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<< Government temporarily bans pork carried by tourists >> News from Seminyak Times

The Bali provincial government has temporarily forbidden tourists visiting the Island of the Gods to bring food containing pork from abroad. They have also temporarily banned the shipment of pork from abroad to Bali.

峇里島省政府暫時禁止遊客攜帶來自國外的含有豬肉的食物。 他們還暫時禁止將豬肉從國外運到峇里島。

The ban was intended to prevent the African Swine Fever (ASF) or African Pig Fever from spreading. “We forbid tourists to bring food that is made from pork to enter Bali,” said the Head of the Bali Livestock and Animal Health Board, I Wayan Mardiana, to tribunnews.com on Tuesday.

該禁令旨在防止非洲豬瘟(ASF)或非洲豬瘟傳播。 峇里島牲畜和動物衛生委員會負責人I Wayan Mardiana星期二在tribunnews.com上說:“我們禁止遊客攜帶豬肉製成的食品進入峇里島。”

He also asked the airlines to immediately eliminate passenger food leftovers. “The food leftovers must not be disposed of here, especially to rubbish landfills,” he added.

他還要求航空公司立即消除旅客剩飯剩菜。 他補充說:“剩菜剩飯絕對不能丟棄,尤其是垃圾掩埋場。”

According to Mardiana, they have discussed the issue with the airport authorities, airlines, the Bali branch of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) and the local association of pig farmers.


He explained that Bali is currently investigating the ASF threat and he claimed that his department has inspected several pig farms around the island. They took samples which were sent to a laboratory to be examined and the report confirmed that there wasn’t any ASF in these farms in Bali yet.

他解釋說,峇里島目前正在調查ASF威脅,並聲稱他的部門已經檢查了該島周圍的幾個養豬場。 他們採集了樣品,並送往實驗室進行了檢查,報告證實了峇里島的這些農場中還沒有任何ASF。

“So, I want to clarify that until now Bali is still safe from ASF,” he explained. Even so, he advised the community to pay attention to this ASF issue. He also advised the pig farmers to temporarily stop taking food leftovers from hotels, restaurants and catering services to feed their animals.

他解釋說:“所以,我想澄清的是,到目前為止,峇里島仍不受ASF的影響。” 即使這樣,他還是建議社區注意這個ASF問題。 他還建議養豬戶暫時停止從旅館,飯店和飲食服務中取走剩下的食物來餵養他們的動物。