Hyatt – Alila Manggis 全新價位/早鳥折扣 til 31/Mar/2025 & 最新早鳥(til 31/Dec/2024) 20%折扣 til 31/Mar/2025 OK


<< Alila Manggis 全新價位/早鳥折扣 til 31/Mar/2025 & 最新早鳥(til 31/Dec/2024) 20%折扣 til 31/Mar/2025 >>

選擇遠離熱鬧的南Bali或Ubud,就是要回歸到寧靜,終於介紹到這間一定會引起共鳴的住宿;位在Bali東部濱海的椰林中,Alila Manggis僅53間客房與2間套房圍繞著大口字型的泳池,佔地雖然不大,卻讓你捨不得離開;用完早餐後,拿著一本書,懶懶的躺在陽台的Daybed,海風徐徐吹著,再一次昏沉的進入夢鄉;滿足醒來,起身挪到泳池旁的躺椅,做做日光浴,再下水變水中蛟龍;下午可參加Alila體驗中心所提供的各項活動進行主題探索。

Alila Manggis令人嘆為觀止的地理位置,位於峇里島和神聖的阿貢山之間,設計師通過其建築物與周圍自然之間的自由互動,為度假勝地提供了一個無縫的概念。 傳統的Alang Alang茅草屋頂覆蓋整個大堂,精美的象牙色和彩色水泥地板抵消了這種情況。 大堂的每一端都設有一個斜對角的石頭格子屏風。

四棟兩層高的白色石頭建築,在幾何形狀的暖色調中照亮了。 每區都是對傳統和當代峇里島建築的巧妙運用,與海灘成45度角,所有客房和套房均擁抱度假村的中央泳池。

Superior rm(1F, Shower only, 2A1C, 成人加床/小孩加床使用daybed-皆不推薦)

Deluxe rm(2F, Shower only, 2A1C, 成人加床/小孩加床使用daybed-皆不推薦)

Suite(2F, 可加床, 3A/2A2C)

PS: Superior Rm/Deluxe Rm都不建議成人加床,空間太小, 小孩加床則以daybed提供,也是有點窄

1. 全新價位/早鳥促銷 til 31/Mar/2025

2. 最新早鳥(til 31/Dec/2024) 20%折扣 til 31/Mar/2025

有興趣者,請洽casa chen 0932-043913, mail to

按右鍵可download飯店factsheet Alila Manggis Factsheet


Superior Room(1F)

尋找擁有舒適住宿和設備齊全客房的Padang Bai附近旅宿的旅客,Alila Manggis是不二之選。34平方米的Superior Room位於較低樓層,設有私人露台。 這家位於Candidasa的精品旅館的所有客房都旨在最大限度地欣賞椰子林、游泳池和大海的美景。

享受新的寢具,包括羽絨被和柔軟的高支數床單、一堆豐滿的枕頭 – 以及清新的白色外觀。 床上用品的靈感來自小眾品牌“Ploh”。

Room Features –

  • 1 king or 2 twin beds
  • 1 shower
  • 2 adults & 1 child
  • 34 m2 / 364 sq.ft.
  • Garden view
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free daily activities
  • Private terrace/balcony
  • Walk-in closet
  • Daily breakfast for two
  • 24-hour room service
  • Minibar LCD TV (satellite channels)
  • In-room safe
  • Alila Living Amenities
  • Air conditioning

Room Information –

Check-in/Check-out Time:

  • Check in time at 14:00 and check out time at 12:00.
  • Early check-in or late check- out request is subject to availability and cost.

Alila Hospitalities – with our compliments:

  • Wi-Fi Internet access throughout the resort
  • Yoga and Tai Chi classes based on weekly schedule
  • Mini massage at the poolside on Monday & Thursday from 2.00pm – 3.00pm
  • Poolside afternoon tea from 3.00pm – 5.00pm
  • Shuttle service to Candidasa based on daily schedule
  • Dive introduction class every Monday from 4.00pm – 5.00pm

1. Entrance
2. Bathroom & shower
3. Vanity area
4. Wardrobe & luggage rack
5. TV & safety box
6. Bedroom
7. Day bed
8. Minibar & tea/coffee maker
9. Terrace
10. Daybed

Deluxe Room(2F)

在Candidasa最重要的家庭旅館之一Alila Manggis體驗天堂般的滋味,並與您最愛的人一起放鬆身心。峇里島的東海岸擁有各種風景優美的時刻,可以在Alila Manggis的34平方米豪華客房中更好的體驗。

所有客房均設有帶沙發床的陽台,旨在最大限度地欣賞椰子林、游泳池和大海的美景。 享受新的寢具,包括羽絨被和柔軟的高支數床單、一堆豐滿的枕頭 – 以及清新的白色外觀。 床上用品的靈感來自小眾品牌“Ploh”。

Room Features –

  • 1 king or 2 twin beds
  • 1 shower
  • 2 adults & 1 child
  • 34 m2 / 364 sq.ft.
  • Ocean view
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free daily activities
  • Private balcony with daybed
  • Walk-in closet
  • Daily breakfast for two
  • 24-hour room service
  • Minibar
  • LCD TV (satellite channels)
  • In-room safe
  • Alila Living amenities
  • Air conditioning

Room Informations –

Check-in/Check-out Time:

  • Check in time at 2.00pm and check out time at 12.00pm.
  • Early check-in or late check- out request is subject to availability and cost.

