Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre 19:30-21:00 劇場秀 //////

DEVDAN一詞來自梵文“ Deva”和“ Dhana”,意思是“上帝的恩典”。印度尼西亞的寶藏是上帝給印度尼西亞人民的禮物。 DEVDAN的故事始於作為旅遊團成員的兩個小孩對旅行計劃感到無聊,他們脫離了小組,爬上了一個高高的懸崖。他們找到了一個箱子,裡面裝有各種獨特的印尼物品,帶出一個激動人心的旅程,享受印尼的財富。

<< Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre 19:30-21:00 >>


Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre(峇里島努沙杜瓦劇院)是一場壯觀的舞蹈表演,具有視覺效果的特殊音響系統,燈光,聲音和煙霧高科技的佈置,舞者的出現以及峇里島各種傳統服飾的融合。Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre是最佳的表演劇院,將歌舞與雜技,神奇的幻覺和一些驚人的特效結合在一起。 Devdan在展示印度尼西亞驚人豐富而多樣的文化,其動作迅速,精心編排且演奏技藝精湛。有幽默感,有驚喜,沒有沉悶的時刻。 Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre充滿了光彩奪目的表演,將峇里島,爪哇,婆羅洲,蘇門答臘和巴布亞的傳統舞蹈與現代舞蹈融合在一起,空中雜技表演伴隨著各種類型的嘻哈音樂,表演非常有趣,吸引觀眾的眼球。

DEVDAN一詞來自梵文“ Deva”和“ Dhana”,意思是“上帝的恩典”。印度尼西亞的寶藏是上帝給印度尼西亞人民的禮物。 Devdan Show – Bali Nusa Dua Theatre帶來的寶藏,帶給觀眾從峇里島到蘇門答臘,爪哇,加里曼丹到巴布亞的文化旅程。這五個島嶼分別展現不同的表演,好比就像蘇門答臘用Saman Dance表演出人類與造物主之間的關係,接著絲綢空中雜技。爪哇表演出令人驚嘆的戰爭場面。婆羅洲表演出愛情故事。而巴布亞則展現了鬥志昂揚的村民慶祝狩獵節。以90分鐘的舞蹈形式講述印度尼西亞文化多樣性的故事。


Bali Devdan Show在Bali Nusa Dua劇院進行,可容納700張椅子,規劃和建造符合國際標準的舞台。於2010年由Liaw Lindatini Suparosono發起。劇院配備了多種設施,例如餐廳,停車場等。



Story of The Treasure of Indonesian Archipelago

Get a Sneak Peek…..

The DEVDAN story begins when two young children who are parts of a tourist group in Bali feel bored with the tour itinerary and set themselves apart from the group to climb toward a cliff that has grabbed their attention. They find a treasure chest containing various unique items that will bring them, and the audience, in a journey to witness the treasure of Indonesia.DEVDAN 的故事開始於巴厘島旅遊團中的兩個小孩,他們對旅遊行程感到無聊,並與團隊分開,爬上吸引他們注意力的懸崖。 他們找到了一個藏有各種獨特物品的寶箱,這些物品將帶給他們和觀眾一起見證印度尼西亞寶藏的旅程。


The Bali Scene –

Kecak Dance

The captivating Kecak Dance is a typical Balinese dance and performed by a group of men. The storyline of Kecak dance depicts a Hindu’s folklore or well known as the story of Ramayana. There are three main characters, in which Ramayana rescues his wife, Sita, who is being kidnapped by the evil king Ravana. Kecak performance closed in an epic ending, where Ramayana circled by all Kecak dancers.迷人的 Kecak Dance 是一種典型的巴厘島舞蹈,由一群男人表演。 Kecak 舞蹈的故事情節描繪了印度教的民間傳說或眾所周知的羅摩衍那的故事。 共有三個主要角色,羅摩衍那營救了被邪惡的國王拉瓦那綁架的妻子西塔。 Kecak 表演以史詩般的結尾結束,所有 Kecak 舞者都圍繞著羅摩衍那。

