AeroXSpace Adventure – Denpasar 09:00-21:00 室內冒險樂園 OK

AeroXSpace,這是峇里島最大的室內探險公園,一定會喜歡探索和發現AeroXSpace所提供的服務。色彩鮮豔的遊樂空間設有固定設備,如劇院(警察局、醫院、商店和廚房)、平衡木balancing beam、攀岩牆climbing wall、蹦床 trampoline、螺旋滑梯spiral slide和鋸齒橋 zigzag bridge、裝滿25,000個彩色球的球池ball pool和峇里島第一個兒童甜甜圈滑梯doughnut slide。

<< AeroXSpace Adventure – Denpasar 09:00 – 21:00 >>

歡迎來到AeroXSpace,峇里島最大的室內冒險樂園…位於峇里島中心Denpasar的室內刺激和極限冒險的終極空間! 不僅僅是典型的彈跳床公園或另一個遊樂場。我們的公園充滿了獨特的景點,旨在突破您的極限,讓您翱翔到新的水平,攀登令人眼花繚亂的高度,最重要的是,享受絕對的樂趣。


AeroXSpace 作為峇里島最大的室內冒險樂園於2024年8月16日開業,在峇里島留下了深刻的印象。AeroXSpace旨在激勵所有年齡層的人遠離電子設備,透過刺激腎上腺素的活動來改善他們的健康和心理健康,致力於在峇里島創造最令人興奮、富有想像和有趣的家庭體驗。


八歲及以上的兒童可以在沒有成人監督的情況下沉浸在室內公園的迷人世界中。從Galactic Climbing銀河攀登到Stellar Rope Course恆星繩索課程,從Space Warrior太空戰士到Supernova Slides超新星滑梯,多樣化的景點和生動的燈光相結合,創造出令人腎上腺素飆升的身體和感官體驗。在AeroXSpace,重力讓位給探索的刺激,遊客可以翱翔到新的高度並培養無所畏懼的心態。

亮點景點包括發射台滑梯Launch Pad slides——印尼首個此類滑梯——讓滑梯能夠體驗自由落體的快感。這不僅僅是一張幻燈片;這是一張幻燈片。對於喜歡挑戰地心引力、渴望被發射到太空的感覺的尋求刺激者來說,這是一種通行權。

AeroXCourt是印尼的另一項首創,它是一個充滿空氣的多功能球場,具有緩衝、空氣支撐的表面,邀請遊客體驗在月球上行走的感覺,同時完成精彩的扣籃或踢出星際進球。同時,太空過山車Space Coaster讓冒險者能夠在公園上空進行100公尺長的驚心動魄的飛行,喚起穿越太陽系的感覺。


對於那些想要更優雅的氛圍和更高層次的點菜選擇的人來說,Luna Lounge是一個別緻的天文場所,被巨大的月亮的銀色光芒柔和地照亮。從二樓的戰略位置和多個閉路電視螢幕上,父母和監護人可以繼續關注他們的探險家,或者只是在休息室宜人的氛圍中放鬆身心。此外,為了舉辦終極生日派對或慶祝活動,AeroXSpace還提供三間專用派對室,可容納10至120位賓客。


探索AeroXSpace的非凡景點並創造難忘的故事。乘坐令人驚嘆的100公尺太空過山車翱翔宇宙,乘坐銀河滑索體驗宇宙飛行的快感。在 AeroXCourt(印尼第一個多功能充氣球場)參加令人興奮的運動和友好比賽。沿著美味的牛奶滑道享受驚險刺激的旅程。憑藉這些亮點以及更多亮點,AeroXSpace 為所有年齡段的人帶來無盡的刺激,確保為每個人帶來難忘的冒險。


Embark on an unparalleled journey of exhilaration with AeroXSpace’s “Space Coasters”! Secure yourself in and embark on a breathtaking flight 100 meters above the park, where you’ll glide through the air with the freedom of a comet streaking through the cosmos. This thrilling adventure offers a unique blend of adrenaline and awe, creating unforgettable moments that will elevate your spirits long after you’ve landed. Ready for liftoff? Join us to make memories that soar beyond the bounds of gravity. 與 AeroXSpace 的「太空過山車」一起踏上無與倫比的刺激之旅!確保自己安全,然後在公園上空 100 公尺的地方開始令人驚嘆的飛行,在那裡您將像彗星劃過宇宙一樣自由地在空中滑翔。這場驚心動魄的冒險將腎上腺素和敬畏結合在一起,創造出令人難忘的時刻,讓您在著陸後很長一段時間內精神振奮。準備好升空了嗎?加入我們,創造超越重力界限的回憶。

