<< Bali Balance 保養品 >>
Bali Balance愛您的身體。 為您的身體、頭髮和感官提供本地無化學產品。 零售、批發、SPA諮詢。
About The Shop
峇里島製造的天然面部、身體和頭髮護理產品。 純淨、天然、可持續。
Bali Balance自豪地提供包含優質峇里島植物的全系列天然產品。 與峇里島當地社區合作開發產品,以回饋產品起源的美麗島嶼天堂。
- Made in Bali with Love 用愛在峇里島製造
- Chemical Free/Paraben Free 不含化學物質/不含防腐劑
- No Animal Cruelty 沒有虐待動物
- No Palm Oil/Wax 無棕櫚油/蠟
- Highest Quality Pure Oils 最優質的純油
- Supporting Local Farmers 支持當地農民
- Made According to Swiss Standards 按照瑞士標準製造
- Affordable Pricing/Bulk Discounts 實惠的價格/批量折扣
- International shipping 國際航運
- Spa services 水療服務
Our Story
Bali Balance的創始人從事SPA業務超過年。先是在Jalan Oberoi Seminyak開設了Bali Balance Health點,然後在全島設立和經營各種SPA中心,並將SPA產品出口到歐洲。
使命是用有機精油創造所有天然產品,可持續性對我們來說非常重要。 精心挑選的成分以及天然產品和油的功效已被用於製造這些高效且優質的產品。 享受並獲得峇里島平衡!
探索Bali Balance 初榨椰子油 DME TM Direct Micro Expelled 。
Bali Balance初榨椰子油是在打開椰子後一小時內生產的。 生產工廠位於峇里島的Tabanan,不使用電力和無廢物政策。

天然美容和保健產品的來源。 優質的未加工椰子油,為思想、身體和靈魂提供最高質量的成分。
Where to Buy?
旗艦店地址 : Batu Belig No.17, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia
Tel : 0878-61975495
營業時間 : 10:00-19:00

全新OREGANO系列! 沐浴露、乳液和生椰子油。Oregano具有抗菌作用,可以很好地清潔皮膚,並有助於緩解不必要的皮膚刺激。
Body Wash Bliss沐浴露幸福 / Body Wash Magnolia沐浴露木蘭 / Pure Raw Vegan Cold – Pressed Coconut Oil壓榨椰子油
Arouses body and soul while gently cleansing and rinsing away toxins with essential oils.
Body wash ingredients: purified water, kusamba sea salt, raw virgin coconut oil, aloe vera extract, vitamin E, coconut diethanol, cocomidopropyl, betaine, carbocylic acid.
Virgin Coconut Oil Raw
The oil is unfiltered, unrefined, raw, full of minerals and vitamins. DME (TM) Direct micro expelled from small batches of coconuts. Handmade with no electricity and waste in Tabanan, Bali.
All our products are made in Bali, no animal testing and no chemicals are used to create this high quality range.
Face Serum 24/7面部精華 24/7 / Mosquito Reppelant驅蚊劑 / Sunblock SPF 50+ Pure防曬霜 SPF 50+ Pure
Luxurious oils infuse precious face and neck with hydration and moisture while extracts and superfoods nourish, detox and restore.
24/7 nourishes and hydrates with gentle aloe vera, vitamins C & E and lavender essential oil.
Ingredients: Aloe Vera extract, sweet almond oil, virgin coconut oil, apricot kernel oil, roman chamomile oil, seaweed, vitamin C & E, jojoba oil, beeswax, lavender essential oil, purified water, propylene glycol, cetearly alcohol, stearic acid, glycerin.
Mosquito Reppelant
100% natural mosquito repellent with healing properties helps to prevent and heal nasty bites quickly.
Sunblock SPF 50+
Gently and naturally protects skin with uva/uvb protection, zinc, raw coconut oil, vitamin E and Balinese aloe vera extract in our signature unscented formula.
All our products are made in Bali, no animal testing and no chemicals are used to create this high quality range.