Lesung Dance

Lesung Dance origins from the agriculture life of villagers and normally happens as a celebratory dance of the harvest season. The performers using a giant-size mortar while making the rhythmical movement, it is used to express the gratitude of villagers towards God for the gift and abundance of the harvest.Lesung Dance起源於村民的農業生活,通常作為收穫季節的慶祝舞蹈。 表演者用巨大的研缽一邊做有節奏的動作,一邊用它來表達村民們對上帝的恩賜和豐收的感激之情。


Odalan is one of Hindu’s ceremonies that commemorate an anniversary of Hindu’s temple and it is conducted to ensure the spiritual harmony. The essential meaning of Odalan is not about the celebration itself, it is considered as an appreciation of the almighty and to remind the balance of the universe.Odalan 是印度教紀念印度教寺廟一周年的儀式之一,旨在確保精神和諧。 Odalan的本質意義不是慶祝本身,它被認為是對全能者的欣賞和提醒宇宙的平衡。

The Sumatra Scene –

Saman Dance

Saman Dance or famously known with a dance of a thousand hands is part of the cultural heritage from Gayo ethnic, Aceh province, Sumatra which normally performs using a simple musical instrument, hand drum and using the sounds from the dancers who will pat their chest and hands. All those instruments will lead to amazingly rhythm of music harmony.

Saman Dance has been recognized by UNESCO on 2011 as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. While from the ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA), Saman Dance is claimed as the best ASEAN cultural preservation effort at the 25th ASEANTA Awards for Excellence 2012.

薩曼舞或著名的千手舞是蘇門答臘亞齊省加約族文化遺產的一部分,通常使用簡單的樂器、手鼓和舞者拍拍胸口的聲音來表演 手。 所有這些樂器都會帶來令人驚嘆的音樂和諧節奏。

薩曼舞於2011年被聯合國教科文組織認定為人類口頭和非物質遺產代表作。 來自東盟旅遊協會 (ASEANTA) 的 Saman Dance 在 2012 年第 25 屆ASEANTA 卓越獎中被稱為最佳東盟文化保護工作。

Pecut Dance

Pecut Dance is a traditional whip used for herding cattle. This performance symbolizes masculinity and richness of Indonesia’s fauna.Pecut Dance是一種用於放牧牛的傳統鞭子。 這種表演象徵著印度尼西亞動物群的陽剛之氣和豐富性。

Rain Dance 

Rain Dance is performed by villagers who are worshipping to the Almighty God for the rain to shower in their homeland due to a long drought. The audience will witness rain falling and wetting the stage.雨舞是村民們祭祀全能神,祈求久旱逢甘霖的鄉親們表演的。 觀眾將目睹雨水落下並弄濕舞台。

The Java Scene –

Java Warior 

Java Warrior is performed by an even number of men aims to show off power, strength, and loyalty to the Sultanate. The movement indicates a state of mind, which is controlled and harmonious.Java Warrior 由偶數名男子表演,旨在炫耀權力、力量和對蘇丹國的忠誠。 運動表明一種精神狀態,這種狀態是可控的、和諧的。


Wayang means Shadow in Javanese terms; it refers to the entire dramatic show. Some music instruments will accompany Wayang performance, such as Gamelan orchestra. On the stage, there will be a highlight for two types of Wayang, there is Wayang Kulit (Shadow puppetry) and gigantic Wayang Golek (Doll puppetry)Wayang 在爪哇語中意為影子; 它指的是整個戲劇表演。 一些樂器將伴隨 Wayang 的表演,如加美蘭管弦樂隊。 在舞台上,將有兩種類型的Wayang的亮點,有Wayang Kulit(影子木偶)和巨大的Wayang Golek(娃娃木偶)

Bedhoyo Dance 

Dance has played an important role at the courts of Java throughout the centuries. Usually perform by several woman (the number has to be odd; 7 or 9) and all dancers needed to be in a holy state of mind, both physic and soul. Bedhaya performance consider as a sacred dance as it is associated with the sultanate of Central Java.幾個世紀以來,舞蹈在爪哇的宮廷中發揮了重要作用。 通常由幾個女人表演(數字必須是奇數;7 或 9),所有舞者都需要處於神聖的精神狀態,無論是身體還是靈魂。 Bedhaya 表演被視為一種神聖的舞蹈,因為它與中爪哇的蘇丹國有關。