<< TUBES >>

Travel into the unknown and experience the excitement inside transporter tubes, transitioning between different spaces in seconds as you continue your exploration of the AeroXSpace universe. 當您繼續探索 AeroXSpace 宇宙時,進入未知世界並體驗運輸管道內的刺激,幾秒鐘內即可在不同空間之間轉換。


Get across the Balance Scroll to enter portals into an astral realm, which traps any who walk into them and forces them to fall into the infinite space or to fight demons across in order to win the war. The warrior needs a steady balance, quick reaction, and interstellar speed to conquer the rolling of the scroll. 穿過平衡捲軸進入星界的傳送門,任何進入其中的人都會被困住,迫使他們墜入無限的空間或與惡魔戰鬥以贏得戰爭。戰士需要穩定的平衡、快速的反應和星際速度來征服捲軸的滾動。


Accelerate your excitement in celestial running, jumping, climbing, and moving through obstacles in a creative and efficient way. Whether it’s swinging through the air, jumping between things, or nailing a difficult route, turn your standing long jump into a precision jump. All obstacles will take the parkour warrior one step ahead into space eternity. 以創意和高效的方式加速您在天體奔跑、跳躍、攀爬和穿越障礙中的興奮感。無論是在空中擺動、在物體之間跳躍,或是確定一條困難的路線,都可以將你的立定跳遠變成精確跳躍。所有的障礙都將帶領跑酷戰士向前邁出一步,進入永恆的太空。


Embark on a stellar adventure at AeroXSpace’s “Spiral Climbing,” where each ascent transports you to a new celestial realm. Designed for both seasoned climbers and novices, this unique climbing experience offers timed challenges that test your agility and foster camaraderie. Perfect for adrenaline junkies and team-building activities alike, Spiral Climbing combines the thrill of scaling heights with the excitement of cosmic exploration. 在 AeroXSpace 的「螺旋攀登」中踏上星際冒險之旅,每次上升都會帶您到一個新的天國。這種獨特的攀岩體驗專為經驗豐富的登山者和新手而設計,提供定時挑戰,考驗您的敏捷性並培養友誼。螺旋攀岩將攀登高峰的刺激感與宇宙探索的興奮感融為一體,非常適合腎上腺素愛好者和團隊建立活動。


Savor the sweetest adventure at AeroXSpace with our “Milky Glide”! Immerse yourself in a world of fun as you slide down a delectably sugary slope that’s every bit as thrilling as it is sweet. This unique experience promises a rush of excitement, blending the joy of a classic slide with the whimsy of a donut-inspired twist. Perfect for those with a taste for adventure and a love for all things sweet, this slide will have you coming back for seconds, eager for another bite of the fun. 與我們的“Milky Glide”一起享受 AeroXSpace 最甜蜜的冒險!當您沿著令人愉悅的含糖斜坡滑下時,您將沉浸在一個充滿樂趣的世界中,這既刺激又甜蜜。這款獨特的體驗將經典滑梯的樂趣與甜甜圈風格的奇思妙想融為一體,帶來一陣興奮。這張投影片非常適合那些喜歡冒險和熱愛一切甜蜜事物的人,它會讓您流連忘返,渴望再次享受樂趣。


Navigate the thrill of evasion in AeroXSpace’s Wipeout! Master the art of dodging, ducking, and diving as you outwit the relentless sweep of the spinning arm. Stand as the ultimate champion in this exhilarating contest of agility and prowess, where quick reflexes and strategic moves are your keys to survival. In this heart-racing arena, only the nimble and the brave will emerge victorious. Are you ready to take on the challenge and claim your place as the last one standing in this cosmic duel of endurance and skill? 在 AeroXSpace 的 Wipeout 中體驗躲避的快感!掌握閃避、躲避和俯衝的藝術,以智取勝旋轉手臂的無情橫掃。在這場令人興奮的敏捷性和實力競賽中,成為終極冠軍,快速反應和策略行動是你生存的關鍵。在這個驚心動魄的競技場上,只有敏捷和勇敢的人才能取得勝利。你準備好接受挑戰並在這場耐力與技巧的宇宙對決中成為最後的勝利者了嗎?


