<< Viral tweet shatters ethereal image of Bali’s ‘Gates of Heaven’ >>


<< Viral tweet shatters ethereal image of Bali’s ‘Gates of Heaven’ >> News from Coconuts

You might have come across it once or twice while scrolling through your Instagram timeline, a snap of Bali’s very own “Gates of Heaven” and its reflection on a stunningly clear body of water, making the photo hotspot looks exceptionally out of this world.


What most people who see those pics probably don’t know is that it’s located at Pura Lempuyang Luhur in Karangasem regency, and perhaps even fewer are aware that there’s actually no water around this stunning split gate location.

大多數看到這些照片的人可能不知道的是,它位於Karangasem攝政的Pura Lempuyang Luhur,也許更

Yes, you read that right, folks. As Polina Marinova pointed out on Twitter, the “water” at the Gates of Heaven is really just a piece of glass placed under a camera.

是的,你看到的是對的,伙計們。正如Polina Marinova在推特上指出的那樣,天堂之門的“水”實際

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Polina’s viral tweet is a good reminder that tourists shouldn’t be visiting places for the sole purpose of getting that all-important Instagram shot, since there are many other things worth focusing on.

Pura Lempuyang Luhur is, after all, one of Bali’s oldest and most revered temples. It’s one of those gorgeous spots away from the tourist-filled south. The name itself refers to a collection of temples along the hiking path to the summit, with the main temple – known as Pura Penataran Lempuyang – located 1,175 meters above sea level.

畢竟,Pura Lempuyang Luhur是巴厘島最古老,最受人尊敬的寺廟之一。這是遠離充滿遊客的南部的
美麗景點之一。這個名字本身是指沿著通往山頂的遠足路徑的寺廟集合,主要寺廟 - 被稱為Pura 
Penataran Lempuyang--位於海拔1175米處。