Alila Hospitalities – with our compliments:

  • Wi-Fi Internet access throughout the resort
  • Yoga and Tai Chi classes based on weekly schedule
  • Mini massage at the poolside on Monday & Thursday from 2.00pm – 3.00pm
  • Poolside afternoon tea from 3.00pm – 5.00pm
  • Shuttle service to Candidasa based on daily schedule
  • Bicycles available for guests’ use at the resort – Alila Living bath amenities

1. Entrance
2. Bathroom & shower
3. Vanity area
4. Wardrobe & luggage rack
5. TV & safety box
6. Bedroom
7. Day bed
8. Minibar & tea/coffee maker
9. Terrace
10. Daybed

Seaside Suite

Alila Manggis的Seaside Suite享有東峇里島最好的精品旅館的聲譽,提供寬敞的住宿環境。 114 平方米的套房位於四星級旅館的上層角落。

從這些Seaside Suite的大陽台可以直接看到峇里島美麗的海洋,非常適合戶外用餐、娛樂、休閒或作為日光浴平台。 客房配有起居區和可用作用餐區的客廳。

Suite Features –

  • 1 king bed
  • 1 shower & 1 bathtub
  • 2 adults & 2 children
  • 114 m2 / 1,220 sq.ft.
  • Ocean view
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free daily activities
  • Private balcony with daybed
  • Walk-in closet
  • Daily breakfast for two
  • 24-hour room service
  • Minibar
  • LCD TV (satellite channels)
  • In-room safe
  • Alila Living amenities
  • Air conditioning

Suite Information –

Check-in/Check-out Time:

  • Check in time at 2.00pm and check out time at 12.00pm.
  • Early check-in or late check- out request is subject to availability and cost.

Alila Hospitalities – with our compliments:

  • Wi-Fi Internet access throughout the resort
  • Yoga and Tai Chi classes based on weekly schedule
  • Mini massage at the poolside on Monday & Thursday from 2.00pm – 3.00pm
  • Poolside afternoon tea from 3.00pm – 5.00pm
  • Shuttle service to Candidasa based on daily schedule
  • Bicycles available for guests’ use at the resort – Alila Living bath amenities

1. Entrance
2. Dining room
3. Living room
4. Bedroom
5. Bathroom
6. Balcony area
7. Free area

Design & Facilities

Alila Manggis位於大海和峇里島神聖的阿貢山之間,令人嘆為觀止的位置激發了 Kerry Hill Architects 的設計師對度假村的無縫概念,建築與周圍自然之間自由流動的互動。 傳統的Alang-Alang茅草屋頂覆蓋了大堂,拋光的象牙色和彩色混凝土地板完美地抵消了這一點。 大堂兩端都有一個由斜鋪石塊構成的格子屏風。

四棟兩層高的冷白色石頭建築,在天黑後以暖色調的幾何光束點亮,設有客房。 每個街區都巧妙地融合了傳統和現代峇里島建築,與海灘成 45° 角,讓所有客房和套房都可以欣賞到大海和度假村中央特色游泳池的美景。


Seasalt Restaurant

使用的Sea Salt海鹽是從附近Goa Lawah的鹽田養殖的,因此餐廳使用這名字。

Sea Salt帶來本地和國際風味,有些是靈感來源,有些是傳統,有些是簡單的,有些則稍微複雜一些,有些是一個人的飯菜,有些是共享的,有些是辛辣的,有些是不太辣的。 我們推荐一些口味來分享,招牌餐 – 傳統的峇里島Megibung,這是在峇里島東部和龍目島部分地區的鄉村節日和儀式期間與朋友和家人分享食物的一種獨特且非常傳統的方式。 這是品嚐當地美食的絕佳方式,並在名為Dulang的木雕架上裝飾。

Menu :

Ocean Bar

跟隨海浪聲前往Ocean Bar,這是峇里島東部新的餐飲和休閒場所。Alila Manggis的Ocean Bar坐落在海邊,是一間舒適的戶外酒廊和酒吧,提供種類豐富且富有創意的飲品和便餐。 在星空下享用清涼茶點、日落雞尾酒或飲品的輕鬆目的地。

