Bali National Golf Club – Nusa Dua 高爾夫 OK

Bali National Golf,在大修後,更大張旗鼓的結合Villa住宿重出江湖;佔了地利之便,就在最重要的Nusa Dua飯店區旁,並提供Nusa Dua地區免費接送服務

<< Bali National Golf Club Nusa Dua >>


前身為Bali Country Golf的Bali National Golf,在大修後,更大張旗鼓的結合Villa住宿重出江湖,佔了地利之便,就在最重要的Nusa Dua飯店區旁,並提供Nusa Dua地區免費接送服務。


有興趣者,可電Casa Chen 0932-043913; 或mail to



Bali National Golf Club位於 THE MAJ NUSA DUA,Nusa Dua旅遊區提供許多五星級飯店、兩個會議中心、一個購物中心、餐廳和一個博物館,坐落在超過三英里的白色沙灘旁邊。無論是初學者、專業人士,還是尋求輕鬆的峇里島高爾夫假期的休閒週末高爾夫球手,Bali National Golf Club都是不容錯過的體驗。

Bali National Golf Club距離峇里島Ngurah Rai國際機場僅20分鐘車程,通過峇里島Mandara收費公路,通過重新設計的Bali National Golf Club為峇里島的遊客提供真正豪華的高爾夫體驗,俱樂部在整個18洞擁有三個不同的比賽環境課程。

1 至9號洞的特色是小溪、峽谷和充滿熱帶鳥類的原生植被,而10至16號洞則為高爾夫球手提供穿過成熟樹林的鬱鬱蔥蔥、柔和雕刻的球道。最後,島嶼綠洞17和湖畔洞18是考驗每一位高爾夫球手的具有挑戰性的收尾洞。該球場被美國高爾夫文摘評為2014年亞洲最佳翻新高爾夫球場和2016年亞太地區第五名最佳高爾夫度假村、2017年印度尼西亞最佳高爾夫度假村和美國高爾夫文摘2018年260個國家/地區的最佳高爾夫球場。

Bali National Golf Club也是著名的利百特高爾夫學院Leadbetter Golf Academy(LGA Bali)的所在地之一。除了LGA峇里島,Bali National Golf Club還提供設備齊全的更衣室、儲藏豐富的專賣店、提供精緻美食的高爾夫球手休息室和露台、貴賓會議室和貴賓休息室設施。

Bali National是在峇里島享受難忘的豪華高爾夫體驗的必去之地。


Bali National Golf Club brochure :



歡迎來到Bali National Golf Club,高爾夫球手可以在距離後發球檯 6,878 碼處享受獨特的國際設計、標準桿71桿錦標賽標準高爾夫球場。

1號洞的發球設定了前九洞的節奏,美麗成熟的樹木位於公園地形中,背景是壯觀的海景。到達4號洞的果嶺後,壯觀的景色可以打斷一個人的推桿,一直到雄偉的Gunung Agung!最高點在7號洞發球檯達到,那裡的海景可能會阻礙擊球需要征服印度尼西亞最長的洞之一,即620碼的5杆洞!然後,前進到第8號洞,開球必須穿過“叢林”峽谷到達延伸到遠處的蜿蜒球道。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,9號洞球桿的選擇對於這個棘手的3杆洞至關重要,因為它是高聳的半島果嶺,周圍環繞著水和果嶺沙坑。



Bali National Golf Club “每天都是偉大的高爾夫日”!