Embark on an epic journey through AeroXSpace’s “Space Warrior Challenge,” spanning two exhilarating levels of heart-racing challenges. Begin your adventure on the visually stunning first level, illuminated by a kaleidoscope of colorful LEDs, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. Then, ascend to the second level, where the thrills intensify, challenging your strength, agility, and determination. Your quest culminates in a breathtaking slide that propels you towards the ultimate challenge: conquering the iconic warped wall. Triumph over it, and emerge victorious, a true champion of the cosmos! 踏上 AeroXSpace 的「太空戰士挑戰」的史詩之旅,跨越兩個令人興奮的心跳挑戰關卡。在視覺震撼的第一層開始您的冒險,這裡被萬花筒般的彩色 LED 照亮,為難忘的體驗奠定了基礎。然後,登上第二層,刺激感更加強烈,挑戰您的力量、敏捷性和決心。你的探索在令人驚嘆的幻燈片中達到高潮,推動你走向終極挑戰:征服標誌性的扭曲牆。戰勝它,獲得勝利,成為真正的宇宙冠軍!

<< STEP UP >>

Prepare to put your balance and agility to the ultimate test! This is your invitation to step into an exhilarating adventure that demands precision and poise as you rise to new heights. Engage in a thrilling journey that keeps you alert and poised for action, every step a test of your determination and skill. Embrace the challenge, conquer the peaks, and discover what it truly means to elevate your game in a quest that will leave you exhilarated and yearning for more. 準備好讓您的平衡和敏捷性接受終極考驗!這是邀請您踏上令人興奮的冒險之旅,在攀登新高度的過程中需要精準和鎮定。踏上驚心動魄的旅程,讓您保持警覺並做好行動準備,每一步都考驗您的決心和技能。迎接挑戰,征服巔峰,並發現在一項讓您興奮並渴望更多的任務中提升您的遊戲水平的真正意義。


Experience the ultimate test of courage and adrenaline with our Quantum Leap attraction at AeroXSpace! Take a leap and grab onto the hanging bag as you soar through the air, defying gravity and conquering your fears. It’s an exhilarating challenge that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on anything! 在 AeroXSpace 的量子躍遷景點體驗勇氣和腎上腺素的終極考驗!當您在空中翱翔時,縱身一躍並抓住懸掛的袋子,克服重力並克服恐懼。這是一個令人興奮的挑戰,會讓您感到充滿力量並準備好承擔任何事情!

<< ARCADE >>

Prepare to embark on a quest for victory in our plush-packed arcade, where crane machines brim with the softest, most huggable treasures! Seize the controls, take aim with precision, and unleash your skills to capture your favorite plush companions. This engaging challenge is designed to ignite the competitive spark within, offering endless fun and the sweet satisfaction of clutching your hard-earned prize. Dive into the playful excitement, where skill meets luck, and every grab is a chance to bring home a new cuddly friend. 準備好在我們豪華的街機遊戲中開始尋求勝利吧,這裡的起重機充滿了最柔軟、最令人擁抱的寶藏!抓住控制,精確瞄準,並發揮你的技能來捕捉你最喜歡的毛絨夥伴。這項引人入勝的挑戰旨在點燃內心的競爭火花,提供無盡的樂趣和抓住來之不易的獎品的甜蜜滿足感。沉浸在遊戲的刺激之中,技巧與運氣的結合,每一次抓住都是將可愛的新朋友帶回家的機會。


Feel the pulse-pounding excitement of the “360 Dynamic Extreme Cinema,” where immersive worlds and breathtaking adventures await at every turn, delivering an unparalleled sensory journey. Then, rev up for the “VR Motorcycle Odyssey,” where you’re catapulted into the vastness of space, navigating through cosmic landscapes on a high-speed chase that defies the limits of imagination. 感受「360 度動態極限劇院」令人心跳加速的興奮感,沉浸式世界和驚心動魄的冒險時刻等著您,帶來無與倫比的感官之旅。然後,加速體驗“VR 摩托車奧德賽”,您將被彈射到浩瀚的太空中,在宇宙景觀中進行高速追逐,挑戰想像力的極限。


Are you prepared to embark on an AeroXSpace voyage? Propel yourself down our electrifyingly swift slide and plunge into the sea of balls awaiting below for a thrilling escapade that promises to draw you back time and again. This exhilarating journey combines speed with an exuberant splash into fun, ensuring every descent is an adventure you’ll want to relive. Gear up for an experience that’s not just a slide but a launch into limitless amusement. 您準備好踏上 AeroXSpace 之旅了嗎?沿著我們令人驚心動魄的快速滑梯滑下去,跳入球海,等待著下面的驚險刺激的冒險,這一定會讓您一次又一次地回來。這段令人興奮的旅程將速度與活力四射的樂趣融為一體,確保每一次下降都是您想要重溫的冒險。做好準備,享受不只是滑梯的體驗,而是進入無限樂趣的體驗。


