<< Indonesian citizens and Foreigners who wants to go to Indonesia. >>
*Last update: Friday, 17 September 2021: added PeduliLindungi mobile app information, correction regarding vaccination for foreingers.
– 8 Days Quarantine held at the first Airport/Port when entering the Republic of Indonesia.
– The Non-Indonesia Vaccination Verification website https://vaksinln.dto.kemkes.go.id/sign/in

Addendum Circular No. 8 Year 2021, Circular of the COVID-19 Task Force No 18 of 2021 and Decree of Covid-19 Task Force No. 11 Year 2021:
No. | Questions | Answer |
1. | Are all foreign citizens not allowed to enter Indonesia? | In order to protect Indonesian citizens from the increasing transmission rate of the Covid-19 virus along with its new variants, the Free Visit Visa Waiver and Visit Visa on Arrival are temporarily suspended by the Ministry. Foreigners holding valid Visas or Stay Permits can enter Indonesian Territory Holders of diplomatic and official/service visa;Holders of Visit Visa;Holders of limited stay permit Visa;Holders of diplomatic residence permits and official residence permits; Holders of limited stay permit (KITAS) and residence permit cards (KITAP)Holders of Kartu Perjalanan Pebisnis Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (KPP APEC) Stay Permit which is in the territory of Indonesia may be granted a new Stay Permit after obtaining a Visa. Visa approval as consists of: a. Visit Visa approval; or b.Limited stay visa approval. Visa applications are submitted online. |
2. | How about the health protocol for that period? | The health protocol for Indonesian citizens and foreigners from all foreign countries who enter Indonesia, either directly or transiting in a foreign country must show negative results through the RT-PCR test in the country of origin whose samples are taken within a maximum period of 72 hours before departure . install the PeduliLindungi mobile app on your device (iOS or Android):https://pedulilindungi.id/ |
3. | Is it necessary to show proof of vaccination from the country of origin? | For Indonesian citizens, it is not required, but if they have been vaccinated abroad, they are required to bring a vaccine card/certificate (physical or digital) as evidence so that they are not given the vaccine when quarantine is complete. Indonesian citizens who have not received the vaccine abroad will be vaccinated at the quarantine place upon arrival in Indonesia after the second RT-PCR examination with a negative result; Foreigners are required to show a COVID-19 vaccination card or certificate (physical or digital) as a requirement to enter Indonesia, except for foreigners under the age of 12 (twelve) years. Foreigners who are already in Indonesia and will travel, both domestically and internationally, are required to vaccinate through a program or mutual cooperation scheme in accordance with laws and regulations. |
4. | Is it necessary to re-test the RT-PCR and quarantine it again? | In accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Number 6 of 2021, there will be 3 (three) times RT-PCR test: 72 hours before departure; List of Approved Offsite Providers for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Tests for COVID-19 https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/default-document-library/approved-covid-19-swab-provider-1-dec.pdf 24 hours after arrival in the Republic of Indonesia; and 7 days after arrival/isolation at the accommodation in Indonesia.Upon arrival, an RT-PCR retest was conducted for the traveler and are required to undergo mandatory quarantine for 8 x 24 hours or 14 x24 hours depending on the escalation Covid19 case of the country of origin. Quarantine Requirements: For Indonesian citizens within category of Migrant workers, Student that has finished education and Civil Servant on duty, the quarantine facilities provided by the Indonesia government and free of charge (gratis).For foreigners, the quarantine facilities are at (Hotels / Inns) that have received certification of COVID-19 quarantine accommodation by the Ministry of Health and the cost shall be borne by the travellers. After 7 days of quarantine from the date of arrival for Indonesian citizens and foreigners are re-examined RT-PCR. If the RT-PCR result is negative, then after 8 days of quarantine, Indonesian citizens and foreigners are declared for completed quarantine. |
5. | What if the RT-PCR retest results are positive? | In the event that the results of the RT-PCR reexamination upon arrival and after the 8-day quarantine show positive results, treatment is carried out in the hospital for Indonesian citizens at the expense of the government and foreigners at their own expense. |
6. | What if the foreigner cannot pay for self-quarantine and / or treatment at the hospital? | Sponsor parties, Ministries / Institutions / State Owned Companies that consider the entry permit for these foreigners will be responsible for it. |
7. | What about foreigners with foreign diplomatic status? | Heads of Foreign Missions and International Organizations as well as their families are allowed to undertake self-isolation for 8 x 24 hours at their respective residence. Diplomatic corps and embassy staff members, along with their families, shall undertake isolation for 8 x 24 hours at the list of accommodations Certified by the Ministry of Health, upon independent choosing |
8. | How about the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) / Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) Indonesia – Singapore? | Isolation requirements are exempted for foreign nationals who are visiting for the purpose of state/official visits by foreign officials at ministerial level or above to the Republic of Indonesia and foreign national from countries with RGL / TCA bilateral scheme with Republic of Indonesia shall be performed according to the arrangement of the RGL/TCA scheme by abiding with strict health protocol. |
Decree No. 9 Year 2021 from Indonesia Covid-19 Task Force.
No. | Questions | Answers. |
1. | What are the hotel requirements for quarantine? and is there a list of these hotels? | 1. For Indonesian citizens with the following criteria: Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) returning to Indonesia to stay at least 14 days in IndonesiaStudents / students who returned to Indonesia after follow education or carry out study assignments outside countryGovernment employees who returned to Indonesia after carry out official travel abroad at a cost from the countryQuarantine at Wisma Pademangan whose services include lodging, transportation, meals and security. If Wisma Pademangan is full, the isolation / quarantine place will be carried out in 2 (two) and 3 (three) star hotels which have been determined with equivalent services to Wisma Pademangan Whereas for Indonesian citizens outside the criteria of point 1 and foreigners including Diplomatic corps and embassy staff members, along with their families, shall undertake isolation for 8 days at the list of accommodations Cerified by the Ministry of Health, upon independent choosing. For a list of hotels, please ask the officers from the Port Health Office (KKP) at the airport of arrival. |
2. | Are quarantine and RT-PCR tests mandatory when they arrive in Indonesia? | The mandatory RT-PCR test is carried out 2 (two) times, at the time arrival and exit of the hotel quarantine. |
3. | How much does the quarantine and RT-PCR test cost in Indonesia? | For Indonesian citizens with the status of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), Indonesian Workers (TKI) and Students / Students and Government Employees who return to Indonesia after an official trip abroad, the costs are borne by the Indonesian government (free of charge). Meanwhile, for Indonesian citizens outside the criteria in point 1 and for foreigners including foreign diplomats, all costs are borne independently. |
4. | Until when does this rule apply? | This regulation is effective from Februari 9, 2021, provided that if there is an addendum in the future, it will be corrected accordingly |
Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 42 of 2021.
List of Entry Points in Indonesia that Accept Travelers from Abroad:
No. | Name of Airports/Harbours/Cross Border Post (PLBN) | Kota |
1. | Soekarno-Hatta International Airport | Cengkareng (Banten) |
2. | Sam Ratulangi Airport | Manado (Sulawesi Utara) |
3. | Batam Center Harbour | Batam (Kep. Riau) |
4. | Harbour Nunukan | Nunukan(Kalimantan Utara) |
5. | PLBN Aruk | Aruk (Kalimantan Barat) |
6. | PLBN Entikong | Entikong(Kalimantan Barat) |
The list of hotels in Indonesia be used to carry out the mandatory quarantine can be read in here: The list of hotels for quarantine.pdf.
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