06/Dec/2024         飛往Papua的Sorong登船(機票自理)

06-12/Dec/2024    7晚住在Kudanil船上(不含酒精)

13/Dec/2024         返回Sorong, 各自搭機返回(機票自理)

Experience the rich and diverse uncharted territories of Bali and Raja Ampat island!

Advance purchase rates available until 20/Mar/2024

可download說明  Capella_x_Kudanil_Itinerary___Pricing_-_Bali_to_Raja_Ampat_Dec_2024

了解Kudanil –  https://neverneverlandinbali.com/yacht/5945-2/

Neverneverland 提供Agent價位

有興趣者 可洽Casa Chen 0932-043913,

mail to Casachen@neverneverlandinbali.com