<< Noaa Social Dining at Seminyak - 生蠔 - 11:00-23:00 >>

獨特的NOAA特色滿足歐洲和亞洲人喜愛的當代美食。在NOAA,生機勃勃的氛圍和熱情的款待,振奮人心的挑釁性口味,這都使人回頭再來。鄰近W Seminyak,可容納110人。每天16:00至19:00享用新鮮去殼的牡蠣,每隻僅需1.2萬(價位請先詢問餐廳)!將它們與一些雞尾酒配對,是美好的一天。 11:00-23:00

<< Noaa Social Dining at Seminyak – 生蠔 – 11:00-23:00 >>


NOAA是BDC(Beyond Dreams Corporation-迪拜跨國企業集團)控股公司的一部分。獨特的NOAA特色滿足歐洲和亞洲人喜愛的當代美食。在NOAA,生機勃勃的氛圍和熱情的款待,振奮人心的挑釁性口味,這都使人回頭再來。鄰近W Seminyak,可容納110人,在無與倫比的氛圍中享受無與倫比的國際美食,享受令人愉悅的氛圍,享受無可挑剔的服務。


We can’t possibly go very long without heading over to Seminyak’s “Eat Street” (that’s Jl. Petitenget for you newbies), be it to revisit a beloved restaurant or to try a newcomer in the scene. F&B in Bali moves swiftly, to a point where it can get a little overwhelming to keep up with all the latest happenings.

But whenever something new comes around, we always wonder: is it really new or just the same old, recycled concept?

So yes, it was a delight that a recent visit to a relatively new addition to the neighborhood managed to get us all excited again about new restaurants in the Island of the Gods.

我們可能不走很長一段路,而不必前往塞米亞克(Seminyak)的“飲食街”(El Street)(對於新手來說就是Jl。Petitenget)。 巴厘島的餐飲業迅速發展,以跟上所有最新動態的步伐有些不知所措。



Opening in March of last year, NOAA Social Dining is, at first glance, a stunning and vibrant dining spot. Coconuts Bali was recently invited to dine here, and we were pleasantly surprised with our dining experience.

First, let’s talk about the ambience. Here we have a warm space featuring contemporary design, consisting of floor-to-ceiling glass windows and stylish furniture; which honestly reminds us a little of restaurants in Jakarta. One might describe it as “sophisticated,” but the vibe we got was definitely casual enough that anyone should consider checking this place out.

A quick glance at the menu may have you a little confused, because NOAA has got a bit of everything. We’re talking dim sum, sushi rolls and pizzas from the same kitchen here. While the good news is that there’s something to match everyone’s palate, we can’t help but worry (at first) that a lack of culinary focus might be the undoing of this establishment.

去年3月開業的NOAA社交餐廳乍看之下是一個令人驚嘆且生機勃勃的用餐場所。 巴厘島椰子最近被邀請在這裡用餐,我們的用餐經歷令我們感到驚喜。

首先,讓我們談談環境。 在這裡,我們擁有一個溫暖的空間,具有當代設計風格,包括落地玻璃窗和時尚的家具。 老實說,這讓我們想起了雅加達的一些餐館。 有人可能將其描述為“複雜”,但我們得到的共鳴絕對是休閒的,任何人都應該考慮檢查這個地方。

快速瀏覽一下菜單可能會讓您有些困惑,因為NOAA擁有了很多東西。 我們在這裡談論的是點心,壽司捲和比薩餅。 好消息是,每個人的口味都有所不同,但我們不免擔心(一開始),缺乏烹飪重點可能會破壞這家餐廳的地位。

It was Lombok Oysters (IDR160K/US$12) that kicked off our evening meal, and those of you who enjoy slurping on raw oysters will likely find joy here at NOAA as they’ve got quite the fresh and tasty selection, served on ice with sambal matah (raw, spicy shallot salsa) and ponzu sauce. We’re convinced now that everything tastes better with sambal matah, as it should, and the same undoubtedly applies to raw oysters.

Next, the Dragon Roll (IDR99K/US$7.25) — which comprised of tempura prawns, avocado, cucumber and dynamite sauce — was not exactly the best sushi roll we’ve had. The taste was decent, and given the size of the serving we think it’s considerably worth the price; though Coconuts Bali feels their other offerings are much more worth a try — by quite a long shot.