Experience the thrill of a lifetime at AeroXSpace – an exhilarating attraction inspired by the adrenaline-pumping heart of Las Vegas! Take the plunge from breathtaking heights, savor the rush of a free-fall, and stick the landing for an unforgettable social media-worthy moment. This isn’t just a slide; it’s a rite of passage for thrill-seekers and adventurers, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience that’s poised to take your breath away and leave you craving more. Join us for an epic adventure that soars above the rest! 在 AeroXSpace 體驗一生難忘的刺激——這個令人興奮的景點的靈感源自拉斯維加斯令人腎上腺素飆升的心臟地帶!從令人驚嘆的高度跳下,體驗自由落體的快感,並堅持著陸,度過難忘的社交媒體時刻。這不僅僅是一張幻燈片;這是一張幻燈片。這是尋求刺激和冒險家的必經之路,提供一生一次的體驗,讓您驚嘆不已,並渴望更多。加入我們,進行一場超越其他人的史詩冒險!


Plunge into a world of boundless fun at AeroXCourt, “Air Filled Multicourt” – the pinnacle of versatile amusement! This unique playground is Indonesia’s first and only multifunctional court, blending the excitement of basketball, dodgeball, and more, all under one roof. Now launching in Bali, it’s your ticket to an exhilarating mix of sports and entertainment. Whether you’re shooting hoops, dodging balls, or engaging in friendly competition, our AeroXCourt is designed to elevate your play to cosmic levels. Get ready for an adventure where fun knows no bounds! 在 AeroXCourt「充氣多功能球場」中投入無限樂趣的世界-多功能娛樂的頂峰!這個獨特的遊樂場是印尼第一個也是唯一一個多功能球場,將籃球、躲避球等運動的刺激融為一體。現在在巴厘島推出,它是您享受令人興奮的運動和娛樂組合的門票。無論您是投籃、躲避球還是參加友誼賽,我們的 AeroXCourt 都能將您的比賽提升到宇宙水平。準備好迎接一場樂趣無窮的冒險吧!


Experience the exhilaration of flight at AeroXSpace’s “Stellar Trapeze,” where grace meets gravity-defying excitement. Propel yourself into the cosmos, performing breathtaking maneuvers as you glide through the air. Each leap is your chance to showcase daring tricks, culminating in a flawless descent onto our AeroXCloud airbag. Embrace the thrill of the aerial ballet, where every swing and jump is a step closer to mastering the art of the trapeze, all while ensuring a safe and stylish landing amidst the clouds. 在 AeroXSpace 的「Stellar Trapeze」體驗飛行的快感,優雅與反重力的興奮在這裡相遇。將自己推進到宇宙中,在空中滑翔時執行令人驚嘆的動作。每一次跳躍都是您展示大膽技巧的機會,最終完美降落到我們的 AeroXCloud 安全氣囊上。擁抱空中芭蕾的刺激,每一次擺動和跳躍都離掌握空中芭蕾藝術更近一步,同時確保安全、時尚地降落在雲端。


Rise to the thrilling challenge of AeroXSpace’s “Astral Battle,” where equilibrium and exhilaration collide! Test your mettle, outwit your adversaries, and emerge as the ultimate victor, standing triumphant on our exhilarating beam suspended over a sea of foam. This is where skill meets strategy, balance meets bravery, and only the steadfast remain. Ready yourself for a duel of cosmic proportions, where each step is a test and every victory, a legend in the making. 迎接 AeroXSpace 的「星界之戰」的驚心動魄的挑戰,平衡與興奮的碰撞!測試你的勇氣,智勝你的對手,並成為最終的勝利者,勝利地站在我們懸浮在泡沫海洋上的令人興奮的橫樑上。這是技巧與策略、平衡與勇敢的結合,只有堅定不移的人才能生存。準備好迎接一場宇宙級的對決,每一步都是一場考驗,每一次勝利都是一個傳奇的誕生。


Elevate your slam dunk skills to celestial levels at AeroXSpace, where we redefine the limits of the sky! Prepare to launch, target, and score like never before as you transcend gravity and electrify the crowd with monumental dunks. Here, every leap is a flight, and every dunk, a cosmic event. Get ready to ascend to the stratosphere of your game, where you’re not just playing basketball—you’re making history with each epic slam. 在 AeroXSpace 將您的扣籃技巧提升到天上的水平,在這裡我們重新定義天空的極限!準備好以前所未有的方式發射、瞄準和得分,超越重力並用具有里程碑意義的扣籃讓觀眾興奮不已。在這裡,每一次跳躍都是一次飛行,每一次灌籃都是宇宙事件。準備好登上比賽的巔峰,在這裡你不僅僅是在打籃球,你還在用每一次史詩般的大滿貫創造歷史。