Golf Rates –

Golf Packages –

Corporate & Group Golf Day –

Golf Tee Time –

Dress Code –

一般來說,(除註明的例外情況)Bali National Golf Club的著裝應是休閒的。

Clubhouse Dress Code 
參與期間必須始終穿著適合會所的服裝。 除了不允許穿金屬釘鞋外,所有人都必須穿鞋。 紳士必須始終穿襯衫。

Golf Course Dress Code 

男士必須穿有領襯衫或“mock top模擬上衣”。

不允許在高爾夫球場上穿著 T 卹、背心、短褲、跑步短褲、短褲、背心和牛仔短褲。




Club Rules & Regulations –

1. Starter 有權在任何時候將球員配對成完整的四人一組。
2. 所有球員都應始終穿著合適的高爾夫服裝;並且只允許使用軟釘鞋,不允許使用金屬釘鞋。
3. 所有高爾夫球手必須有自己的一套高爾夫球桿。不允許共享球桿。
4. 高爾夫球車應始終保持在球道上,15 歲以下的兒童在任何時候都不得駕駛高爾夫球車。
5. 除非得到管理層的批准,否則 8 歲以下的兒童不得成為非高爾夫球手高爾夫球車乘客。
6. 9 洞後休息的高爾夫球手可能會失去他們在球場上的位置,並且只能在首發球員確定的位置重新上場。
7. 9洞比賽節奏不超過2小時15分鐘,18洞不超過4小時30分鐘。
8. 任何租賃設備的損壞或丟失,包括但不限於高爾夫球車和配件、高爾夫球桿和高爾夫球鞋,均由高爾夫球手個人負責。球員應對高爾夫球車、設備損壞或丟失承擔責任,並需要在一輪之後向支付由Bali National Golf Club確定的金額。


1. 高爾夫費用不予退還,如果高爾夫球手在開始比賽后因天氣原因選擇不繼續比賽,則不會簽發Rain Check。
2. 但是,如果Bali National Golf Club管理層因球場或天氣狀況而關閉球場,將適用以下規定:
A. 完成1-4洞比賽的球手將獲得18洞Rain Check禮券。
B. 完成5至12洞的高爾夫球手將獲得一張9洞的Rain Check禮券。
3. Rain Check Voucher 有效期為 90 天,不可轉讓和退款


Bali National Golf Club以外的食物和飲料不得在球場和俱樂部會所內食用

1. Bali National Golf Club對因使用球場和設施而造成的任何事故概不負責。

2 .Bali National Golf Club對個別高爾夫球手個人設備或貴重物品的損壞或丟失不承擔任何責任。


Tournaments Update –



Hole by Hole –

Front 9 Holes

Hole 1
A beautifully framed golf hole welcomes golfers on tee box 1, with two choices for one’s first drive of the day. Big hitters may take on the waste bunker and sail out over the tree in centre fairway but a more conservative route can see one utilizing the generous right side fairway, where anywhere right of the “lone tree” should leave you with a reachable approach shot.

Hole 2
Let the games continue, a sharp dog leg right requires an accurately placed drive, with the optimum drive flying the right side bunker, a carry of 250 yards over mature trees from the Championship Tee, with lots of tree trouble on the right!  A well placed drive is rewarded with a short iron to the green.

Hole 3
The uphill narrow fairway gets tighter for longer hitters and better to stay on the fairway’s left side to avoid the tree lined crevice on the right which ensures a blind approach shot!  A generous sized green protected by bunkers awaits which, depending on the pin position can make a one or two club difference to one’s approach shot!

Hole 4
A deceptive uphill 158 yard par 3, where, if in doubt, take one more club, being sure to avoid the stone wall terraces on the right. Be warned, while putting avoid looking too often at the truly spectacular Gunung Agung, Bali’s highest volcanic peak!

Hole 5
Hit it long and straight on this par 4, as your drive must be over the crest of the hill to have a view of the undulating green, awaiting you in the valley below. The approach shot will most often be from a downhill lie, which requires you to focus on keeping your head down!

Hole 6
A great par 3 hole, some 205 yards uphill from the back tee, where one’s selection of club is critical, as there is very often a swirling wind at the green, which has two distinct levels. Hitting the level where the pin is placed, will avoid a putting surprise or two, or three!

Hole 7
A stunning vista of the ocean and Nusa Penida welcomes the golfer to an elevated tee box some 618 yards from the green.  One must focus on hitting the drive “down the middle” and get close to the right dogleg turn, which gives you a view of a still distant undulating kidney shaped green awaiting your skill with the putter!