正是隆布克牡蠣(IDR160K / US $ 12)在我們的晚餐上拉開了帷幕,而那些喜歡吃生牡蠣的人可能會在NOAA上找到快樂,因為他們有相當新鮮和美味的選擇,在冰上配上 桑巴馬塔(sambal matah)(生,辣青蔥莎莎醬)和橙子醬。 現在,我們確信,桑巴馬塔(sambal matah)的所有口味都應有的應有盡有,毫無疑問,生蠔也是如此。

接下來,由天婦羅蝦,鱷梨,黃瓜和炸藥醬組成的龍捲(IDR99K / US $ 7.25)並不是我們擁有的最好的壽司卷。 味道還不錯,考慮到份量的大小,我們認為這是相當值得的; 儘管巴厘島椰子認為他們的其他產品更值得一試-相當長的時間。

The next dish was really what set the tone for the rest of the evening for us, and convinced us that NOAA is a standout from its peers on the Petitenget strip. The Chicken Shumai (IDR60K/US$4.4) came with a twist: a soto (traditional Indonesian soup) broth that made a world difference. While the texture of the shumai itself is a lot more firm compared to most shumai we’ve had for dim sum, it goes well with the broth to make for enjoyable bites. The broth itself is savory and a bit on the thick side, and just a little bit spicy — but we believe this might just qualify as a comfort food.

Meanwhile, the Grilled Octopus (IDR105K/US$7.7) was served with roasted peppers, baby leeks, pickled banana blossom and sambal hijau (green chilli paste). This one is pretty pungent, both in flavor and smell, and the smoky flavor blends well with that delicious sambal hijau. We love the texture of our seafood, as it was pleasantly chewy, perhaps a testament to that Western technique blended onto Asian flavors that we were told to expect before we began our dinner.

第二道菜確實為我們在當晚的餘下時間定下了基調,並說服了我們,NOAA在Petitenget大道上的同行中脫穎而出。雞肉燒麥(IDR60K / US $ 4.4)帶有一個轉折:一種soto(印尼傳統湯)湯,在世界範圍內都產生了很大的變化。與大多數點心相比,熟肉本身的質地要牢固得多,但與肉湯搭配時卻能很好地被咬。肉湯本身很咸,有點厚,有點辣-但我們相信這可能只是一種舒適的食物。

同時,烤章魚(IDR105K / US $ 7.7)配以烤辣椒,小韭菜,醃製的香蕉花和三寶辣椒醬(綠辣椒醬)。這一款在味道和氣味上都非常辛辣,煙熏味與那美味的桑巴香j很好地融合在一起。我們喜歡海鮮的質地,因為它令人愉悅地耐嚼,這也許證明了西方技術融合了亞洲風味,這是我們被告知在開始晚餐之前會期望的。

The Salmon (IDR195K/US$14.3) was decidedly not as memorable, but they do it well enough that we think it will please those who prefer this particular fish. NOAA’s salmon dish comes with shiitake mushrooms, baby bok choy, garlic scapes, cashews with hot bean garlic sauce, and a fish skin crisp that we thought took the spotlight.

Everything placed on our table throughout the evening, FYI, was just gorgeous. We’re talking pristine presentation here, along with very stylish plates. If you’re looking to make great food content on Instagram, then NOAA’s got you covered on that front for sure.

鮭魚(IDR195K / US $ 14.3)絕對不那麼令人難忘,但它們做得很好,我們認為它將令喜歡這種特殊魚類的人滿意。 NOAA的三文魚菜包括香菇,小白菜,大蒜花,、腰果和豆角蒜醬,以及我們認為引起人們關注的魚皮酥。

僅供參考,整個晚上擺在我們桌子上的所有東西都很漂亮。 我們在這裡談論原始演示,以及非常時尚的盤子。 如果您想在Instagram上製作精美的食物,那麼NOAA肯定會吸引您。

As for beverages, Coconuts Bali tried a couple off their menu, beginning with the Tangerine Crush (IDR130K/US$9.5), which takes the tart from the tangerine and basil herb aroma, and mixed it with vodka and for a refreshing kick. It wasn’t the most delicious cocktail we’ve had, but given that they have a bunch of other signature cocktails on the menu, there must be something else we’d like if we only tried. The Veg N Nuts milkshake (IDR55K/US$4), on the other hand, is quite a crowd-pleaser as the vanilla ice cream, blended avocado, nuts, milk, honey and cream just makes for a truly satisfying gulp. That is, if you’re not one for too-thick of a milkshake.