Plunge into the exhilarating universe of the Intergalactic Airborne Wizard Zone, where each expert leap propels you higher and every flip feels more invigorating. In this arena crafted for infinite excitement, liberate your inner athlete and ascend through the atmosphere with unparalleled energy. Embrace the boundless thrills and the sheer joy of defying gravity, all within a space meticulously designed to elevate your airborne adventures to cosmic heights. 投身於星際空降巫師區的令人興奮的宇宙中,每一次專家級的跳躍都會讓你飛得更高,每一次翻轉都感覺更加充滿活力。在這個為無限興奮而打造的競技場中,釋放您內心的運動員,並以無與倫比的能量在氣氛中提升。擁抱無限的刺激和挑戰重力的純粹樂趣,這一切都在精心設計的空間內,將您的空中冒險提升到宇宙高度。


Leap into exhilaration and embrace the sensation of soaring through the cosmos, executing flips and maneuvers with the grace of an interstellar acrobat at AeroXSpace. Prepare yourself for boundless fun and adrenaline-pumping excitement as you defy gravity and ascend to new heights. Each jump is a gateway to unparalleled adventure, where you become the master of aerial artistry. Get set for an unforgettable journey where the sky is not the limit but just the beginning! 盡情享受在宇宙中翱翔的感覺,像 AeroXSpace 的星際雜技演員一樣優雅地進行翻轉和機動。準備好迎接無限樂趣和腎上腺素飆升的興奮吧,挑戰地心引力,攀登新高度。每一次跳躍都是通往無與倫比的冒險的大門,在這裡您將成為空中藝術的大師。準備好踏上難忘的旅程吧,天空不是極限,而只是開始!


Prepare to transcend the ordinary and embrace the thrill of weightlessness with AeroXSpace’s Galaxy Jump. Experience the heart-pounding exhilaration of defying gravity, plunging into the unknown, and then landing softly on our AeroXCloud airbag. This unforgettable adventure offers a safe and exhilarating journey through the air, capturing the essence of cosmic exploration. Gear up for a leap into the vastness of space, where every fall is a step closer to flying. 準備好超越平凡,享受 AeroXSpace 的 Galaxy Jump 帶來的失重快感吧。體驗對抗地心引力、跳入未知世界,然後輕輕降落在我們的 AeroXCloud 安全氣囊上的令人心潮澎湃的興奮。這次難忘的冒險提供了一次安全而令人興奮的空中之旅,捕捉宇宙探索的精髓。準備好躍入浩瀚的太空,每一次墜落都離飛翔更近一步。


Experience the thrill of cosmic flight on AeroXSpace’s “Galactic Zipline,” where you’ll streak across the sky like a comet. Immerse yourself in the sensation of interstellar breezes as you zip through our celestial landscape, embarking on a journey that transcends the ordinary. This is your chance to feel the rush of the cosmos, navigating through the heavens in an adventure that’s truly out of this world. Prepare to take flight and soar through the galaxy, where adventure and exhilaration await at every turn. 在 AeroXSpace 的「銀河滑索」上體驗宇宙飛行的快感,您將像彗星一樣劃過天空。當您快速穿越我們的天體景觀時,讓自己沉浸在星際微風的感覺中,踏上一段超越平凡的旅程。這是您感受宇宙衝擊的機會,在天空中航行,進行一次真正超凡脫俗的冒險。準備好在銀河系中飛行並翱翔,冒險和興奮處處等待著您。


Rise to triumph at AeroXSpace, where the Celestial Wall awaits as the pinnacle of ninja warrior challenges. Only the most nimble and swift adventurers will navigate this formidable obstacle to claim victory in the vast cosmic arena. Test your agility and strength as you defy gravity and ascend towards triumph, marking your place among the stars as a conqueror of the universe’s ultimate challenge. Join us and etch your name in the celestial annals as a true space warrior! 在 AeroXSpace 中崛起並取得勝利,天界之牆等待著忍者戰士的巔峰挑戰。只有最敏捷、最敏捷的冒險家才能克服這個巨大的障礙,在廣闊的宇宙競技場上取得勝利。測試你的敏捷性和力量,對抗地心引力並走向勝利,標誌著你作為宇宙終極挑戰的征服者在群星中的地位。加入我們,作為真正的太空戰士將您的名字銘刻在天體史冊上!