The Kalimantan Scene –

Water Dance

Kalimantan is famous for its long and wide rivers. Since the majestic Kutai Kingdom in the 13th century, river has been serving ships as the main mean of transport. Nowadays, indigenous culture remain close to the water where traditional floating markets can be found everywhere in every corner of Kalimantan. This performance portrays a group of young maiden playing in the water; one of those girls will swim on the stage river and get her whole body wet.加里曼丹以其長而寬的河流而聞名。 自 13 世紀雄偉的庫台王國以來,河流一直是船舶的主要交通工具。 如今,土著文化仍然靠近水,在加里曼丹的每個角落都可以找到傳統的水上市場。 這場表演描繪了一群年輕的少女在水中嬉戲; 其中一個女孩會在舞台河上游泳,弄濕她的整個身體。


Dayak is a native people from Borneo Island, best known for their majestically beautiful women and their strong belief in using of ancient magic rituals. They wear typical dress complete with an enggang feather (a type of eagle) for accessories. Enggang birds have already extinct, but their representation in the form of dance is a reminder of their existence in Borneo.達雅克是婆羅洲島的土著民族,以其威嚴美麗的女性和對使用古代魔法儀式的堅定信念而聞名。 他們穿著典型的連衣裙,配以英岡羽毛(一種鷹)作為配飾。 Enggang 鳥類已經滅絕,但它們以舞蹈的形式表現出來,提醒人們它們在婆羅洲的存在。

Fishing Port

Once upon a time in an early dawn in Dayak fishing port, a group of fisherman catches a beautiful yet wild animal in its fishing net. She gets uncontrollable and is on the brink of destroying the port. One angler has the guts to tame her, but alas, his guts bring him to his doom. He is mysteriously tangled in the net and dragged into thin air.曾幾何時,在達雅克漁港的黎明,一群漁民在漁網中捕捉到一隻美麗而野生的動物。 她變得無法控制,正處於摧毀港口的邊緣。 一位垂釣者有膽量馴服她,但可惜的是,他的膽量將他帶入了厄運。 他被神秘地纏在網中,被拖到稀薄的空氣中。

The Papua Scene –

Papua Dance 

Papua is bounded by the ‘good earth’ and is blessed by the bounty of nature. Some people still hunt their food with arrows, which naturally made them as an extremely hunters and wood carvers. They paint their faces in the ancient way, adorn their tribal dress and in this scene, they are preparing for their festival of manhood.巴布亞被“美好的地球”所包圍,並受到大自然的恩惠。 有些人仍然用箭來獵食,這自然使他們成為了一個極端的獵人和木雕師。 他們以古老的方式畫臉,裝飾部落服飾,在這個場景中,他們正在為他們的成年節做準備。


Honai is a term used for a Papuan people traditional house. Most of Papua people still living inside the traditional house, which consist of two floors. The first floor normally uses for the bedroom and second-floor uses as living room, dining room and workshop (where the people can make their crafts on their own workshop). This unique traditional house is made from grass and shaped like a gigantic mushroom.Honai 是用於巴布亞人傳統房屋的術語。 大多數巴布亞人仍然住在傳統的房子裡,房子有兩層。 一樓通常用作臥室,二樓用作客廳、餐廳和作坊(人們可以在自己的作坊上製作工藝品)。 這座獨特的傳統房屋由草製成,形狀像一個巨大的蘑菇。


Tifa is a percussive musical instrument from Papua, similar to a drum and played by hitting it with both hands. Tifa is made of hollow wood with one of its body covered with stretched leather (usually using deer’s skin). Tifa is played as musical accompaniment for traditional dances, such as war dance, as well as ritual ceremonies and other big events.Tifa是一種來自巴布亞的打擊樂器,類似於鼓,用雙手敲擊來演奏。 Tifa 由空心木頭製成,其中一個身體覆蓋著拉伸皮革(通常使用鹿皮)。 Tifa 被用作傳統舞蹈的音樂伴奏,如戰舞,以及儀式和其他大型活動。


Add : Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua, Komplek ITDC Nusa Dua 80363, Bali

營業時間 : 19:30-21:00 週一/週三/週五/週六

Tel :  0361-770197