Hole 8
An accurate tee shot through a wooded ravine to a left sloping fairway, with OB along the right side, makes driving accuracy paramount here.  The pin placement on an elevated green, will determine the target landing area for your drive, which to score well, will need to be either right or left on the day.

Hole 9
The beautiful front nine finishing hole dictates an accurate highly pitched shot to ensure a safe landing on the green which is far wider than it is deep. Club selection is critical as being either being either short or long can be “wet”! There is a generous landing area just left of the green but watch out for the greenside bunker.

Back 9 Holes

Hole 10
The safe drive is to the center of the fairway but will leave you with an approach shot to a small target green over a deep greenside bunker. The “tiger” line is to carry the right side waste bunker off the tee, which will place one’s ball closer to the best angle for the approach shot to the green.

Hole 11
A dog leg par 5 awaits with a large pond and waste bunker to be cleared from the back tee, a 240 yard +/- carry and the second shot must not be right, as a lake awaits down the right side of the fairway to the green, perched on the lake edge!

Hole 12
Good club selection together with a committed hit, are necessary on this spectacular par 3, where you must take on the lake to an elevated green, guarded by a deep green side bunker, left.

Hole 13
The preferred shot off the tee is to the right side of the fairway but the “reward” is a semi blind second shot and while the left side bunker from the tee can be carried, the penalty for being short is severe, in a “valley of death” bunker!  Having navigated the first two shots, your approach shot to a nestled green can also turn into a “minefield” on this 534 yard par 5.

Hole 14
A straightaway par 4 with a good tee shot down the middle assures golfers of a downhill approach shot with a mid to low iron, to the elevated green sitting on the lake edge!

Hole 15
A relatively short but strategic 393 yard par 4, with a lake carry from the tee box that could make for an interesting drive.    One must also remain in the centre of the fairway to assure yourself of good position for the approach shot to an elevated green.

Hole 16
A great test of golf awaits you on one of the toughest holes on the course.   A 534 yard par 5, almost always against the wind, with a draw required to clear the dogleg left on the second shot, from where you will enjoy a short approach shot to a well protected green, sitting amongst a large waste bunker on three sides!

Hole 17
The game breaker par 3, 17th hole, where playing for the first time, golfers may well ask, “where’s the fairway”!  Yes, your tee shot needs to be somewhat precise, as the tee box and green are the only pieces of dry land on the hole!

Hole 18
A par 4, 407 yard dogleg left, draped by a lake and waste bunker all the way down the left side of the fairway, brings you to the 18th green directly in front of the clubhouse terrace, where many golfers will be watching both your approach shot over the lake and your par putts!


Score Card –

Club House –

Bali National Golf Club獨特的峇里島風格但超現代的俱樂部會所於 2014 年 3 月 1 日正式開業。這個充滿靈感的設施為高爾夫球手或高爾夫球手團體提供享受體驗所需的一切。

Facilities and Services Include :

  • Pro Shop and Golfer’s Reception
  • Restaurant and Terrace Lounge
  • VIP Lounge and Meeting Room
  • Spacious modern Locker Rooms
  • Prayer Room

Raja Golf Store –

Raja高爾夫商店提供各種名牌和標誌商品、高爾夫設備和配件,讓您在球場上暢行無阻。 位於會所大堂層,營業時間為早上 6 點至晚上 7 點

Practice Range –

我們的練習場設有露天和隱蔽的發球區、切球果嶺和推桿果嶺。 練習場與 1 號洞平行,開放時間為上午 7.30 至下午 5(週一至週五)和上午 6.30 至下午 5:00(週六至週日)。

Bali Island Golf Academy –

Bali Island Golf 成立於 2016 年,誕生於對這項運動的熱情和對島嶼的熱愛,將繼續展示峇里島所能提供的最好的東西。
提供一流的高爾夫課程和指導; 專門的教程,根據您的需求量身定制,並在設計時考慮到樂趣。融入了島嶼之家的魅力和熱情好客,提供突出峇里島熱帶美景的課程。