Ascend through the universe at AeroXSpace’s “Galactic Climbing,” where every wall is a new world to conquer. With timed challenges designed to test skill and foster camaraderie, this space is perfect for those seeking an adrenaline-fueled adventure with friends or looking to build team spirit in a unique and exhilarating environment. Engage in friendly competition or strive together to reach new heights, all while experiencing the thrill of cosmic exploration. Gear up and prepare to scale the stars in our Galactic Climbing. 在 AeroXSpace 的「銀河攀登」中穿越宇宙,每一面牆壁都是一個需要征服的新世界。這個空間設有旨在測試技能和培養友誼的限時挑戰,非常適合那些尋求與朋友一起進行刺激冒險或希望在獨特而令人興奮的環境中建立團隊精神的人。參與友好的競爭或共同努力達到新的高度,同時體驗宇宙探索的快感。做好準備,在我們的銀河攀登中攀登星空。


Launch into the stars with AeroXSpace’s “Stellar Ropes Course,” a universe of thrilling aerial challenges and interstellar obstacles. Navigate through our celestial maze of rope attractions, where each turn brings a new challenge and the thrill of discovery. Perfect for adventurers seeking to test their skills and agility, this cosmic journey offers an unforgettable experience amidst the stars. Join us and traverse the galaxy like never before, all within the boundless expanse of our Stellar Ropes Course. 透過 AeroXSpace 的「恆星繩索課程」飛向星空,這是一個充滿驚心動魄的空中挑戰和星際障礙的宇宙。穿越我們的天體迷宮般的繩索景點,每個轉彎都會帶來新的挑戰和發現的快感。這次宇宙之旅非常適合尋求測試技能和敏捷性的冒險家,在星空中提供難忘的體驗。加入我們,以前所未有的方式穿越銀河系,一切都在我們無邊無際的恆星繩索課程中進行。


Welcome to AeroXSpace’s “Toddler Space,” where young explorers embark on a celestial adventure! This cosmic wonderland is tailor-made for families, offering a universe of fun and exploration for our tiniest astronauts. Delight as your little ones discover the wonders of space in a safe, engaging environment that ignites their imagination and encourages playful learning. Join us and watch them soar among the stars, all within the comfort of our family-friendly galaxy. 歡迎來到 AeroXSpace 的“幼兒空間”,年輕的探險家在這裡踏上天體冒險之旅!這個宇宙仙境是為家庭量身定制的,為我們最小的太空人提供了一個充滿樂趣和探索的宇宙。當您的孩子在安全、引人入勝的環境中發現太空奇觀時,會很高興,這會激發他們的想像並鼓勵有趣的學習。加入我們,觀看他們在星空中翱翔,這一切都在我們適合家庭的銀河系的舒適環境中進行。





客人一定會喜歡探索和發現AeroXSpace所提供的服務。色彩鮮豔的遊樂空間設有固定設備,如劇院(警察局、醫院、商店和廚房)、平衡木balancing beam、攀岩牆climbing wall、蹦床 trampoline、螺旋滑梯spiral slide和鋸齒橋 zigzag bridge、裝滿25,000個彩色球的球池ball pool和峇里島第一個兒童甜甜圈滑梯doughnut slide。客人將享受數小時的樂趣,同時培養大運動技能和敏捷性,同時與各個年齡層的客人進行社交活動。免費的遊樂區擺滿了毛絨玩具和拼圖的架子,還有兩張超長的桌子,讓孩子們聚集在一起玩耍。這些活動培養精細運動技能、想像和認知能力。


探索Galaxy Lounge,這裡是放鬆與娛樂的完美結合。Galaxy休息室空間寬敞,最多可容納100人,是家庭的天堂。在這個充滿歡樂與平靜的空間中,可以一邊享用最喜歡的茶點,一邊放鬆身心,同時照顧您的孩子。






AeroXSpace便利的停車區 – 專為您設計。最多可容納14輛車,享受額外奢華的免費代客泊車服務。免費自助停車選項位於入口前,交通便利。遵循清晰標記的AeroXSpace標誌即可輕鬆進入。您的享受之旅從這裡開始,停車無壓力,也是樂趣的一部分。





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Add: Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.999, Sidakarya, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80224

Tel:  +62 878-1699-1999

Opening Hours: Every Day at 09:00 – 21:00
