<< Kudanil Explorer – Luxury Boat Cruise Indonesia >>
這艘乍看很像捕鯨船的Kudanil, 反而很吸睛眼球, 雖然少瞭復古風味,但一板一眼的設計卻是縮小版的豪華郵輪, 只有8間大小設計相同的房間,每間房間都有露天陽台,公用餐廳,露天甲板, 都很豪華.
平時因為季節氣候 有不同的規劃路線,當然 可以替包船的客人再次特別設計航程(費用可能會因為航程設計有不同);平日若也有零星的船客,亦提供分房間出租一同出遊,這是可以省下荷包的時候,但得每次詢問有無這種計畫;
Details — 50m / 8 cabins / 16 guests / 21 crew
Kudanil Explorer的船東將重型遠洋船改裝為豪華的遠征遊輪,這是探索印尼最偏遠地區的理想基地。
Kudanil Explorer的結構和設計將遠征遊輪的豪華性與真正的近海船的內置安全性相結合,成為該地區最堅固的航海船之一,並使其能夠冒險前往其他船無法到達的群島地區 。
Kudanil Explorer是尋求冒險的大型團體的絕佳選擇,船上有21名船員會在一流的住宿環境中照顧客人的需求,幫助客人穿越印尼最偏遠的地區。
Onboard Experience –
Kudanil Explorer在上層甲板上設有8個寬敞的帶空調的船艙,每個船艙皆為30.5平方米。可選擇大號或雙床配置,以容納16位船上賓客,並可根據要求為兒童提供額外的單人床。
Kudanil Explorer配備了空調,wifi,帶電影和電視劇的娛樂系統,皮划艇,槳板,滑水板和滑水橇,3個用於陸地探險的小快艇以及供客人使用的潛水和浮潛設備。
What We Love –
Kudanil Explorer的佈局極為實用,八個船艙的大小和設置都相同,而且遊輪的設備也經過深思熟慮。
Kudanil Explorer船東的冒險精神與船隻的穩定性和速度相結合,意味著Kudanil時刻為超越平凡的勇敢冒險做好準備。
欲了解遊輪出航地點,可點閱下面連結 –
欲了解其他遊輪價位,可點閱下面連結 –
有興趣者 可洽Casa Chen 0932-043913,
mail to Casachen@neverneverlandinbali.com

Diving courses
根據氣候,不同期段有不同的旅遊路線,亦可特別量身打造 –
On the Kudanil Explorer, each Indonesian voyage is a timeless, unforgettable adventure through some of the most remote and beautiful landscapes in the world. Accompanied by expert guides on a vessel built for exploration and designed for comfort, the Kudanil Explorer allows you to tailor your trip of a lifetime through this fascinating archipelago. The vessel follows the monsoon and journeys from East to West to sail in calm seas and avoid rain.
Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Tenggara) is a province of more than 500 islands and an ecoregion high in biodiversity, with rich marine fauna and smoking volcanoes. The region is perhaps best known for the islands of the Komodo national park: here be dragons. We venture beyond Komodo: from the crater lakes of Kelimutu and the terraced rice fields of Detusoko to the picturesque villages and pristine nature of Ngada, we voyage through fjords and relax on deserted beaches, encounter scenery that ranges from arid steppes to gushing waterfalls, experience ikat traditions, local cultural practices and enjoy warm welcomes in rarely-visited places. These are islands lost in time, where centuries-old ancestral cultures can still be experienced today.
The ‘spiceries’ were for centuries the most sought-after islands in the world, capturing the European imagination and inspiring Columbus to undertake his famous journey westward. Relive the Spice Island voyages of adventurers throughout history and discover the best of Wallacea, a region that is a key contributor to the mega-biodiversity of the Indonesian archipelago, a waypoint for migratory birds and marine life. Snorkel in remote waters, see diverse species of birds and set anchor at the legendary Banda Islands, the original source of nutmeg and mace and now home to some of the most resilient coral and breathtaking underwater worlds. Travel back in time among nutmeg and cinnamon plantations and colonial architecture. One of the smallest of the Banda Islands, Pulau Rhun, was ‘exchanged’ by the British in the 17th century for another island at the other side of the world, a place known today as Manhattan.
The unique, endemic flora and fauna of Papua were key to Wallace’s understanding of the evolution of species — he proposed the theory of natural selection at the same time as Darwin, who was motivated to publish after reading Wallace’s reports from Indonesia. This fascinating biodiversity that holds the secret to our existence can still be witnessed today. Experience spectacular diving among pristine coral, magnificent marine life and fascinating historical wrecks. From Raja Ampat to Triton Bay, discover awe-inspiring waterfalls, towering mountains, undisturbed nature, underwater caves, rainforest, beachcombing, mangroves and fjords. Unforgettable hikes and stunning panoramas, karst pinnacles and lagoons, sunsets on picture-perfect deserted beaches await.