至於飲料,巴厘島椰子從菜單上嘗試了幾個,首先是橘子碎(IDR130K / US $ 9.5),它從橘子和羅勒香草的香氣中提取出蛋t,然後將其與伏特加混合在一起,以提神醒腦。 它不是我們吃過的最美味的雞尾酒,但是考慮到菜單上還有很多其他招牌雞尾酒,如果我們嘗試的話,肯定還有其他我們想要的。 另一方面,Veg N Nuts奶昔(IDR55K / US $ 4)頗受大眾歡迎,因為香草冰淇淋,鱷梨,堅果,牛奶,蜂蜜和奶油的混合恰到好處。 也就是說,如果您不是太想喝奶昔的人。

We saved the best for last, and if you’ve stuck around reading all the way then definitely don’t miss out on the glorious Carbonara X.O. Pork Belly Risotto (IDR160K/US$12). When we looked at the ingredients, we can’t help but think of one twist after another, but then we gave it a taste and it’s the sort of comfort you wouldn’t expect. Coconuts Bali, for one, did not think that we could ever liken a risotto to Nasi Tim (Indonesian steamed chicken rice), but that is what we’re reminded of when we took the first bite, and the ones that followed.

我們將最好的東西保存在了最後,如果您一直堅持閱讀,那麼絕對不要錯過光榮的CarbonaraX.O。 豬肚燴飯(IDR160K / US $ 12)。 當我們查看成分時,我們不禁想到了一個又一個的曲折,但是隨後我們給了它一種味道,這是您無法期望的那種舒適感。 巴厘島椰子(B椰子)一家人認為我們無法將它比作Nasi Tim(印尼蒸雞飯)的意大利調味飯,但這是我們想起第一口及之後的食物的地方。

This risotto uses red rice from Tabanan regency, mixed it with slow braised pork belly, parmesan, micro herbs and chili, and topped with an egg yolk for you to mix in yourself. If you stop by NOAA any time soon, do give this dish a go and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

For dessert, we finished things off with Matcha-Misu (IDR90K/US$6.6), NOAA’s own take of green tea tiramisu made of rich custard, vodka matcha syrup and dehydrated meringue shards. Kudos to that gorgeous presentation, even when we weren’t entirely satisfied with how it tasted.

此燴飯使用來自塔巴南攝政區的紅米飯,將其與慢燉的豬肚,帕爾馬干酪,微型香草和辣椒混合,再放上蛋黃,讓您自己混合。 如果您很快就會在NOAA停留,請嘗試一下,希望您能像我們一樣喜歡它。

至於甜品,我們用抹茶Misu(IDR90K / US $ 6.6)完成了事情,NOAA自己取了綠茶提拉米蘇,它由奶油蛋c,伏特加抹茶糖漿和脫水蛋白酥皮製成。 即使我們對它的味道不完全滿意,也應該讚揚這個華麗的演示。

The Banana Chocolate Cake (IDR90K/US$6.6) is a winner, however, and we might have asked for another serving if we weren’t so full already. It was sweet but also light in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you had too much sugar. It’s served with peanut butter, salted caramel gelato, brûléed banana and candied peanuts — all the markings of a lovely finish to what was a memorable meal.

不過,香蕉巧克力蛋糕(IDR90K / 6.6美元)是贏家,如果我們還沒吃飽的話,我們可能會要求再提供一份。 它既甜又輕,不會讓您感到糖分過多。 它搭配花生醬,咸焦糖冰淇淋,烤香蕉和蜜餞花生-所有這些都是令人難忘的一頓美餐。




Add : Jl. Petitenget, No. 2000X, Seminyak

營業時間 : 11:00-23:00

Tel : 0361-9343112