Organic Garden Exsperiences

Cooking Class

Locally inspired, we definitely are. Join our Resident Chef discover local culinary tradition.受當地啟發,我們絕對是。 加入我們的常駐廚師,探索當地的烹飪傳統。

Cooking Class at The Organic Garden
10 am to 2pm

Gain a new sense of taste as you rediscover the wholesome, nurturing flavors of unprocessed ingredients. Grow your awareness of sustainable farming, which is sure to stimulate your appetite for a healthier, balanced lifestyle. After breakfast, head out to our organic garden just 10 minutes from the hotel, hidden below the foothills of Mount Agung overlooking the sea. Our gardeners will reveal the agricultural practices of Balinese farmers. Then, armed with boots and a rice hat, join in on the action in the garden, collecting seasonal ingredients, scaring the birds or simply waiting for the rice to grow from the shelter of a “kubukubu” -. a small hut built in the rice fields. Begin your organic cooking lesson with tastings from the garden followed by the Balinese lunch that you have cooked in a traditional Balinese pavilion.

Balinese Cuisine and Market Tour
7.30 am to 1.30pm

Balinese Cuisine and Market Tour experience the amazing sights, sounds and aromas of Klungkung market, one of the busiest village markets in East Bali. Back at the hotel, learn how to use the ubiquitous Ulekan (traditional Balinese mortar and pestle) to make the embodiment of Balinese cuisine – Bumbu Bali (Balinese curry paste) and Bumbu kacang (peanut sauce) – and prepare Balinese style nasi goreng (fried rice) in a wok and sate ayam (grilled chicken skewers). Savour the morning’s handiwork over a leisurely lunch in the restaurant.

Discover how health food and lifestyle go naturally hand in hand. off with an early morning trip to the local traditional market in Kerambitan. This kind of market really showcases the daily morning activities of the local community making preparations for their meals. Here you will find everything from exotic fruits, vegetables, spices and fish to flowers and all the essential elements for canang

Coastal Local Lifestyle Experience
7.30 am to 1.30pm

Fishing with Alila Manggis is an experienced specifically designed to give you and your friends an unforgettable holiday.

This experience takes you through the whole process “from catch to table” along with all the elements in between. You’ll see how to grill your fish using a traditional Balinese cooking technique named “Pepes”, where the fish is wrapped in banana leaves straight from our garden, then grilled and served with specially prepared sweet potatoes and “Sambel Bongkot”.

Spa at Alila Manggis

營業時間 : 09:00-21:00

Menu :

從面部護理到精油按摩,SPA體驗在位於Pandan Forest班丹森林場地的兩個戶外SPA涼亭的天堂中呈現,面朝大海,讓大自然撫慰您徹底放鬆。

Naturally from the Heart 自然發自內心。

在SPA Alila,致力於提供發自內心的獨特護理,將古老的亞洲治療技術與古老的美容食譜相結合,採用新鮮、天然、優質成分的療效。


在專業知識與直覺的幸福感之間取得平衡,並通過數百年曆史療法的現代表達,在SPA Alila,創造了一種自然、發自內心和令人驚訝的不同體驗。


還提供組合SPA套餐,創造個性化的健康體驗,將治療和美容護理與瑜伽、冥想和注重健康的美食相結合。無論選擇單項護理還是全天計劃,SPA Alila都能提供獨處的時間,與您的身體保持聯繫,並在多個層面重獲幸福感。

阿麗拉SPA Alila相信一切自然,無論是Alila生活產品還是補充我們治療範圍的有機SPA成分。按摩油是純初榨椰子油、甜杏仁油、kukui堅果油和小麥胚芽油的混合物,具有豐富的治療、營養和芳香療法特性。


甜杏仁油是一種極好的無香味的香薰精油載體油,也是用於治療瘙癢、發炎和乾燥。甜杏仁油富含礦物質和抗氧化劑,含有蛋白質和維生素 D 和 E,在自然療法中通常被稱為所有載體油的女王。

Destination & Activities

Alila Manggis位於Karangasem攝政區內,靠近Candidasa鎮。當地人在這裡過著傳統的生活方式,無論是種植水稻、耕作、捕魚、編織籃子和著名的double ikat textile雙伊卡紡織品,還是製鹽。提供各種徒步旅行,包括阿貢山(位於Besakih的峇里島母廟所在地)和壯觀的梯田山坡等景點。其他旅遊可以安排參觀傳統的峇里島Aga村莊Tenganan、Tirta Gangga和Ujung的水上宮殿water palace、Sidemen編織村、Klungkung的Kerta Gosa正義宮palace of Justice以及各種峇里島寺廟。Manggis以東的水域擁有豐富多樣的海洋生物,是七個奇妙的潛水地點的所在地。